Criomag Bhidio
Briathran Òran
저긴 어딜까?
– 저긴 어딜까?
저 별의 시작과 끝은 어디일까?
– 저 별의 시작과 끝은 어디일까?
나도 모르겠어
– 나도 모르겠어
그 사이 어딘가쯤에 있지 않을까?
– 그 사이 어딘가쯤에 있지 않을까?
You say you see the starlight in me
– Tha thu a ‘ faicinn solas annam
Shining so bright and pristine
– A ‘ deàrrsadh cho soilleir agus pristine
What about the moments in between?
– Dè mu dheidhinn na h-amannan eadar-dhealaichte?
You said you see the starlight in me
– Tha thu a ‘ faicinn solas annam
What about the black mystery?
– Dè mu dheidhinn black mystery?
What about the moments you don’t see?
– Dè mu dheidhinn na h-amannan nach fhaic thu?
It’s way deeper than what you think
– Tha e tòrr nas duilghe na tha thu a ‘ smaoineachadh
I’m tired of that Novocaine
– Tha Mi sgith ‘ n Fhogar Seo
Put all that shit away (Away)
– Cuir a h-uile dad air falbh (air Falbh)
I wanna feel everything
– ‘S toil leam a h-uile rud
I was just a white, white, white, lie, lie
– Cha robh mi ach geal, geal, geal, a ‘laighe, a’ laighe
Truth comes out in time, time, time, every time
– A ‘ tighinn a-mach ann an àm, àm, àm, a h-uile uair
I know where my soul has been
– Tha fios agam far a bheil m ‘ anam
Now I remember the night
– Is cuimhne leam an oidhche
Remember the night
– Cuimhnich air an oidhche
Now I remember the night
– Is cuimhne leam an oidhche
Remember the night
– Cuimhnich air an oidhche
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
– Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Starlight bright, starlight bright, starlight bright, starlight
– Starlight bright, starlight bright, starlight bright, starlight bright, starlight
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
– Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Starlight bright, starlight bright, starlight bright, starlight
– Starlight bright, starlight bright, starlight bright, starlight bright, starlight
So many after hours
– Uiread an dèidh uairean
I just wanna make my mama prouder
– Tha mi dìreach ag iarraidh a dhèanamh my mom prouder
When the stupid thoughts started getting louder
– Nuair a thòisich na smuaintean gòrach a ‘ fàs nas àirde
Said, “Bitch, chill out,” and took a cold shower
– Thuirt e, “Bitch, fuaraich a-mach,” agus ghabh e fras fuar
Like we gon’ levitate
– Mar a tha sinn a ‘ gon ‘ levitate
Gon’ levitate to the 808
– Thoi trang thu 808
I gravitate to the real, not fake
– Tha mi a ‘ toirt buaidh air an fhìor, chan e breug
And this time, it’s on me
– An uair seo ‘ s e mo leannan
‘Cause I remember the night
– Is cuimhne leam an oidhche
Remember the night
– Cuimhnich air an oidhche
Now I remember the night
– Is cuimhne leam an oidhche
Remember the night
– Cuimhnich air an oidhche
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
– Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Starlight bright, starlight bright, starlight bright, starlight
– Starlight bright, starlight bright, starlight bright, starlight bright, starlight
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
– Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Starlight bright, starlight bright, starlight bright, starlight
– Starlight bright, starlight bright, starlight bright, starlight bright, starlight
Starlight bright, starlight bright, starlight bright, starlight
– Starlight bright, starlight bright, starlight bright, starlight bright, starlight
Starlight bright, starlight bright, starlight bright, starlight
– Starlight bright, starlight bright, starlight bright, starlight bright, starlight
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