Criomag Bhidio
Briathran Òran
Did no one ever teach you how to dance?
– Nach do theagaisg duine dhut mar a nì thu dannsa?
Nobody ever taught you how to dance?
– A bheil duine air teagasg dhut mar a nì thu dannsa?
Well—well, everyone knows how to dance
– Tha fios aig a h—uile duine mar a nì thu dannsa
There’s only so much time
– Chan eil ach ùine
Yeah, somebody died today, I
– Yeah, bhàsaich cuideigin an-diugh, I
I saw his picture in the funny papers
– Chunnaic mi an dealbh aige anns na pàipearan èibhinn
Didn’t think anybody died on a Friday
– Cha robh duine air bàsachadh air an t-seachdain sa chaidh
Some angry banker, some kind of money trader
– Bancair feargach, neach-malairt airgid de sheòrsa air choreigin
Recently divorced, was drunk drivin’ down the highway
– An-diugh, tha i air a bhith a ‘ dràibheadh sìos an t-sràid
And drove off the bridge to his wedding song
– A ‘dol a-mach às a’ ghàrradh airson a ‘ ghàrraidh
Blew out the bass in his speakers, you can still hear the treble goin’ (Treble goin’)
– Mar a chluicheas tu geamannan bhidio air-loidhne
The hospital was useless, and everything was quiet but the music
– Bha an t-ospadal gun fheum, agus bha a h-uile càil sàmhach ach an ceòl
Recently, I only meet peace when in deep sleep
– O chionn ghoirid, chan eil mi a ‘ coinneachadh ach ri sìth nuair a tha mi ann an cadal domhainn
Been the same dream, world safe, smile on her face
– Air a bhith an aon aisling, an t-saoghail sàbhailte, gàire air a h-aodann
Waitin’ on the other side (The other side)
– A ‘ feitheamh air an taobh eile (the other side)
I wonder if He’ll take me to the other side (The other side), yeah
– Tha mi a ‘ smaoineachadh gun toir E mi chun taobh eile (An taobh eile), seadh
What your eyes see, too naive for war, and that’ll screw ya
– Na tha do shùilean a ‘ faicinn, ro naive airson cogadh, agus sgriosaidh sin ya
Still bet it all on the glory, hallelujah
– Fhathast a ‘geall air a’ ghlòir, halleluiah
I heard the answer in the gibberish of an old drunk
– Chuala mi an t-òran aig dòmhnall ruadh chorùna
All he said was he’s in no rush
– Na h-uile a thuirt e bha e ann an cabhag sam bith
If I could just pay my rent by Tuesday
– Nam b ‘ urrainn dhomh mo mhàl a phàigheadh ro dhimàirt
I bet I’d be rich by April Fools’ day
– ‘Is dòcha gum bi mi beairteach’ le latha April Fools
The moon’s wide awake, with a smile on his face
– Tha a ‘ ghealach farsaing dùsgadh, le gàire air aodann
As he smuggle constellations in his suitcase
– Mar a dh ‘fhosglas tu aplacaidean air a’ choimpiutair
Don’t you love silence? (Silence)
– A bheil gaol agad air sàmhchair? (Sàmhchair)
Everything quiet but the music (Music)
– A h-uile rud sàmhach ach an ceòl (Ceòl)
Everything quiet but the music
– A h-uile rud sàmhach ach an ceòl
Do you love silence? (Ooh)
– A bheil gaol agad air sàmhchair? (Ooh)
Everything quiet but the music
– A h-uile rud sàmhach ach an ceòl
(Hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo-hoo, hoo)
– (Hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo, hoo)
Somebody gave birth to a baby boy
– Rugadh leanabh gille
I saw his picture in the funny papers
– Chunnaic mi an dealbh aige anns na pàipearan èibhinn
Eleven pounds, named after his uncle Gabriel
– 11 òganaich uir a rinn m ‘ uncail
His mother cried with her lips against his soft face (Soft face)
– Bha a mhàthair a ‘ caoineadh le a bilean an aghaidh aodann bog (aodann Bog)
Why’d she bring these bright eyes into this dark place?
– Carson a thug i na sùilean soilleir seo a-steach don àite dhorcha seo?
Oh, sweet, sweet oblivion
– Oh dear oh dear oblivion
Way before the information gets settled in
– Gus am bi an t-eòlas air a rèiteachadh ann an
I swear to God I never wanna sin again
– Tha Mi a ‘ mionnachadh Ri Dia nach eil mi airson peacachadh a-rithist
But I fear that trouble’s on its way (Yeah)
– Ach tha eagal orm gu bheil trioblaid air a shlighe (Yeah)
The mind go with age, don’t surrender
– An inntinn a ‘ dol le aois, na gèill
My mistake, I misplaced all of my remembers
– Mo mhearachd, chaill mi mo chuimhn ‘ air fad
Baby, there’s a little vacation in the dresser
– Leanabh, tha beagan saor-làithean anns an dreasair
Take one for depression, and two for your temper
– Gabh aon airson trom-inntinn, agus dhà airson do temper
If I could just pay my rent by Tuesday
– Nam b ‘ urrainn dhomh mo mhàl a phàigheadh ro dhimàirt
I bet I’d be rich by April Fools’ day
– ‘Is dòcha gum bi mi beairteach’ le latha April Fools
The moon’s wide awake, with a smile on his face
– Tha a ‘ ghealach farsaing dùsgadh, le gàire air aodann
As he smuggle constellations in his suitcase
– Mar a dh ‘fhosglas tu aplacaidean air a’ choimpiutair
Don’t you love silence?
– A bheil gaol agad air sàmhchair?
Oh shit, here come the icebreaker
– Hell come tha icebreaker
It’s danger when he’s bringin’ out the lightsaber
– Tha e cunnartach nuair a tha e a ‘ toirt a-mach an lightsaber
The words awesome but he’s talkin’ outta turn often
– Tha na faclan uamhasach ach tha e a ‘bruidhinn’ a-mach à tionndadh gu tric
I blew the fuck up, then became the world’s problem
– Shèid mi am fuck suas, an uairsin thàinig duilgheadas an t-saoghail
Bad hygiene, all about that gross life
– Droch shlàinteachas, uile mu dheidhinn sin beatha iomlan
Hate to see somebody fuckin’ up their own life (Their own life)
– Tha e duilich a bhith a ‘faicinn cuideigin a ‘fuckin’ up your own life (Your own life)
Just roll the dice, put a twenty on midnight
– Dìreach roiligeadh na dìsnean, cuir fichead air meadhan-oidhche
Have a feelin’ we gon’ win tonight (Win tonight)
– Tha sinn a ‘ buannachadh a-nochd (win tonight)
‘Cause when the snakes start slitherin’, you spot the chameleons
– ‘Nuair a thòisicheas na nathraichean a’ slaodadh, chì thu na chameleons
You realize you surrounded by reptilians (‘Tilians)
– Tha thu a ‘ tuigsinn gu bheil thu air do chuairteachadh le reptilians (‘Tilians)
Shit, I ain’t an innovator, just a motherfuckin’ illustrator (Illustrator)
– Chan eil mi nam neach-tionnsgain, dìreach dealbhadair fucking (Illustrator)
Why does it matter
– Carson a tha e cudromach
At all? Oh, woah, woah
– Ceart gu leòr? Tha, tha, tha