Criomag Bhidio
Briathran Òran
Yeah, yah
– ‘S dòcha’ s e àm
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
– Tha, tha, tha, tha, tha, tha
Yeah (Yeah), um
– Bha (yes), um
On Fourth Street, the orphan children play on the jungle gym
– Air A ‘Cheathramh Sràid, bidh clann dìlleachdan a’ cluich air gym an jungle
Little Timmy broke his arm again on the monkey bars
– Bhris Timmy beag a ghàirdean a – rithist air na bàraichean muncaidh
Johnny’s dad got a nicer car than all the other kids
– Johnny s dad got a nicer car na h-uile clann eile
He becomes the alpha and picks on everybody else
– Bidh e a ‘fàs na alpha agus a’ togail air a h-uile duine eile
Max protects Claire from all the bullies
– Tha Max a ‘ dìon Claire bho na burraidhean gu lèir
Claire always wish she was as pretty as Julie
– Tha Claire an-còmhnaidh ag iarraidh gum biodh I cho breagha Ri Julie
The boys always chase Julie around the sandbox
– Bidh na balaich an-còmhnaidh a ‘ruith Julie timcheall a’ bhogsa-gainmhich
Claire just waits ’til she gets picked up by her grandpa
– Claire dìreach a ‘ feitheamh gus an tèid i a thogail suas le a grandpa
All of this before the brainwash starts
– Seo uile mus tòisich an brainwash
Before they get polluted, start thinkin’ like adults
– Mus faigh iad truailleadh, tòisich a ‘ smaoineachadh mar inbhich
Life is fantasy and somersaults then
– Beatha agus an uair sin fantasy
Before the world tear apart imagination
– Gus an saoghal a thilgeil às a chèile mac-meanmna
Before there were rules, before there were limits
– Mus robh riaghailtean ann, mus robh crìochan ann
Your only enemies were (Want some Brussels sprouts and spinach?)
– Do nàimhdean a-mhàin a bha (Ag Iarraidh cuid A ‘ Bhruiseal sprouts agus spinach?)
Me, I used to want to be a wizard, when did life get so serious?
– B ‘ àbhaist dhomh a bhith nam draoidheachd, cuin a bha beatha cho dona?
Whatever happened to apple juice and cartwheels?
– Dè thachair do apple juice agus carwheels?
Whatever happened to apple juice and cartwheels?
– Dè thachair do apple juice agus carwheels?
– Abracadabra
– Abracadabra
Abra-cadabra (Hahaha)
– Abra-cadabra (Hahaha)
– Abracadabra
– Vadacadous
– Excelsior