Criomag Bhidio
Briathran Òran
Hi, do you wanna be perfect?
– Halo, a bheil thu airson a bhith foirfe?
Do you wanna be sexy?
– A bheil thu airson a bhith sexy?
Do you wanna live up to completely unrealistic standards set by the current landscape of social media?
– A bheil thu airson a bhith a ‘ fuireach suas ri inbhean gu tur neo-phractaigeach a tha air an suidheachadh le cruth-tìre làithreach nam meadhanan sòisealta?
Oh, wow, do we have the product for you!
– Wow, tha an artaigil againn dhut!
Now for six easy payments of only a hundred thirty-nine dollars, these—
– A-nis airson sia pàighidhean furasta de dìreach ceud trithead ‘ s a naoi dollars, iad sin—
What? Hey, hey
– Dè? Hey, hey ann
Hey, hey, what are– what are you doing?
– Dè tha thu a ‘ dèanamh?– what are you doing?
Hey, don’t turn that off, just give me my mic
– Na gabh dragh, dìreach cuir fòn thugam
Hang on, hang on
– Hang, hang air
No more of the unrealistic standards of perfect
– Gun a bhith a ‘ toirt barrachd air na h-ìrean neo-phractaigeach
It’s so boring
– Tha e boring
Actually, just be exactly who you are
– Gu fìrinneach, dìreach bi dìreach cò thu
There’s literally no one like you
– Gu litearra chan eil duine mar thusa