sombr – undressed Gaelic Briathran Òran & Gàidhlig Na H-Alba Eadar-theangachadh

Criomag Bhidio

Briathran Òran

You had a dream, you wanted better
– Bha bruadar agad, bha thu ag iarraidh nas fheàrr
You were sick of all the holes in your sweater
– Bha thu tinn leis na tuill uile anns an t-siùcar agad
You looked to me and wondered whether
– Dh ‘ fheuch thu rium agus dh’fhaighnich mi
I was the lamppost to which you were tethered
– Bha mi ‘ n raoir air an airigh thu

I’m lookin’ at you, and you’re lookin’ at me
– Tha mi a’ coimhead ort agus tha thu a’ coimhead orm
But the glimmer in your eyes is sayin’ you wanna leave
– ‘S e an t-eilean sgitheanach an t-eilean sgitheanach a dh’fhàg thu
You say you don’t mean what you’re sayin’ to me
– Chan eil thu a ‘ ciallachadh na tha thu ag ràdh rium
But the glimmer in your eyes is telling me other things
– Ach tha an glimmer nad shùilean ag innse dhomh rudan eile

I don’t wanna get undressed
– Chan eil mi airson a bhith air mo sgeadachadh
For a new person all over again
– Airson duine ùr a – rithist
I don’t wanna kiss someone else’s neck
– No kisses air fear eile
And have to pretend it’s yours instead
– Agus feumaidh tu a leigeil a-mach gur ann leatsa a tha e na àite

I took the train to see my mother
– Ghabh mi an trèana a dh’fhaicinn mo mhàthar
I look across the track to see you with another
– Tha mi a ‘ coimhead thairis air an t-slighe gus do fhaicinn le fear eile
There’s nothin’ worse than seein’ your lover
– Chan eil dad nas miosa na bhith a’ faicinn do leannan
Moving on while you still suffer
– A ‘gluasad fhad’ s a tha thu fhathast a ‘ fulang

I’m lookin’ at you, and you’re lookin’ at me
– Tha mi a’ coimhead ort agus tha thu a’ coimhead orm
But the glimmer in your eyes is sayin’ you wanna leave
– ‘S e an t-eilean sgitheanach an t-eilean sgitheanach a dh’fhàg thu
You say you don’t mean what you’re sayin’ to me
– Chan eil thu a ‘ ciallachadh na tha thu ag ràdh rium
But the glimmer in your eyes is telling me other things
– Ach tha an glimmer nad shùilean ag innse dhomh rudan eile

I don’t wanna get undressed
– Chan eil mi airson a bhith air mo sgeadachadh
For a new person all over again
– Airson duine ùr a – rithist
I don’t wanna kiss someone else’s neck
– No kisses air fear eile
And have to pretend it’s yours instead
– Agus feumaidh tu a leigeil a-mach gur ann leatsa a tha e na àite

And I don’t wanna learn another scent
– Agus chan eil mi airson fàileadh eile ionnsachadh
I don’t want the children of another man
– Chan eil mi ag iarraidh clann duine eile
To have the eyes of the girl that I won’t forget
– A coinneachadh san girl air a bheil mi nach do ghabh forgotten
I won’t forget
– Cha dìochuimhnich mi

I don’t wanna get undressed
– Chan eil mi airson a bhith air mo sgeadachadh
For a new person all over again
– Airson duine ùr a – rithist
I don’t wanna kiss someone else’s neck
– No kisses air fear eile
And have to pretend it’s yours instead
– Agus feumaidh tu a leigeil a-mach gur ann leatsa a tha e na àite

I don’t wanna get undressed
– Chan eil mi airson a bhith air mo sgeadachadh
For a new person all over again
– Airson duine ùr a – rithist



