My niggas be smokin’ on something loud, head to the clouds
– Os meus negros fuman algo alto, dirixen cara ás nubes
I ain’t been steppin’ out, tired of stickin’ out in the crowd
– Non estiven saindo, canso de quedar fóra na multitude
This world is changin’ right in front of me
– Este mundo está a cambiar xusto diante de min
Gray hairs, I’m agin’ quicker than I thought I’d be
– Os pelos grises, estou máis rápido do que pensaba que sería
Straight up (Straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up)
– Recta arriba (Recta arriba, recta arriba, recta arriba, recta arriba, recta arriba)
Straight up (Straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up)
– Recta arriba (Recta arriba, recta arriba, recta arriba, recta arriba, recta arriba)
Straight up (Straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up)
– Recta arriba (Recta arriba, recta arriba, recta arriba, recta arriba, recta arriba)
Straight up (Straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up)
– Recta arriba (Recta arriba, recta arriba, recta arriba, recta arriba, recta arriba)
Please believe these flows teach egos
– Por favor, crea que estes fluxos ensinan egos
To freeze and then recede, I’m C4
– Para congelar e despois retroceder, son c4
Beneath your Jeep, the second you turn that keyhole
– Debaixo Do Teu Jeep, o segundo vira ese buraco de chave
Then heat blows your weak flows right out the water
– Entón o calor sopla os seus fluxos débiles directamente fóra da auga
The father, boy, I work smarter and harder
– O pai, o neno, traballo máis intelixente e duro
My style got a restraining order, don’t bother
– O meu estilo ten unha orde de restrición, non te molestes
I charter unseen territories in order
– I carta territorios invisibles en orde
To push it farther than you niggas had ever thought of
– Para empurrar máis lonxe do que os negros pensaron
I caught a lotta murder charges, turned artists to martyrs
– Atopei moitos cargos de asasinato, convertín artistas en mártires
When I rock, thot turns to goddess
– Cando eu rock, iso convértese en deusa
Fiends turn to kings, dreams turn to things tangible
– Os demos volven a reis, os soños volven a cousas tangibles
My hands are full with grands I pulled
– As miñas mans están cheas de grandes que puxen
From stanzas, no, I can’t go slow, I’m Sandra Bull’
– De estrofas, non, non podo ir lento, Son Sandra Bull’
Either proceed with speed or don’t breathe
– Ou procede con velocidade ou non respira
There’s no creed or color that won’t heed to the warning
– Non hai credo nin cor que non preste atención á advertencia
The planet’ll shake when I’m performing
– O planeta sacudirá cando eu estea actuando
Tectonic plates from a place where TECs on they waist
– Placas tectónicas dun lugar onde TECs están na cintura
So stay safe or get left with chest on your face
– Así que quede seguro ou quede co peito na cara
As death waits for your last of breath
– Mentres a morte agarda o teu último suspiro
I’ma pass the test, yes, I’m a master chef
– Pasei a proba, si, son un mestre cociñeiro
Want a taste, then pay for it
– Quere un gusto, e despois paga por el
They claim they’re real, but they’re seldom straightforward
– Afirman que son reais, pero raramente son sinxelos
The pain I feel on my frame gets transmuted to a dangerous flame
– A dor que sinto no meu cadro transmutase a unha chama perigosa
I spit fire at the devil while the angels sing
– Espeto lume ao diaño mentres os anxos cantan
The flow changed, but Jermaine’s the same, I’m plain jane
– O fluxo cambiou, pero Jermaine é o mesmo, son plain jane
Not a chain on my neck, but shine like baguettes
– Non unha cadea no meu pescozo, pero brilla como baguettes
A shame, not a flex to rhyme like the rest
– Unha vergoña, non unha flexión para rimar como o resto
My mind’s quite depressed if I don’t write these
– A miña mente está moi deprimida se non escribo estes
I’m Spike Lee of the audio, back in my barrio
– Son Spike Lee do audio, de volta ao meu barrio
Parties got shot up, so I built up on my cardio
– As festas foron disparadas, así que construín o meu cardio
Dodge shells, collect coins like I’m Mario
– Dodge shells, recoller moedas como eu son Mario
But this is not a gaming experience, I’m serious, nigga
– Pero esta non é unha experiencia de xogo, son serio, negro
Straight up (Straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up)
– Recta arriba (Recta arriba, recta arriba, recta arriba, recta arriba, recta arriba)
Straight up (Straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up)
– Recta arriba (Recta arriba, recta arriba, recta arriba, recta arriba, recta arriba)
Straight up (Straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up)
– Recta arriba (Recta arriba, recta arriba, recta arriba, recta arriba, recta arriba)
Straight up (Straight up, straight up, yeah)
– Recto (Recto, recto, si)
My niggas be smokin’ on something loud, head to the clouds
– Os meus negros fuman algo alto, dirixen cara ás nubes
I ain’t been steppin’ out, tired of stickin’ out in the crowd
– Non estiven saindo, canso de quedar fóra na multitude
This world is changin’ right in front of me
– Este mundo está a cambiar xusto diante de min
Gray hairs, I’m agin’ quicker than I thought I’d be
– Os pelos grises, estou máis rápido do que pensaba que sería
I’m that bass in your trunk, the bullet that missed Trump
– Son ese baixo no maletero, a bala que faltou A Trump
The gun that jammed ’cause it seemed God had other plans
– A arma que se atascou porque Parecía Que Deus tiña outros plans
The Son of Man extendin’ his hand to Son of Sam
– O Fillo Do Home estendendo a súa man Ao Fillo De Sam
In forgiveness for all of the homicides we witnessed
– En perdón por todos os homicidios que presenciamos
The overdramatized, the traumatized with sickness
– O sobredramatizado, o traumatizado pola enfermidade
Thrown in the pan and caramelized for richness
– Botado na bandexa e caramelizado para a riqueza
And served on a plate with sirloin steak
– E servido nun prato con filete de filete
To billionaires who don’t care the world’s gon’ break
– Para os multimillonarios que non lles importa o mundo vai romper
Long as they make money off it, pain brings profit
– Mentres gañen cartos, a dor trae beneficios
One man gains it soon as the next man lost it
– Un home gaña logo de que o seguinte home o perdeu
There’s a bridge you can walk to hear God talk
– Hai unha ponte que podes camiñar para escoitar a deus falar
But there are real slim odds a rich man crosses
– Pero hai probabilidades de que un home rico cruce
‘Cause greed is a poisonous seed, indeed
– Porque a avaricia é unha semente venenosa, de feito
As it spreads like weeds through the mind’s apple trees
– A medida que se estende como herbas daninhas a través das mazás da mente
I proceed with caution, and I’m not flossin’
– Eu procedo con precaución, e non estou flossin’
Unlike some, I’m not defined by my fortune
– A diferenza de algúns, non estou definido pola miña fortuna
I’m defined by rhymes, though I’m in my prime
– Son definido por rimas, aínda que estou no meu mellor momento
There was times that I was down ’cause I’d thought I’d lost it
– Houbo veces que estaba caído porque pensaba que o perdera
But no, lo and behold, as my poetry grows
– Pero non, mira e mira, a medida que a miña poesía crece
I give all glory to God as the story unfolds
– Dou toda a gloria A Deus a medida que a historia se desenvolve
And the gray hairs that grow on my head will show
– E os pelos grises que crecen na miña cabeza mostrarán
Ain’t no time limit to get it, you ain’t never too old
– Non hai límite de tempo para conseguilo, nunca es demasiado vello
So keep hold of your dream, no matter how it seems
– Manteña o seu soño, non importa o que pareza
If you don’t water your lawn, well, then it won’t stay green
– Se non regas o teu césped, ben, non quedará verde
I seen babies turn fiends, addicted to the screen
– Vin bebés convertidos en demos, adictos á pantalla
That dad shares, cashiers replaced by machines
– Que o pai comparte, os caixeiros substituídos por máquinas
Don’t buy, subscribe so you can just stream
– Non compres, subscríbete para que poidas transmitir
Your content like rent, you won’t own a thing
– O teu contido como o aluguer, non terás nada
Before long, all the songs the whole world sings
– En pouco tempo, todas as cancións que canta o mundo enteiro
Will be generated by latest of AI regimes
– Será xerado polo último dos réximes DEI
As all of our favorite artists erased by it scream
– Como todos os nosos artistas favoritos borrados por el gritan
From the wayside, “Ayy, whatever happened to human beings?”
– Desde O camiño, “Ayy, que pasou cos seres humanos?”
Straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up
– Recta, recta, recta, recta, recta, recta
Straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up
– Recta, recta, recta, recta, recta, recta
Straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up
– Recta, recta, recta, recta, recta, recta
Straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up
– Recta, recta, recta, recta, recta, recta
My niggas be smokin’ on something loud
– Os meus negros fuman algo alto