Criomag Bhidio
Briathran Òran
I just really wanna say thank you
– Tha mi dìreach airson taing a thoirt dhut
Um, for every single thing that everybody does in this room for me
– Um, airson a h-uile aon rud a tha a h-uile duine a ‘ dèanamh anns an t-seòmar seo dhomh
Because I did grow up away from my family
– Dh’fhàs mi suas air falbh bho mo theaghlach
Moving out of Texas, coming here
– A ‘tighinn A-mach À Texas, a’ tighinn a-mach
And all of you have raised me in so many different ways and challenged me as a person
– Agus tha thu uile air mo thogail ann an uiread de dhòighean agus air dùbhlan a thoirt dhomh mar dhuine
So I, I have this launch pad that you’ve all given me because now I can do so many wonderful things because of this
– Mar sin, tha an ceap cur air bhog seo agam a thug thu dhomh uile oir a-nis is urrainn dhomh uimhir de rudan iongantach a dhèanamh air sgàth seo
You’ve helped me grow up and watched me grow up and I really hope that I won’t let you down with everything else that I do
– Chuidich thu mi a ‘fàs suas agus choimhead mi orm a’ fàs suas agus tha mi an dòchas nach leig mi sìos thu leis a h-uile càil eile a nì mi
So thank you for being a part of my life and the beginning of something I hope lasts a long time
– Mar sin taing airson a bhith nam phàirt de mo bheatha agus toiseach rudeigin a tha mi an dòchas a mhaireas ùine mhòr