Criomag Bhidio
Briathran Òran
Uh, Josh (Yes?)
– ‘S Mise Josh.)
Knock, knock (Who’s there?)
– Knock, knock (Cò tha ann?))
Rick Rubin (Rick Rubin who?)
– Rick Rubin (Rick Rubin) cò ris a tha e coltach?)
Rick Rubin’s piano (Ayy), alright (Yes)
– Rick Rubin’s piano (Ayy), ceart gu leòr (Tha)
Enough fuckin’ around (Okay)
– Fuckin ‘ air adhart (Okay)
– Yeah
Yeah (Yeah, yeah), wake up (Wake up)
– Tha mi ag èirigh (i am awake)
Open up your eyes, I told you wake up (Wake up)
– Dh’èirich mi moch, b ‘ àbhaist dhomh èirigh (I saw you)
All of y’all are still bitches, but
– Tha a h-uile dad a ‘ coimhead brèagha, ach
A smile just in place of your make up (Your make up)
– Smile dìreach an àite do dhèanamh suas (do dhèanamh suas)
The best is yet to come (Yeah)
– Tha an rud as fheàrr fhathast ri thighinn (Yeah)
(What?) Yeah (What?)
– (Dè?) Yeah (Dè?)
E.T.’s not dead, he’s just a little bit faded
– Chan eil e marbh, tha e beagan fadalach
Please don’t give me any credit, that’s how people get jaded
– Na gabh dragh, is e seo an dòigh as fhasa air daoine a thàladh
Please don’t nod your head, and please don’t tell me I made it
– Na cuir dragh air do cheann agus na innis dhomh gun do rinn mi e
‘Cause people start to get worse once they think they the greatest (The greatest; Be patient)
– ‘Adhbhar bidh daoine a’ tòiseachadh a ‘fàs nas miosa aon uair’ s gu bheil iad a ‘ smaoineachadh gur iad as motha (an fheadhainn as motha; Bi foighidneach)
The best is yet to come (The best is yet to come), yeah (Yeah)
– Tha an rud as fheàrr fhathast ri thighinn (tha an rud as fheàrr fhathast ri thighinn)
I told her, “It get better soon”
– Thuirt mi rithe, ” fàsaidh E nas fhearr a dh’aithghearr”
I probably shoulda told her when she was in a better mood
– Is dòcha gum bu chòir dhomh innse dhi nuair a bha i ann am faireachdainn nas fheàrr
She lookin’ at me like, “Anyone, except for you”
– Tha i a ‘coimhead orm mar, ” Duine sam bith, ach thusa”
I had to go to California, she wished that I never moved
– Bha Mi a ‘ Dol Gu California, bha i airson nach do ghluais mi a-riamh
Said, “Baby, the best is yet to come,” yeah (The best is yet to come)
– Thuirt E, “Pàisde, tha an rud as fheàrr fhathast ri thighinn,” seadh (tha an rud as fheàrr fhathast ri thighinn)
I wonder if the blind mice even wanna see
– N’fheadar am faiceadh na luchagan dall fiù ‘ s
I wonder if a deaf father ever hear his daughter scream (Scream)
– Tha mi a ‘faighneachd an cluinn athair bodhar a nighean a-riamh a’ sgreuchail (Scream)
Is there a heaven? Can you see the god in me? I don’t know, probably
– A bheil nèamh ann? Am faic thu an dia annam? Chan eil fios agam, is dòcha
But for now we’ll keep waitin’ (Waitin’)
– Ach airson a-nis tha sinn a’ feitheamh
‘Cause the best is yet to come, yeah (The best is yet to come)
– Tha an rud as fheàrr fhathast ri thighinn (yeah, tha an rud as fheàrr fhathast ri thighinn)
And, I wonder if the truth come with a song
– Agus, n’fheadar an tig an fhìrinn le òran
And if it do, will we ever get to sing along?
– Ma tha, am bi sinn a ‘ seinn còmhla?
Spend her paycheck on that lingerie, she scared to put it on
– A ‘ caitheamh a h-paycheck air an lingerie sin, bha eagal oirre a chuir air
She never let her boyfriend see her in a thong, but
– Cha leig i a-riamh a leannan fhaicinn ann an thong, ach
The best is yet to come (The best is yet to come)
– Tha an rud as fheàrr fhathast ri thighinn (the best is yet to come)
I shot myself on my birthday, fell into the ocean
– Thuit mi nam chadal, thuit mi nam chadal
Listened to their voices, I was lost in the commotion
– Bha mi air mo dhòigh-I was lost in the commotion
None of us are chosen, I forgive ’em for their ignorance, but
– Cha-n’eil neach air bith air a thaghadh, maitheanas dhoibh air son an aineolais, ach
What’s a man gotta do for a little bliss? (Fuck the future)
– Dè bu chòir do dhuine a dhèanamh airson beagan spòrs? (Get tha future)
The best is yet to come (The best is yet to come)
– Tha an rud as fheàrr fhathast ri thighinn (the best is yet to come)
What does death feel like?
– Ciamar a tha bàs a ‘ faireachdainn?
What does, what does death feel like? Oh, oh my God
– Dè tha bàs a ‘ ciallachadh? Oh Dear God
What does death feel like?
– Ciamar a tha bàs a ‘ faireachdainn?
I wonder, what does death feel like? Oh my, my God
– Saoil, cò ris a tha bàs coltach? Oh Dear God
What does death feel like?
– Ciamar a tha bàs a ‘ faireachdainn?
What does, what does death feel like? (Oh) Yeah
– Dè tha bàs a ‘ ciallachadh? (Oh) Tha
Why does death steal life?
– Carson a tha bàs a ‘ goid beatha?
Why does, why does death steal life? Oh, oh my God
– Carson a tha bàs a ‘ goid beatha? Oh Dear God
Why does death steal life?
– Carson a tha bàs a ‘ goid beatha?
Why does, why does death steal life? Oh my, my God
– Carson a tha bàs a ‘ goid beatha? Oh Dear God
Why does death steal light?
– Carson a tha bàs a ‘ goid solas?
Why does, why does death steal light? Oh my God
– Carson, carson a tha bàs a ‘ goid solas? O mo Dhia
Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God
– Oh Dear God, Oh Dear God
Oh my God, oh my God, oh, oh, my, my
– O Mo Dhia, o Mo Dhia, o, mo Dhia, mo
Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God
– Oh Dear God, Oh Dear God
Oh, oh, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah
– O, tha mi ag iarraidh, tha mi ag iarraidh, tha mi ag iarraidh
Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God
– Oh Dear God, Oh Dear God
My, my, my, my, my
– Tha, tha, tha, tha, tha, tha, tha, tha