Kanye West – PREACHER MAN Gaelic Briathran Òran & Gàidhlig Na H-Alba Eadar-theangachadh

Criomag Bhidio

Briathran Òran

And I
– Agus Mise
—ing that I hold, I—
– – ing gu bheil mi a ‘ cumail, I—
This ring that I hold, I—
– An fhàinne so a tha mise a ‘ cumail, I—
This ring that I hold, I—
– An fhàinne so a tha mise a ‘ cumail, I—
Give to you (To you with love)
– Thug n u thug n me (feat.

Break in, they ain’t let us in (This ring that I hold, I-)
– Briseadh a-steach, cha leig iad a-steach sinn (an fhàinne Seo a chumas mi, I-)
We passed on the settlement (This ring that I hold, I-)
– Chaidh sinn seachad air a ‘tuineachadh (am fàinne seo a tha mi a’ cumail, I-)
This path, I don’t recommend (This ring that I hold, I-)
– An t-slighe seo, chan eil mi a ‘moladh (an fhàinne Seo a tha mi a’ cumail, I-)
We passed what they expected, man (I walk up to the preacher man)
– Chaidh sinn seachad air na bha iad an dùil, a dhuine (bidh mi a ‘ coiseachd suas gu fear an t-searmonaiche)

I go, where they never can (Just to take your lovely hand)
– Bidh mi a ‘ dol, far nach urrainn dhaibh a-riamh (Dìreach airson do làmh àlainn a ghabhail)
I float, I don’t ever land
– Tha mi a ‘seòladh, chan eil mi a-riamh a’ laighe
When it’s dark, you don’t know where you goin’
– ‘Nuair a tha e dorcha, chan eil fios agad càite a bheil thu a’dol.’
Need a light bearer to lead you home (I walk up to the preacher man)
– Tha feum agam air fear-giùlain aotrom gus do stiùireadh dhachaigh (bidh mi a ‘ coiseachd suas chun fhear searmonaiche)
I go, where they never can (Just to take your lovely hand)
– Bidh mi a ‘ dol, far nach urrainn dhaibh a-riamh (Dìreach airson do làmh àlainn a ghabhail)
I float, I don’t ever land (I came to you with love)
– Tha mi a ‘snàmh, chan eil mi a-riamh a’ tighinn air tìr (thàinig mi thugad le gaol)
When it’s dark, you don’t know where you goin’ (I came to you with love)
– ‘Nuair a tha e dorcha, chan eil fios agad càite an tèid thu.’ – neo-aithnichte
Need a light bearer to lead you home
– Feumaidh neach-giùlan aotrom do stiùireadh dhachaigh

Light ’em up, beam me up
– Tog suas mi, tog suas mi
The only G.O.A.T, the genius one
– An t-aon G. O. A. T, an genius aon
They switchin’ sides, I seen it comin’
– ‘S tric a chunnaic mi a’tighinn
The plot twist, a convenient one
– A ‘tionndadh a’ phloc, fear goireasach

Look, nobody finna extort me (I came to you with love)
– Look, nobody finna extort me (thàinig mi thugad le gaol)
Even when they record me, I’ma keep it more G (I came to you with love)
– Fiù ‘ s nuair a chlàraicheas iad mi, tha Mi ga chumail nas g (thàinig mi thugad le gaol)
Hand me a drink ‘fore I get more deep (I came to you with love)
– Thoir dhomh deoch ‘ oir gheibh mi nas doimhne (thàinig mi thugad le gaol)
She hate sports unless she watchin’ from the floor seats
– Tha gràin aice air spòrs mura h-eil i a’ coimhead bho na suidheachain làr
I hate that God didn’t make a couple more of me
– Is fuath Leam Nach do rinn Dia càraid a bharrachd dhòmhsa
And all my haters in the courts, act accordingly
– Agus mo luchd-fuath uile anns na cùirtean, achd a rèir
They imitate the sound, call it forgery (I came to you with love)
– Bidh iad a ‘ dèanamh atharrais air an fhuaim, ga ghairm brisidh (thàinig mi thugad le gaol)
What we doin’ is more important, more importantly
– Tha na tha sinn a’ dèanamh nas cudromaiche, nas cudromaiche
Look where we made it to (I walk up to the preacher man)
– Seall far an do rinn sinn e (i walk up to the preacher man)
Made waves that’s unmakeable (Just to take your lovely hand)
– ‘S Beag an t-iongnadh gun tug thu do làmh (that would take your lovely hand)
Ye will is unbreakable
– Tha sibh neo-bhriste
Broke rules and bent corners in hopes of breaking through (I came to you with love)
– A ‘ briseadh riaghailtean agus oiseanan lùbte an dòchas briseadh troimhe (thàinig mi thugad le gaol)
Basically, went out my way to make a way for you
– Gu h-obann, chaidh mi a-mach air mo shlighe gus slighe a dhèanamh dhut
Basically, we finna take ’em higher places through it
– Gu bunaiteach, tha sinn finna a ‘toirt’ em àiteachan nas àirde troimhe
Way improved, and like a beta, we gon’ stay improvin’
– Mar as trice bidh sinn a’ coimhead nas fheàrr
This the light that’s gon’ illuminate the way we movin’ (I came to you with love)
– Seo an solas a tha gon ‘soillseachadh an t-slighe a tha sinn a’ gluasad ‘ (thàinig mi thugad le gaol)
Trust in me, we going God mode, the theory’s proven
– Earb annam, tha sinn a ‘ dol dia modh, tha an teòiridh air a dhearbhadh

Light ’em up, beam me up
– Tog suas mi, tog suas mi
The only G.O.A.T, the genius one
– An t-aon G. O. A. T, an genius aon
They switchin’ sides, I seen it comin’
– ‘S tric a chunnaic mi a’tighinn
The plot twist, a convenient one
– A ‘tionndadh a’ phloc, fear goireasach

I walk up to the preacher man
– Tha mi ag ionnsachadh gàidhlig
Just to take your lovely hand
– Dìreach airson do làmh àlainn a ghabhail
And give to you
– Agus a thoirt dhuibh
I came to you with love
– Thàinig mi thugad le gaol
I walk up to the preacher man
– Tha mi ag ionnsachadh gàidhlig
Just to take your lovely hand
– Dìreach airson do làmh àlainn a ghabhail
And I came to you with love
– Thàinig mi thugad le gaol

Kanye West


