Criomag Bhidio
Briathran Òran
Don’t be afraid to put your two cents in
– Don’t be eagal gu faigh thu a dhà uimhir
Might not be able to afford anything, but
– Comasach air ni sam bith a thoirt seachad, ach
I’m always up for a bargain
– I am always up for a chair
The dragons are flying south for the winter
– Tha na dragain ag itealaich gu deas airson a ‘ gheamhraidh
They don’t like cold weather either
– Cha toigh leis an t-sìde fuar
Okay, I was drivin’ up to Shangri-La to get my meditation on
– Bha Mi A ‘ dol A Dhraibheadh Gu Shangri-La gus mo mheòrachadh fhaighinn
I was thinkin’ Lamb of God, she was thinkin’ Saint Laurent
– Bha Mi a’ smaoineachadh Air Uan Dhè, bha i a ‘ smaoineachadh Air Naomh Laurent
She sell the pussy on Millionaire’s Avenue
– Bidh i a ‘reic a’ pussy Air Millionaire’S Avenue
Paper’s not the problem, spendin’ money always casual
– Chan e airgead a th’ ann, is e airgead a th ‘ ann an tasgadh
Why do you whine like your last name was Rothschild?
– Carson a tha an t-ainm Mu dheireadh Agad mar as trice?
Life been a bitch ever since they let me out the doghouse
– Tha beatha air a bhith na bitch a-riamh bho leig iad a-mach mi an doghouse
No mercy for the docile, flow is hostile but don’t sleep
– Chan eil dad ceàrr air a bhith a ‘dùsgadh, chan eil cadal a’ tighinn gu crìch
The codeine came back to get me high again
– Thàinig an t-acras orm a-rithist
Just how super is a supermodel? (Oh)
– Dè cho mòr ‘ sa tha supermodel? (Oh)
Just how super is a supermodel? (Oh)
– Dè cho mòr ‘ sa tha supermodel? (Oh)
This the house of the risin’ sun, a village so unusual
– ‘S e baile beag annasach a th’ ann an risin’s sun, a village so unusual
If I die young, promise to smile at my funeral
– Ma gheibh mi bàs òg, gealladh gun dèan mi gàire aig an tiodhlacadh agam
Yeah, it’s just a rule to follow
– Chan eil ann ach riaghailt ri leantainn
If you’re lax, you can lose tomorrow
– Ma tha thu lax, faodaidh tu call a-màireach
Yeah, I am getting ready to sign my life away (My life away)
– Tha mi airson mo bheatha a thoirt air falbh (My life away)
The weather’s nice today, what a perfect day to die (Day to die)
– ‘S e latha math a th’ ann an-diugh, ‘ s e latha brèagha a th ‘ann
She’d kill herself, but she’d rather get married
– Tha i a ‘dol a phòsadh, ach’ s fheàrr leatha a bhith pòsta
There’s coconut vodka, but she’d rather have cherry (Have cherry)
– Is fheàrr leatha cherry (she would prefer cherry)
I wish my drug dealer took the Amex (The Amex)
– Tha mi a ‘ guidhe gun do ghabh an neach-reic dhrogaichean Agam Amex (Amex)
Can’t find my debit card
– Chan urrainn dhomh mo chairt fiach a lorg
I told her, “Meet me by the Annex” (The Annex)
– Thuirt mi rithe, ” Coinnich rium Leis An Iar-Leasachan” (Annex)
We can get high by the reservoir (Reservoir)
– ‘S urrainn dhuinn a dhol dhan bhùth mhòr (We can get high by the reservoir)
Oh my goodness, girl, you a milkshake, extra large (Extra large)
– O mo dhia, a nighean, tha thu a ‘ milkshake, a bharrachd mòr (Extra big)
No, you shouldn’t, you said it’d never get this far (Get this far)
– Chan eil, cha bu chòir dhut, thuirt thu nach fhaigheadh e cho fada seo (Faigh cho fada seo)
Do you have an extra ticket to the seminar?
– A bheil taic a bharrachd agad airson an t-seiminear?
Show me where all the old records are
– Seall dhomh far a bheil na seann chlàran uile
She got a brand new dinette set, but she still don’t know how to set the table
– Fhuair i seata dinette ùr, ach chan eil fios aice fhathast ciamar a shuidhicheas i am bòrd
I told her that this feelin’ ’bout as good as it gets
– Thuirt mi rithe gu bheil seo a’ faireachdainn cho math ‘ s a gheibh e
Shit, that bitch so unstable
– Shit, an soitheach sin cho neo-sheasmhach
And just how super is a supermodel?
– Agus dìreach dè cho mòr ‘ sa tha supermodel?
Just how super is a supermodel?
– Dè cho mòr ‘ sa tha supermodel?
This the house of the risin’ sun, a village so unusual
– ‘S e baile beag annasach a th’ ann an risin’s sun, a village so unusual
If I die young, promise to smile at my funeral
– Ma gheibh mi bàs òg, gealladh gun dèan mi gàire aig an tiodhlacadh agam
Yeah, it’s just a rule to follow
– Chan eil ann ach riaghailt ri leantainn
If you’re lax, you can lose tomorrow
– Ma tha thu lax, faodaidh tu call a-màireach