LISA – Chill Gaelic Briathran Òran & Gàidhlig Na H-Alba Eadar-theangachadh

Criomag Bhidio

Briathran Òran

Hello, hello, tell me somethin’ that I don’t know
– Halo, innis dhomh rudeigin nach eil fios agam mu dheidhinn
This so-called game is miserable
– Tha an geama seo truagh
Like, “Hmm?” With a question mark
– Mar, ” Hmm?” Le comharra-ceiste
Would he be good enough in the dark?
– A bheil e ceart gu leòr cadal anns an dorchadas?
My drip-drip cost bags-bags
– Mo phocannan cosgais drip-pocannan
I don’t even look at no price tag
– Chan eil mi fiù ‘s a’ coimhead air a ‘ phrìs latha
My whip quick, cause whiplash
– Tha mo chuip luath, ag adhbhrachadh whiplash
First time with me might be the last
– Is dòcha gur e a ‘ chiad uair còmhla rium an tè mu dheireadh

Camera in my face, just call me Mona LISA
– Aankhon mein mere likha hai bhai
Mean what I say, boy, I ain’t gonna tease ya
– Tha mi a ‘ciallachadh, mo leanabh, chan eil mi a’ dol a thòiseachadh
Blame it on the love gone wrong (Yeah, yeah)
– A ‘ tuiteam ann an gaol (yeah, yeah)
Get what I want, and I’m gone (Yeah, yeah)
– Faigh na tha mi ag iarraidh Agus tha mi air falbh (Yeah, yeah)
Ain’t coming back
– Chan eil e a ‘ tighinn air ais
I should warn ya
– Bu chòir dhomh rabhadh a thoirt ya

With a heart so cold, I give you ch-ch-chills (Ooh-ooh)
– Le cridhe cho fuar, bheir mi dhut ch-ch-chills (Ooh-ooh)
With a kiss so cold, from the ice that’s on my grill (Ooh-ooh)
– Le pòg cho fuar, bhon deigh a tha air mo grill (Ooh-ooh)
If it ain’t for fun, I’m runnin’ for the hills
– If it ain’t for fun, tha mi a ‘ ruith airson na beanntan
Only want you for the thrill
– A-mhàin ag iarraidh thu airson an thrill
Come on fast, it won’t last
– Thig air adhart, cha tig e gu crìch
Boy, you need to ch-ch-chill
– Chai chai-chai chai
Ch-ch-chill (Chill)
– Ch-ch-chill (Chill)
Come on fast, it won’t last
– Thig air adhart, cha tig e gu crìch
Boy, you need to ch-ch-chill
– Chai chai-chai chai

Slide, I don’t wanna ruin your night
– ‘S truagh nach do dh’fhuirich mi tioram air an oidhche
I’m like black ice, might lose control of your life
– Tha mi mar deigh dhubh, is dòcha gun caill mi smachd air do bheatha
I’m the storm they warned you about, Category 4
– Is mise an stoirm a thug rabhadh dhut mu Dheidhinn, Roinn 4
Off the roof when you going down
– A-mach às a ‘ bhogsa nuair a thèid thu sìos
Got you wantin’ more, you better chill
– Mar a gheibh thu a-mach a bheil thu a ‘ faireachdainn nas fheàrr

Camera in my face, just call me Mona LISA
– Aankhon mein mere likha hai bhai
Mean what I say, boy, I ain’t gonna tease ya
– Tha mi a ‘ciallachadh, mo leanabh, chan eil mi a’ dol a thòiseachadh
Blame it on the love gone wrong (Yeah, yeah)
– A ‘ tuiteam ann an gaol (yeah, yeah)
Get what I want and I’m gone (Yeah, yeah)
– Faigh na tha mi ag iarraidh Agus tha mi air falbh (Yeah, yeah)
Ain’t coming back
– Chan eil e a ‘ tighinn air ais
I should warn ya
– Bu chòir dhomh rabhadh a thoirt ya

With a heart so cold, I give you ch-ch-chills (Ooh-ooh)
– Le cridhe cho fuar, bheir mi dhut ch-ch-chills (Ooh-ooh)
With a kiss so cold, from the ice that’s on my grill (Ooh-ooh)
– Le pòg cho fuar, bhon deigh a tha air mo grill (Ooh-ooh)
If it ain’t for fun, I’m runnin’ for the hills
– If it ain’t for fun, tha mi a ‘ ruith airson na beanntan
Only want you for the thrill
– A-mhàin ag iarraidh thu airson an thrill
Come on fast, it won’t last
– Thig air adhart, cha tig e gu crìch
Boy, you need to ch-ch-chill
– Chai chai-chai chai
Ch-ch-chill (Chill)
– Ch-ch-chill (Chill)
Come on fast, it won’t last
– Thig air adhart, cha tig e gu crìch
Boy, you need to ch-ch-chill
– Chai chai-chai chai

Get a taste before I go (Oh, oh, oh)
– Take a taste before I go (before I go)
Take a picture for the road (Oh, oh, oh)
– Take a picture for tha road (oh)
Thought I gotta let you know (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
– Tha mi a ‘ smaoineachadh gum bu chòir dhomh innse Dhut (oh, oh)
Don’t get too close
– Don’t reach far

You need to ch-ch-chill
– Chai chai-chai
Ch-ch-chill (Oh, oh, oh)
– Ch-ch-chill (Oh, oh)
Come on fast, it won’t last
– Thig air adhart, cha tig e gu crìch
Boy, you need to ch-ch-chill
– Chai chai-chai chai
Ch-ch-chill (Oh, oh, oh)
– Ch-ch-chill (Oh, oh)
Come on fast, it won’t last
– Thig air adhart, cha tig e gu crìch
Boy, you need to ch-ch-chill
– Chai chai-chai chai



