Jorge Rivera-Herrans – The Challenge Inglés Letras & Galego Traducións



I’m supposed to choose a suitor to wear the crown
– Debo escoller un pretendente para levar a coroa
I said I would choose as soon as I weave this shroud
– Dixen que elixiría en canto tecese este sudario
They don’t know that every night
– Non o saben todas as noites
I unthread all the work I’ve done
– Non lin todo o traballo que fixen
‘Cause I’d rather lie
– Porque prefiro mentir
Than allow them to think they’ve won
– Que permitirlles pensar que gañaron
Though I never thought that I’d resort to this
– Aínda que nunca pensei que recorrera a isto
Just know I’ll be here
– Só sei que estarei aquí

But I don’t know how much longer I’ll last
– Pero non sei canto tempo durarei
Since we saw that storm
– Desde que vimos esa tormenta
And though it was so close to our kingdom
– E aínda que estaba tan preto do noso reino
It was far from the norm
– Estaba lonxe da norma

– A menos que

Oh, could it be some kind of sign
– Pode ser unha especie de sinal
That my world is all about to change?
– Que o meu mundo está a piques de cambiar?
Is it finally time for the challenge I arranged?
– Chegou o momento do reto que fixen?
Though I never thought that it would come to this
– Aínda que nunca pensei que chegaría a isto
Just know I’ll be here, buying you time
– Só sei que estarei aquí, comprándote tempo

Time is fleeting, it’s running out
– O tempo é fugaz, está a esgotarse
Time to be the man of the house
– Hora de ser o home da casa

Oh, buying you time
– Comprarche o tempo

Time is fleeting, it’s running out
– O tempo é fugaz, está a esgotarse
Time to be the man of the house
– Hora de ser o home da casa

Whoever can string my husband’s old bow
– Quen pode atar o vello arco do meu marido
And shoot through twelve axes cleanly
– E disparar a través de doce eixes limpo
Will be the new king, sit down at the throne
– Será o novo rei, sentarase no trono
And rule with me as his queen
– E gobernar comigo como a súa raíña

Let the arrow fly
– Deixe voar a frecha
Once you know that your aim is true
– Unha vez que sabes que o teu obxectivo é certo
‘Cause I’d rather die
– Porque prefiro morrer
Than grow old without the best of you
– Que envellecer sen o mellor de ti
Though I never thought
– Aínda que nunca pensei
That these would be the lengths we go for love
– Que estas serían as longitudes que imos por amor
I would not have it any other way
– Non o tería doutra maneira

And though I never thought that it would end like this
– E aínda que nunca pensei que acabaría así
Just know I’ll be here
– Só sei que estarei aquí
Waiting, waiting
– Esperando, esperando

– Penélope

Waiting, waiting
– Esperando, esperando

– Penélope

Waiting, waiting
– Esperando, esperando
– Oh, por favor.

Jorge Rivera-Herrans



