The Weeknd – São Paulo Portagailis Briathran Òran & Gàidhlig Na H-Alba Eadar-theangachadh

Criomag Bhidio

Briathran Òran

Lyrics from São Paulo Live Performance
– Lyrics bho New York Beò A ‘ Ciallachadh

Bota na boca, bota na cara, bota onde quiser
– Bròg sa bheul, bròg san aghaidh, bròg ge bith càite a bheil thu ag iarraidh
Bota na boca, bota na cara, bota onde quiser
– Bròg sa bheul, bròg san aghaidh, bròg ge bith càite a bheil thu ag iarraidh
O novinho me olhou e quis comer minha pepequinha
– Bha an duine òg a ‘ coimhead orm agus bha e airson mo pepequinha ithe
Hoje eu vou dar pro novinho, fode, fode a larissinha
– An-diugh tha mi a ‘ dol a thoirt dha an gille ùr, fuck, fuck larissinha
O novinho me olhou e quis comer minha pepequinha
– Bha an duine òg a ‘ coimhead orm agus bha e airson mo pepequinha ithe
Hoje eu vou dar pro novinho, fode, fode a larissinha
– An-diugh tha mi a ‘ dol a thoirt dha an gille ùr, fuck, fuck larissinha

Every time I try to run, you pull me closer to your love
– Gach uair a dh ‘ fheuchas mi ri ruith, bidh thu gam tharraing nas fhaisge air do ghaol
Just so I know what you find, baby put it all on me
– Dìreach gus am bi fios agam dè a lorgas tu, pàisde cuir a h-uile càil orm
Every time I try to play you Just so I know what you find, baby put it all on me
– Gach uair a dh’fheuchas mi ri cluich thu Dìreach mar sin tha fios agam dè a lorgas tu, pàisde cuir a h-uile càil orm

I love it when you turn me on
– Is toigh leam nuair a thionndaidheas tu mi
I love it when you turn me on
– Is toigh leam nuair a thionndaidheas tu mi
I love it when you turn me on
– Is toigh leam nuair a thionndaidheas tu mi
I love it when you turn me on
– Is toigh leam nuair a thionndaidheas tu mi

Bota na boca, bota na cara, bota onde quiser
– Bròg sa bheul, bròg san aghaidh, bròg ge bith càite a bheil thu ag iarraidh
O novinho me olhou e quis comer minha pepequinha
– Bha an duine òg a ‘ coimhead orm agus bha e airson mo pepequinha ithe
Hoje eu vou dar pro novinho, fode, fode a larissinha
– An-diugh tha mi a ‘ dol a thoirt dha an gille ùr, fuck, fuck larissinha
O novinho me olhou e quis comer minha pepequinha
– Bha an duine òg a ‘ coimhead orm agus bha e airson mo pepequinha ithe
Hoje eu vou dar pro novinho, fode, fode a larissinha
– An-diugh tha mi a ‘ dol a thoirt dha an gille ùr, fuck, fuck larissinha
Bota na boca, bota na cara
– Boot ann am beul, boot ann an aghaidh
Bota na boca, bota na cara
– Boot ann am beul, boot ann an aghaidh
Bota na boca, bota na cara
– Boot ann am beul, boot ann an aghaidh
Bota na boca, bota na cara
– Boot ann am beul, boot ann an aghaidh
Bota na boca, bota na cara, bota onde quiser
– Bròg sa bheul, bròg san aghaidh, bròg ge bith càite a bheil thu ag iarraidh

Baby, ride me to the darkness of the night
– A ghaoil, leig dhachaigh gum mhàthair mi ‘ n oidhche
Kill me softly like you want me euthanized, oh yeah
– Thoi trang moi nguoi oi, thoi

Hot like rising sun, burnin’ everything she sees
– Hot mar ar-a-mach a ‘ghrian, burnin’ everything i cho sònraichte ann an eachdraidh
She don’t even want your money, she’ll buy you and someone else
– I don’t fiù ‘ s airson an t-airgead agad, i ceannaichidh thu agus cuideigin eile
She’s addicted to the rush, I can never get enough
– Tha i a ‘addicted to the rush, faodaidh mi a-riamh a’ faighinn gu leòr
She desensitized to money, need to play with someone else
– I desensitized gus airgead, feumaidh tu a ‘ cluich le cuideigin eile

Baby, turn me on
– Ban, thoir dhomh air
Baby, turn me on
– Thoi trang moi nhat
Love the way you turn me on
– Love the way you tionndaidh rium air
Oh, when you turn me on
– Oh, nuair a bhios tu a ‘ tionndadh rium air

Hit it from the back, she louder than two sold out nights
– Bhuail e air ais, i louder than dà reic a-mach oidhche
I think she fell in love, she said she’d trust me with her life
– Tha mi a ‘smaoineachadh thuit i ann an gaol, i thuirt i gun d’ urras dhomh le a bheatha
– A ‘ dèanamh anns:

Hot like rising sun, burnin’ everything she touch
– Hot mar ar-a-mach a ‘ghrian, burnin’ everything i air ceistean a thogail
She don’t even want your money, she’ll buy you and someone else
– I don’t fiù ‘ s airson an t-airgead agad, i ceannaichidh thu agus cuideigin eile
She’s addicted to the rush, I can never get enough
– Tha i a ‘addicted to the rush, faodaidh mi a-riamh a’ faighinn gu leòr
She desensitized to money, need to play with someone else
– I desensitized gus airgead, feumaidh tu a ‘ cluich le cuideigin eile

Oh, you turn me on
– Oh, tha thu a ‘ tionndadh rium air
(Oh, how you turn me on)
– (Oh, mar a bhios tu a ‘ tionndadh rium air)
I love it when you turn me on
– I love e nuair a bhios tu a ‘ tionndadh rium air
(Oh, how you turn me on)
– (Oh, mar a bhios tu a ‘ tionndadh rium air)
See how you turn me on
– Faic mar a tha thu a ‘ tionndadh rium air
(Oh, how you turn me on)
– (Oh, mar a bhios tu a ‘ tionndadh rium air)
I love it when you turn me on
– Is toigh leam nuair a thionndaidheas tu mi
(Oh, how you turn me on)
– (Oh, mar a bhios tu a ‘ tionndadh rium air)

Oh oh, oh oh
– Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
– Oh, oh, oh
Take it easy, easy on me
– Gabh e furasta, furasta orm
Bota na boca, bota na cara, bota onde quiser
– Boot beul, boot ann an aodann, boot càite a bheil thu airson
Take it easy, easy on me
– Gabh e furasta, furasta orm
Bota na boca, bota na cara, bota onde quiser
– Boot beul, boot ann an aodann, boot càite a bheil thu airson
Take it easy, easy on me
– Take am easy, easy am
Oh, oh, oh
– Oh, oh, oh

Bota na boca, bota na cara
– Bròg sa bheul, bròg san aghaidh
Bota na boca, bota na cara
– Bròg sa bheul, bròg san aghaidh
Bota na boca, bota na cara
– Bròg sa bheul, bròg san aghaidh
Bota na boca, bota na cara
– Bròg sa bheul, bròg san aghaidh
Bota na boca, bota na cara
– Bròg sa bheul, bròg san aghaidh

The Weeknd


