Criomag Bhidio
Briathran Òran
Hold on
– Cùm air
‘Cause maybe I’m doin’ this wrong
– ‘Adhbhar is dòcha gu bheil mi a’ dèanamh seo ceàrr
Hold on, baby, sit up, put your ass in my palms
– Suidh, suidh, agus suidh air mo ghlùinean
And your trust in my arms tonight (Oh yeah, yeah, yeah)
– Agus do dhòchas ann mo ghàirdeanan a-nochd (Oh yeah, yeah, yeah)
Ain’t worried ’bout my pride
– ‘S gun chùram air mo ghruaidh
I’d rather get it right than wrong tonight (Okay, oh yeah)
– B ‘ fheàrr leam fhìn gun tigeadh an oidhche (i would rather be after the tonight)
You got me thinkin’ deeper (Deeper)
– Thug n u thug n me (Deeper)
Deeper (Deeper), deeper, deeper than I like
– Nas doimhne (deeper), nas doimhne, nas doimhne na is toigh leam
I do what I did with you that night (That night, that night, that night)
– Rinn mi na rinn mi ort an oidhche sin (Air an oidhche sin, air an oidhche sin, air an oidhche sin)
I watched you hit that 42 like it’s Sprite (Oh)
– Tha mi a ‘faicinn gu bheil thu a’ bualadh gu bheil 42 mar Sprite (Oh)
That nigga don’t know what he doin’ so you told me, “Keep it quiet”
– Chan eil fios aig an nigga sin dè a nì e ‘mar sin thuirt thu rium, ” Cùm sàmhach”
Since he don’t know your desires like I do
– Chan eil fios aige air na miannan agad mar a nì mi
– Shit
You love when I fuck you from the back, but I wanna see your face right now (Right now)
– Tha gaol agam ort nuair a bhios mi gad fuck bhon chùl, ach tha mi airson d ‘ aghaidh fhaicinn an-dràsta (Ceart a-nis)
I know that he ain’t hittin’ on nothin’ ’cause you’re comin’ to my place right now (Right now)
– Tha fios agam nach eil e a’ bualadh air nothin’ adhbhar gu bheil thu a ‘tighinn chun àite agam an-dràsta (Ceart a-nis)
Ain’t tryna let shit go, I’ll let you down, down
– Chan eil tryna leig le shit falbh, leigidh mi sìos thu
6K a month, stay downtown, ma
– 6K gach mìos, fuirich sìos, ma
I’m tryna keep you around, babe
– Tha mi tryna gad chumail timcheall, babe
This love, I really found her
– An gaol seo, lorg mi gu mòr i
Can’t get it off, I know where you found it
– Chan urrainn dhomh a lorg, tha fios agam far a bheil e
Then, then I wanna be your favorite again (Oh)
– An uairsin tha mi airson a bhith nad neach as fheàrr leat a-rithist (Oh)
Let’s reconnect on the jet on the way to where I live (Yeah)
– Bidh sinn ag ath-cheangal air an jet air an t-slighe chun àite far a bheil mi a ‘ fuireach (Yeah)
Give you a second to get ready, and we right back in the action
– Thoir diog dhut airson ullachadh, agus tillidh sinn air ais anns a ‘ ghnìomh
I’m tryna practice what I’m preachin’, baby
– I am tryna practice what I am preachin’, baby
Hold on
– Cùm air
‘Cause maybe I’m doin’ this wrong
– ‘Adhbhar is dòcha gu bheil mi a’ dèanamh seo ceàrr
Hold on, baby, sit up, put your ass in my palms (And what?)
– Suidh suas, cuir do asal anns na basan agam (agus dè?))
And your trust in my arms tonight (Yeah, oh yeah, yeah, yeah)
– Agus do dh ‘ earbsa nam ghàirdeanan a-nochd (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Ain’t worried ’bout my pride (Ain’t worried ’bout my pride)
– Chan eil dragh orm ‘ bout mo phròis ‘(Chan eil dragh orm)
I’d rather get it right (I’d rather get it right), than wrong tonight (Than wrong tonight)
– B ‘ fheàrr leam a bhith ceart (i would prefer to be right), na bhith ceàrr a-nochd (Than wrong tonight)
You got me thinkin’ deeper (Deeper)
– Thug n u thug n me (Deeper)
Deeper (Deeper), deeper (Deeper), deeper than I like
– Nas doimhne (deeper), nas doimhne (Deeper), nas doimhne na is toigh leam
I do what I did with you that night (That night)
– Rinn mi na rinn mi ort an oidhche sin (Air an oidhche sin)