Kunmie – Arike Gaelic Briathran Òran & Gàidhlig Na H-Alba Eadar-theangachadh

Criomag Bhidio

Briathran Òran

Ooh, ooh
– Ooh, ooh
– [[
Ooh, ooh (Ooh)
– Ooh, ooh (Ooh)

Fine girl, girl your body is enough let me have it
– Nighean ghrinn, nighean tha do bhodhaig gu leòr leig dhomh a bhith agam e
See me rushing over you girl, no deny me
– Faic mi a ‘ ruith thairis ort nighean, na diùlt mi
Na fight me I fit go fight for this your loving, hm
– Na bi a ‘sabaid rium tha mi freagarrach a dhol a’ sabaid airson seo do ghràdh, hm
Fine kele, wa pa mi l’ẹkun, have mercy upon me
– Tha mi duilich, tha mi tròcaireach
I know my actions got the worst upon me
– Tha fios agam gun d ‘ fhuair mo ghnìomhan an rud as miosa orm
No go let the devil take this moment from me
– Na leig leis an diabhal am mionaid seo a thoirt bhuam

And out of all of the girls na you first, na you take my heart go
– Agus a-mach às na nigheanan uile … thusa an toiseach, na gabh mo chridhe
If I hear say me I lose on you
– Ma chluinneas mi thu caillidh mi thu
My mistress take all my money and go (Go go)
– Gabh mo chuid airgid gu lèir agus falbh (Go go)
And out of all of the girls na you first, na you take my heart go
– Agus a-mach às na nigheanan uile … thusa an toiseach, na gabh mo chridhe
If I hear say me I cheat on you
– ‘S ma chluinneas mi’n t – òran tha mi’n dùil
My mistress take all my money and go
– Mo mhaighstir a ‘gabhail a h-uile m’ airgead agus a ‘ dol

Oh Ariké oh-ah (Ariké)
– Oh Ariké oh-ah (Ariké)
If you leave me l might die before my time
– Ma dh ‘fhàgas tu mi, is dòcha gum bàsaich mi ro m’ ùine
If you leave me (If you leave o) l might die before the sunset shines in the morning just (Not my head o) before you wake up
– Ma dh ‘fhàgas tu mi (Ma dh’ fhàgas tu o) is dòcha gum bàsaich mi mus tèid a ‘ ghrian fodha sa mhadainn dìreach (Chan e mo cheann o) mus dùisg thu
Oh Ariké oh-ah (Ariké)
– Oh Ariké oh-ah (Ariké)
If you leave me l might die before my time
– Ma dh ‘fhàgas tu mi, is dòcha gum bàsaich mi ro m’ ùine
If you leave me (If you leave o) l might die before the sunset shines in the morning just (Not my head o) before you wake up
– Ma dh ‘fhàgas tu mi (Ma dh’ fhàgas tu o) is dòcha gum bàsaich mi mus tèid a ‘ ghrian fodha sa mhadainn dìreach (Chan e mo cheann o) mus dùisg thu
Oh Ariké oh-ah (Ariké)
– Oh Ariké oh-ah (Ariké)
If you leave me l might die before my time
– Ma dh ‘fhàgas tu mi, is dòcha gum bàsaich mi ro m’ ùine
If you leave me (If you leave o) l might die before the sunset shines in the morning just (Not my head o) before you wake up
– Ma dh ‘fhàgas tu mi (Ma dh’ fhàgas tu o) is dòcha gum bàsaich mi mus tèid a ‘ ghrian fodha sa mhadainn dìreach (Chan e mo cheann o) mus dùisg thu
Oh Ariké oh-ah (Ariké)
– Oh Ariké oh-ah (Ariké)
If you leave me l might die before my time
– Ma dh ‘fhàgas tu mi, is dòcha gum bàsaich mi ro m’ ùine
If you leave me (If you leave o) l might die before the sunset shines in the morning just (Not my head o) before you wake up
– Ma dh ‘fhàgas tu mi (Ma dh’ fhàgas tu o) is dòcha gum bàsaich mi mus tèid a ‘ ghrian fodha sa mhadainn dìreach (Chan e mo cheann o) mus dùisg thu



