Criomag Bhidio
Briathran Òran
Only thing matter right now is livin’ right now and I can’t spare no feelings
– Chan eil ach aon rud cudromach an-dràsta livin’ ceart a-nis agus chan urrainn dhomh faireachdainnean a spadadh
Quiet on set, but my aura loud, I navigate through hood shit and wisdom
– Sàmhach air seata, ach mo aura àrd, bidh mi a ‘ seòladh tro shit hood agus gliocas
The money all here, young man, fuck holdin’ your hand, you’ll die broke tryna play victim
– An t-airgead gu lèir an seo, fear òg, fuck holdin’ do làmh, bidh thu a ‘ bàsachadh bhris tryna play victim
The little ideas I told made people go rogue until God did me a big one
– Na smuaintean beaga a dh ‘ innis mi thug air daoine a dhol ro bradain gus An do rinn Dia mi mòr
Reincarnated with love, my Gemini twin back, powerin’ up
– Reincarnated le gaol, mo chàraid Gemini air ais, powerin ‘ suas
No more handshakes and hugs, the energy only circulate through us
– Gun tuilleadh crathadh-làimhe agus hugs, an lùth a-mhàin a ‘ cuairteachadh tro dhuinn
Everybody must be judged
– Feumaidh a h-uile duine breithneachadh
But this time, God only favorin’ us
– Ach an turas seo, tha Dia a-mhàin favorites dhuinn.
Twenty years in, still got that pen dedicated to bare hard truth
– Fichead bliadhna a-steach, fhathast a fhuair am peann sin coisrigte do lom cruaidh fhìrinn
The etiquette speak with a vigilant tongue, the predicate this time is fuck you
– Tha etiquette a ‘bruidhinn le teanga furachail, tha an ro-innse an turas seo a’ f * ck thu
I’m carryin’ heavier hearts right now, I can power lift with Olympians too
– Tha mi a’ faireachdainn nas làidire a-nis, is urrainn dhomh togail cumhachd Le Oiliompaics cuideachd
I’m carryin’ various darts right now, I dessert this bitch like tiramisù
– Tha mi a’ giùlan diofar darts an-dràsta, tha mi a ‘miannachadh a’ ghalla seo mar tiramisù
See, we goin’ body for body, I hand you a body, I’m probably a better masseuse
– Feuch, tha sinn a’ dol corp airson bodhaig, bidh mi a ‘ toirt corp dhut, is dòcha gu bheil mi nam masseuse nas fheàrr
I really don’t bother nobody but they run it by me if I got to clear out the room
– Chan eil mi a ‘ cur dragh air duine sam bith ach bidh iad ga ruith leam ma fhuair mi an seòmar a ghlanadh
You would not get the picture if I had to sit you for hours in front of the Louvre
– Cha gheibheadh tu an dealbh nam biodh agam ri do shuidhe airson uairean a thìde air beulaibh An Louvre
You would not have a soul even if I had told you to stand next to Johnny and Q
– Cha bhiodh anam agad eadhon ged a dh ‘ innis mi dhut seasamh ri Taobh Johnny Agus Q
Started with nothing but government cheese, but now I can seize the government too
– Thòisich mi le dad ach càise riaghaltais, ach a-nis is urrainn dhomh an riaghaltas a ghlacadh cuideachd
Remember the food stamp color was tan and brown, but now the hunnid in blue
– Cuimhnich gun robh dath an stampa bìdh tan agus donn, ach a-nis an hunnid ann an gorm
‘Member I said, “I’m the greatest,” back when you debated the number one and number two?
– ‘Ball thuirt mi, “‘s mise as motha,” air ais nuair a bha thu a ‘ deasbad àireamh a h-aon agus àireamh a dhà?
Topic was always hilarious to me, you carried ’em to me, I brung out the— Christ
– ‘S tric a rinn thu ‘m bàrdachd,