Selena Gomez – Don’t Take It Personally Gaelic Briathran Òran & Gàidhlig Na H-Alba Eadar-theangachadh

Criomag Bhidio

Briathran Òran

I know the two of you used to talk like every day
– Tha fios agam gum b ‘àbhaist don dithis agaibh a bhith a’ bruidhinn mar a h-uile latha
And ever since I came around, it hasn’t been the same
– Agus bho thàinig mi timcheall, chan eil e air a bhith mar an ceudna
You probably got a dart board with my face right in the middle
– Is dòcha gun d ‘fhuair thu bòrd dart le m’ aodann ceart sa mheadhan
He sleeps in my bed, I met his parents, it’s official
– Tha e a ‘ cadail anns an leabaidh agam, choinnich mi ri a phàrantan, tha e oifigeil

Please don’t take it personally
– Na gabh e gu pearsanta
Some things are just meant to be
– Tha cuid de rudan dìreach airson a bhith
Don’t waste all your energy
– Na caill a h-uile lùth agad
We both know that he loves me
– Tha fios aig an dithis againn gu bheil gaol aige orm
Oh honey, you deserve it
– Oh dear, i deserve it tha thu airidh air
I know you’re gonna find somebody perfect
– Tha fios agam gum bi thu a ‘ lorg cuideigin sònraichte
Please don’t take it personally
– Na gabh e gu pearsanta
Some things are just meant to be
– Tha cuid de rudan dìreach airson a bhith

You’re so beautiful, it’s still hard for me to swallow
– Tha thu cho brèagha / tha e fhathast duilich dhomh a shlugadh
I used to get so jealous, I would stress eat, drown my sorrows
– B ‘àbhaist dhomh a bhith cho eudmhor, bhithinn a’ cur cuideam air ithe, a ‘ bàthadh mo bhròn
In a bottle of vodka
– Ann am botail vodka
And then I remembered that he doesn’t want ya
– Agus an uairsin tha mi a ‘ cuimhneachadh nach eil e ag iarraidh ya
No, he doesn’t want ya
– Chan eil, chan eil e ag iarraidh ya

Please don’t take it personally
– Na gabh e gu pearsanta
Some things are just meant to be
– Tha cuid de rudan dìreach airson a bhith
Don’t waste all your energy
– Na caill a h-uile lùth agad
We both know that he loves me
– Tha fios aig an dithis againn gu bheil gaol aige orm
Oh honey, you deserve it
– Oh dear, i deserve it tha thu airidh air
I know you’re gonna find somebody perfect
– Tha fios agam gum bi thu a ‘ lorg cuideigin sònraichte
Please don’t take it personally
– Na gabh e gu pearsanta
Some things are just meant to be
– Tha cuid de rudan dìreach airson a bhith

Forever, forever, forever
– Gu bràth, gu sìorraidh, gu sìorraidh
Oh, forever
– Gu bràth
Forever and ever
– Gu bràth agus gu sìorraidh

Please don’t take it personally
– Na gabh e gu pearsanta

Selena Gomez


