Criomag Bhidio
Briathran Òran
There’s a sound like a drum echoin’
– Tha fuaim mar echoin’
When the high from your love’s kickin’ in
– Mar a gheibh thu a-mach a bheil do ghràdh a’ tuiteam ann an gaol
And it hits like the Holy Ghost
– Agus tha e a ‘ bualadh mar An Spiorad Naomh
A million mile an hour wind
– A million mile an hour air
Pour some fuel on the floor, make a fire
– Thoir beagan connadh air an làr, dèan teine
Strike a match, light the flame of desire
– Tog lasair, tog lasair a ‘ mhiann
Keep me warm, ’cause this town is cold
– Cùm blàth mi, ‘ adhbhar gu bheil am baile seo fuar
All night long
– Fad na h-oidhche
You make the spot light up wherever we are
– Bidh thu a ‘ dèanamh an spot aotrom suas ge bith càite a bheil sinn
All night, we’re magnetically charged
– A h-uile oidhche, tha sinn air ar gearradh gu magnetach
Lightning couldn’t strike us apart
– Cha b ‘urrainn do dhòmhnall a’ chùis a dhèanamh oirnn
You got me dancin’ to the beat of your heart
– ‘S tu thog mi’n cuan
True love in a city of lies
– Fìor ghràdh ann am breug
Get lost when I look in your eyes
– A ‘ dol air chall nuair a choimheadas mi nad shùilean
Lightning couldn’t strike us apart
– Cha b ‘urrainn do dhòmhnall a’ chùis a dhèanamh oirnn
You got me dancin’ to the beat of your heart
– ‘S tu thog mi’n cuan
Pleadin’ guilty, I’m not innocent
– Gàidhlig-cha bhithinn às a h-aonais!: chan eil mi ciontach
If the crime is your love, let me sin
– Mas e an eucoir do ghràdh, leig leam peacadh
Prayin’ nobody saves my soul
– Chan eil duine a ‘sàbhaladh m’ anam
Oh, no
– O, chan eil
Spin me around, take me up, take me down, high and low
– Tog mi, tog mi, tog mi, tog mi, tog mi, àrd, ìosal
Spin me around, lift me up off the ground, don’t let go
– Tog suas mi, na cuir dragh orm
All night long
– Fad na h-oidhche
You make the spot light up wherever we are
– Bidh thu a ‘ dèanamh an spot aotrom suas ge bith càite a bheil sinn
All night, we’re magnetically charged
– A h-uile oidhche, tha sinn air ar gearradh gu magnetach
Lightning couldn’t strike us apart
– Cha b ‘urrainn do dhòmhnall a’ chùis a dhèanamh oirnn
You got me dancin’ to the beat of your heart
– ‘S tu thog mi’n cuan
True love in a city of lies
– Fìor ghràdh ann am breug
Get lost when I look in your eyes
– A ‘ dol air chall nuair a choimheadas mi nad shùilean
Lightning couldn’t strike us apart
– Cha b ‘urrainn do dhòmhnall a’ chùis a dhèanamh oirnn
You got me dancin’ to the beat of your heart
– ‘S tu thog mi’n cuan
You got me dancin’, I’m dancin’, to the beat of your heart
– Tha mi a’ dannsa, tha mi a ‘ dannsa, gu buille do chridhe
You got me dancin’, I’m dancin’, to the beat of your heart
– Tha mi a’ dannsa, tha mi a ‘ dannsa, gu buille do chridhe
You got me dancin’, I’m dancin’, to the beat of your heart
– Tha mi a’ dannsa, tha mi a ‘ dannsa, gu buille do chridhe
You got me dancin’, to the beat of your heart
– ‘S tu thogadh suas mi ‘n dràsd’