Kendrick Lamar – Super Bowl LIX Halftime Show Inglés Letras & Galego Traducións



The National Football League welcomes you to the Apple Music Super Bowl 59 halftime show
– A National Football League dáche a benvida ao Apple Music Super Bowl 59 halftime show

Salutations, it’s your uncle, Sam
– Saúdos, É o teu tío, Sam.
And this is the great American game
– E este é o gran xogo Americano

Reincarnated with love
– Reencarnado co amor
My Gemini twin back, powerin’ up
– O meu xemelgo xemelgo de volta, powerin ‘ up
No more handshakes and hugs
– Non hai máis apertos de mans e abrazos
The energy only circulate through us
– A enerxía só circula a través de nós
Everybody must be judged
– Todos deben ser xulgados
But this time, God only favorin’ us
– Pero esta vez, Deus só nos favorece
Twenty years in, still got that pen dedicated to bare hard truth
– Vinte anos despois, aínda tiña esa pluma dedicada á dura verdade
Etiquette speak with a vigilant tongue, predicate this time is-
– A etiqueta fala cunha lingua vixiante, o predicado desta vez é-
I’m carryin’ heavier hearts right now, I can power lift with Olympians, too
– Estou cargando corazóns máis pesados agora mesmo, tamén podo levantar poder Cos Olímpicos
Carryin’ various darts right now, I desert this uh, like tiramisù
– Cargando varios dardos agora mesmo, deserto este uh, como tiramisù
We goin’ body for body, I hand you a body, I’m probably a better masseuse
– Imos corpo por corpo, eu vos entrego un corpo, eu probablemente son unha mellor masaxeira
Really don’t bother nobody, but they run it by me if I gotta clear out the room
– En realidade non molestes a ninguén, pero eles corren por min se teño que limpar a sala
You would not get the picture if I had to sit you for hours in front of the Louvre
– Non terías a foto se tivese que sentarte durante horas diante do Louvre
Uh, would not have a soul, even if I had told you to stand next to Johnny and Q
– Non tería alma, aínda que che dixera que estiveses ao lado De Johnny E Q
Started with nothin’ but government cheese, but now I can seize the government, too
– Comezou con nada máis que o queixo do goberno, pero agora tamén podo confiscar o goberno
Remember the food stamp color was tan and brown, but now the hunnid in blue
– Lembra que a cor dos selos de comida era marrón e marrón, pero agora os hunos eran azuis
‘Member I said “I’m the greatest” back when you debated the number one and number two?
– Membro dixen “sou o mellor” cando debatiches o número un e o número dous?
Topic was always hilarious to me
– O tema sempre foi hilarante para min
You carried ’em to me, I brung out the— Christ
– Levounos a min, sacei O Cristo

The revolution ’bout to be televised
– O combate da revolución para ser televisado
You picked the right time, but the wrong guy
– Escolleu o momento axeitado, pero o tipo equivocado

Someone better squabble up
– Alguén mellor discutir
– Reencarnado
I was stargazin’
– Estaba a mirar as estrelas
Life goes on, I need all my babies (Gyah, gyah)
– A vida segue, necesito todos os meus bebés (Gyah, gyah)

Woke up lookin’ for the broccoli
– Espertou buscando o brócoli
High-key, keep a horn on me, that Kamasi
– Alto, mantén un corno sobre min, Que Kamasi
IP, ownership, the blueprint is by me
– Ip, propiedade, o plan é por min
Mr. Get Off, I get off and mop feet
– O sr. Baixa, eu saio e limpar os pés
When I hear music (What?), it makes me dance (Ayy)
– Cando escoito música (Que?), faime bailar (Ayy)
You got the music (Woo), now is your chance
– Tes a música (Woo), agora é a túa oportunidade
Thunk, thunk, thunk, thunk, thunk, baby rockin’ it
– Thunk, thunk, thunk, thunk, thunk, baby rockin ‘ it
Quid pro quo, what you want? ‘Cause I’m watchin’ it
– Quid pro quo, o que queres? Porque o estou a ver
Work on the floor, let me know if you clockin’ it
– Traballar no chan, deixe-me saber se o reloxa
Brodie won’t go, but I know that he poppin’ it
– Brodie non vai, pero sei que o fai
It was woof tickets on sale ’til I silenced it
– Era billetes woof á venda ata que o silenciei
Pipe down, young, these some whole other politics
– Pipe down, young, estas outras políticas
Uh, that’s a (What?) in him, that’s a lot of (What?)
– Eh, iso é un (Que? en el, iso é moito (Que?)
Don’t hit him, he got kids with him, my apologies
– Non o golpees, ten fillos con el, as miñas desculpas
Ghetto child, it was Black & Milds with the Smirnoff
– Ghetto child, Era Negro E Suave co Smirnoff
We outside, whoadie ’bout to kill him off
– Nós fóra, whoadie ‘ bout para matalo
Blaps, blaps, fact, brick of raw
– Blaps, blaps, feito, ladrillo de cru
Tell me why you boys rap if it’s fictional?
– Dime por que rapaces rapean se é ficticio?
Tell me why you boys fed if it’s criminal?
– Dime por que se alimentan os nenos se é criminal?
“Ayy, Dot, can I get a drop?” Nah
– “Ayy, Dot, podo conseguir unha gota?”Non
Ace boon coon from the Westside to Senegal
– Ace boon coon do Lado Oeste Ao Senegal
Full moon, let the wolves out, I been a dog (Ah)
– Lúa chea, que saian os lobos, eu era un can (Ah)

Squabble up (Squabble up), squabble up (Squabble up)
– Contacontos (A Coruña), ribadeo (A Coruña)
Squabble up (Squabble up), squabble up (What?)
– A disputa (A Disputa), a disputa (Que?)
Squabble up (Squabble up), squabble up (What?)
– A disputa (A Disputa), a disputa (Que?)
Squabble up (Squabble up), squabble up
– A disputa (A Disputa), a disputa

No, no, no, no, no
– Non, non, non, non
Too loud, too reckless, too ghetto
– Demasiado alto, demasiado imprudente, demasiado gueto
Mr. Lamar, do you really know how to play the game?
– Mr. Lamar, realmente sabe como xogar o xogo?
Then tighten up
– Entón aperta

Nobody pray for me
– Ninguén reza por min
It been that day for me
– Foi ese día para min
Way (Yeah, yeah)
– Camiño (Si, si)

Ayy, I remember syrup sandwiches and crime allowances
– Ayy, lembro sándwiches de xarope e subsidio de crime
Finessin’ on ’em with some counterfeit, now I’m countin’ this
– Finessin ‘on’ em con algunha falsificación, agora estou contando isto
Parmesan where my accountant lives, matter of fact, I’m downin’ this
– Parmesano onde vive o meu contador, de feito, estou a baixar isto
D’ussé with my boo bae, tastes like Kool-Aid for the analysts
– D ‘ ussé con my boo bae, gusta Como Kool-Aid para os analistas
Girl, I can buy you the world with my paystub
– Rapaza, podo comprarche o mundo co meu paystub
I know it’s good, won’t you sit it on my taste bloods?
– Sei que é bo, non o sentarás no meu sabor de sangue?
I get way too petty once you let me do the extras
– Eu son demasiado insignificante unha vez que me deixas facer os extras
Pull up on your block, then I break it down, you can call it Tetris
– Tira do teu bloque, entón eu rompo-lo, pode chamalo tetris
A.m. to the p.m., p.m. to the a.m., funk
– A. m. para o p. m., p. m. para o a. m., funk
Eat up on your per diem, you just gotta hate ’em, funk
– Come o teu per diem, só tes que odialos, funk
If I quit your BM, I still ride Mercedes
– Se deixei O SEU BM, aínda estou montando Mercedes
If I quit this season, I still be the greatest, funk
– Se deixei esta tempada, aínda son o mellor, funk
My left stroke just went viral
– O derrame cerebral da esquerda foi viral
Right stroke put lil’ baby in a- (Uh)
– O derrame cerebral dereito puxo a lil ‘ baby en a – (Uh)

Be humble (Hold up)
– Ser humilde (Aguantar)
Sit down (Hold up, lil’— hold up, lil’)
– Sentar (Agarrar, agarrar, agarrar)
Be humble (Hold up)
– Ser humilde (Aguantar)
Sit down (Hold up, sit down, lil’— sit down, lil’)
– Sentar (Agarrar, sentar, sentar, sentar, sentar)
Be humble (Hold up, hold up, hold up)
– Ser humilde (Aguantar, aguantar, aguantar)
Sit down (Hold up, lil’— hold up, lil’)
– Sentar (Agarrar, agarrar, agarrar)
Be humble (Hold up)
– Ser humilde (Aguantar)
Sit down (Hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up)
– Sentar (Agarrar, agarrar, agarrar, agarrar)
Hol’ on
– Hol ‘ on

I got, I got, I got, I got—
– Teño, teño, teño, teño—
Loyalty, got royalty inside my DNA
– Lealdade, ten realeza dentro DO MEU ADN
Cocaine quarter piece, put the war and peace ‘side my DNA (Huh, huh, huh, Christ)
– Cocaína quarter piece, pon o LADO da guerra e a paz DO MEU ADN (Huh ,huh, huh, Cristo)
Power, poison, pain, and joy inside my DNA
– Poder, veleno, dor e alegría dentro DO MEU ADN
That’s hustle, though, ambition flow inside my DNA
– Pero iso é axitación, a ambición flúe dentro do MEU ADN
Was born like this, perform like this, Yeshua new weapon
– Naceu así, realiza así, Yeshua nova arma
Transform like this, was Yeshua new weapon
– Transformarse así, foi a nova arma De Yeshua

That’s murder, conviction (Yeah, oh, oh)
– Iso é asasinato, condena (Si, oh, oh)
Burners, boosters, burglars, ballers, dead (Yeah, oh, oh)
– Queimadores, reforzadores, ladróns, bailaríns, mortos (Si ,oh, oh)
Scholars, fathers dead with kids and (Yeah, oh, oh)
– Eruditos, pais mortos con fillos e (Si, oh, oh)
I wish I was (Yeah), hol’ on
– Gustaríame ser (Si), hol’ on

Yeah, I’m out the way, yeah, I’m low, okay
– Si, estou fóra do camiño, si, estou baixo, ok
Island right here’s remote, okay
– A illa aquí está remota, ok
Thinkin’ about no reaper, I’m reapin’ what I sow, okay
– Pensando en no reaper, estou a coller o que semento, ok
Benjamin and a Jackson all in my house like I’m Joe, okay
– Benjamin E Un Jackson todos na miña casa Como Eu Son Joe, ok
Hellcat, made his homeboys and them type sell they soul, okay
– Hellcat, fixo que os seus homeboys e eles vendesen alma, ok
Everybody wanna be demon, get chipped by a throwaway
– Todos queren ser demonio, son destrozados por un desechable
And I might do a show a day, always a lame
– E podo facer un espectáculo ao día, sempre coxo
Oh, you thought the money, the power or fame would make you?
– Pensabas que o diñeiro, o poder ou a fama te farían?
Have you ever played have-you-ever? Okay, let’s play
– Xogaches algunha vez? Vale, imos xogar
Have you ever walked your enemy down with a poker face?
– Algunha vez baixou o seu inimigo cunha cara de póquer?
Man, I know y’all gon’ see
– Home, sei que todos veredes
Ever since Prime want me, it’s K-D-O-T, what? (Bum)
– Desde Que Prime me quere, É K-D-O-t, que? (Bum)

I deserve it all
– Merezo todo
Keep these bums away from me
– Manteña estes vagabundos lonxe de min
Keep my essence contagious, that’s okay with me
– Manteña a miña esencia contaxiosa, iso está ben comigo
Burn this thing down, don’t you play with me, stay with me
– Queima esta cousa, non xogues comigo, queda comigo
Crashin’ out right now, it ain’t safe with me
– Agora mesmo, non está seguro comigo
Did it with integrity, these boys try to hate on me, just wait and see
– Fixo isto con integridade, estes rapaces intentan odiarme, esperar e ver
More blood be spillin’, it’s just paint to me
– Máis sangue derramándose, é só pintar para min
Dangerously, ain’t no changin’ me, ain’t no shame in me
– Perigosamente, non me cambia, non me avergoña
Flip a coin, you want the dangerous me or the famous me?
– Tira unha moeda, queres o perigoso ou o famoso?
How annoying
– Que molesto
From the poise and the game I speak? A shame to me
– Do equilibrio e do xogo que falo? Unha vergoña para min
It’s important, I deserve it all because it’s mine
– É importante, merezo todo porque é meu
Why you think you deserve the greatest of all t—?
– Por que cres que mereces o mellor de todo?

(Give a helping hand) Ah, see you brought your homeboys with you
– (Dádelle unha man de axuda) ah, vede que trouxestes os vosos homeboys contigo
The old culture cheat code (To your fellow men)
– O código de trampa da vella cultura (para os vosos compañeiros)
Scorekeeper, deduct one life (Oh, my—)
– O marcador, deducir unha vida (oh, meu)
Ayy, what?
– Ayy, que?
– Mira

What they talkin’ ’bout? They ain’t talkin’ ’bout nothin’
– Que falan? Non están a falar de nada
What they talkin’ ’bout? They ain’t talkin’ ’bout nothin’
– Que falan? Non están a falar de nada
What they talkin’ ’bout? They ain’t talkin’ ’bout nothin’
– Que falan? Non están a falar de nada
What they talkin’ ’bout? They ain’t talkin’ ’bout nothin’
– Que falan? Non están a falar de nada
Huh? They ain’t talkin’ ’bout nothin’
– Eh? Non están a falar de nada

Peekaboo, I just put them boogers in my chain
– Peekaboo, eu só os puxen boogers na miña cadea
Peekaboo, eighty-pointers like a Kobe game
– Peekaboo, oitenta puntos como un xogo de Kobe
Peekaboo, 7.62s’ll make ’em plank
– Peekaboo, 7.62 s fará que sexan de táboa
Peekaboo, I’m poppin’ out, you better not smut my name
– Peekaboo, estou a saltar, é mellor que non me borres o nome
Peekaboo, I put two foreigns on the 405
– Peekaboo, puxen dous estranxeiros no 405
Peekaboo, that’s cacio e pepe if I’m doin’ pasta
– Peekaboo, é cacio e pepe se estou a facer pasta
Peekaboo, why you actin’ tough on IG Live?
– Peekaboo, por que actúas duro EN IG Live?
Peekaboo, you know my loved ones with that, let’s get it
– Peekaboo, sabes que os meus seres queridos con iso, imos conseguilo

Peekaboo, surprise, uh, it’s your boy, Chuck E. Cheese
– Peekaboo, sorpresa, uh, é o teu rapaz, Chuck E. Queixo
Peekaboo, I FaceTimed my opp, yeah, I’m up the street (Woah)
– Peekaboo, Facetimei o meu opp, si, estou na rúa (Woah)
Peekaboo, it’s A-Z-Z, I put the boys to sleep (Woah, woah, woah)
– Peekaboo, é A-Z-Z, puxen os rapaces a durmir (Woah, woah, woah)
Peekaboo, he on the ground, praise God and stompin’ feet (Woah, woah)
– Peekaboo, el no chan, louvar A Deus E pisar os pés (Woah, woah)

– Peekaboo
Ladies (Yes, Dot?)
– Damas (Si, Punto?)
I wanna make a move (For sure)
– Quero facer un movemento (seguro)
I wanna perform they favorite song
– Quero interpretar a canción favorita
But you know they love to sue (What song?)
– Pero sabes que lles gusta demandar (que canción?)
Yeah, that song (That song?)
– Si, esa canción (Esa canción?)
Ah, maybe I’ll think about it (Oh, no)
– Ah, se cadra pensarei niso (oh, non)
Know what, I’ll slow it down
– Sei o que, vou abrandar
Say, ladies, do me this solid (Ooh)
– Diga, señoras, faime tan sólido (Ooh)

Oh, you done lost your damn mind
– Perdiches a túa maldita mente

If this world were mine
– Se este mundo fose meu

Hey, Roman numeral seven, bae, drop it like it’s hot
– Ei, Número Romano sete, bae, deixa caer como se estivese quente
This world was mine, I’d take your dreams and make ’em multiply
– Este mundo era meu, eu tomaría os teus soños e faría que se multiplicasen
This world was mine, I’d take your enemies in front of God
– Este mundo era meu, eu levaría os teus inimigos diante De Deus
Introduce ’em to that light, hit them strictly with that fire
– Introduce-los a esa luz, golpealos estritamente con ese lume
Fah-fah, fah-fah-fah, fah-fah
– Fah-fah, fah-fah, fah-fah

So this world, concrete flowers grow
– Así que neste mundo, crecen flores de cemento
Heartache, she only doin’ what she know
– Dor de corazón, só fai o que sabe
Weekends, get it poppin’ on the low
– Os fins de semana, fai que estea no baixo
Better days comin’ for sure
– Mellores días para estar seguro
If this world were—
– Se este mundo fose—
If it was up to me
– Se dependese de min
I wouldn’t give these nobodies no sympathy
– Non daría a estes ninguén ningunha simpatía
I’d take away the pain, I’d give you everything
– Quitaríame a dor, daríache todo
I just wanna see you win, wanna see (If this world were mine)
– Só quero ver que gañas, quero ver (se este mundo fose meu)

It go in (Uh), out (Out), do it real slow (Slow)
– Vai dentro (uh), fóra (Out), fai que sexa lento (Lento)
Baby, you a star (Star), strike a pose
– Baby, you a star (Estrela), fai unha pose
When I’m (Uh) with you (Uh), everything goes (Uh-huh)
– Cando estou contigo (uh), todo vai (uh-huh)
Come and put that on my soul
– Ven e pon isto na miña alma

Tell me what you gon’ do to me
– Dime o que me vas facer
Confrontation ain’t nothin’ new to me
– A confrontación non é nada novo para min
You can bring a bullet, bring a morgue, bring a sword
– Podes traer unha bala, traer unha morgue, traer unha espada
But you can’t bring the truth to me
– Pero non me podes traer a verdade
Bump you and all your expectations
– Bule a ti e a todas as túas expectativas
I don’t even want your congratulations
– Nin sequera quero os teus parabéns
I recognize your false confidence
– Recoñezo a túa falsa confianza
Promises all in your conversation
– Promete todo na túa conversa
I hate those that feel entitled
– Odio os que teñen dereito
Look at me crazy ’cause I ain’t invite you
– Mira-me tolo porque non te invito
Oh, you important?
– Es importante?
You the moral to the story? You endorsin’?
– A moral da historia? Estás a apoiar?
I don’t even like you
– Nin sequera me gusta
Corrupt a man’s heart with a gift
– Corromper o corazón dun home cun agasallo
That’s how you find out who you dealin’ with
– Así é como descubres con quen tratas
A small percentage who I’m buildin’ with
– Unha pequena porcentaxe coa que estou construíndo
I want the credit if I’m losin’ or I’m winnin’
– Quero o crédito se estou perdendo ou estou gañando
On my mama, Solána
– Na miña nai, Solána

This may be the night that my dreams might let me know (Uh)
– Esta pode ser a noite que os meus soños me permitan saber (Uh)
All the stars are closer
– Todas as estrelas están máis próximas
All the stars are closer (Uh)
– Todas as estrelas están máis próximas (Uh)
All the stars are closer
– Todas as estrelas están máis próximas
This may be the night that my dreams might let me know
– Esta pode ser a noite que os meus soños me permitan saber
All the stars are closer
– Todas as estrelas están máis próximas
All the stars are closer
– Todas as estrelas están máis próximas
All the stars are closer
– Todas as estrelas están máis próximas

– Si-si
That’s what I’m talkin’ about
– Iso é o que estou a falar
That’s what America wants, nice and calm
– Iso é o Que Estados unidos quere, agradable e tranquilo
You’re almost there
– Estás case alí
Don’t mess this—
– Non te metas con isto—
– Ah, por favor.

Oh no
– Non
It’s a cultural divide, I’ma get it on the floor
– É unha división cultural, eu teño no chan
You really ’bout to do it?
– De verdade, estás a piques de facelo?
Forty acres and a mule, this is bigger than the music
– Corenta hectáreas e unha mula, isto é máis grande que a música
You really ’bout to do it?
– De verdade, estás a piques de facelo?
Yeah, they tried to rig the game, but you can’t fake influence
– Si, intentaron manipular o xogo, pero non se pode falsificar a influencia
Then get on it like that
– Entón, póñase así
Ayy, I’m trippin’, I’m slidin’, I’m ridin’ through the back like, “Baow”
– Ayy, estou a tropezar, estou a deslizarme, estou a cabalgar polas costas como, “Baow”

Mustard on the beat, bro
– Mostaza no ritmo, irmán
Deebo any rap, uh, he a free throw
– Deebo calquera rap, uh, el un tiro libre
Man down, call an amberlamps, tell him, “Breathe”
– Home abaixo, chama unha lámpada de ámbar, dígalle: “Respira”
Nail them boys to the cross, they walk around like Teez’
– Clavos rapaces na cruz, camiñan como Teez’
What’s up with these jabroni-O, uh, tryna see Compton?
– Que pasa con estes jabroni-O, uh, tryna ver Compton?
Industry can hate me, bump ’em all and they mama
– A industria pode odiarme, golpealos a todos e eles a mamá
How many opps you really got? I mean, it’s too many options
– Cantas opp tes realmente? Quero dicir, son demasiadas opcións
Finna crash on this body, I’m John Stockton
– Finna choca con este corpo, Son John Stockton
What? Beat your— and hide the Bible if God watchin’
– Que? Bate-te-e esconde A Biblia Se Deus mira’
Sometimes you gotta pop out and show
– Ás veces tes que saír e mostrar
Certified boogeyman, I’m the one that up the score
– Certificado boogeyman, son o que aumenta a puntuación
Walk him down, whole time, I know he got some ho
– Camiña por el, todo o tempo, sei que ten un pouco de ho
Pole, extort sh—, bully Death Row
– Polo, extorsionar sh -, Bully Corredor Da Morte
Say, Drake, I hear you like ’em young
– Diga, Drake, escoito que che gustan os mozos
You better not ever go to cell block one
– É mellor que nunca vaias ao bloque un
To any— that talk to him and they in love
– A calquera que fale con el e eles namorados
Just make sure you hide your lil’ sister from him
– Asegúrese de ocultar a súa irmá lil del
They tell me Chubbs the only one that get your hand-me-downs
– Dinme Que Chubbs é O único que me dá a man
Party at the party playin’ with his nose now
– Festa na festa xogando co nariz agora
Baka got a weird case, why is he around?
– Baka ten un caso estraño, por que está por aquí?
Certified Lover Boy? Certified— (Christ)
– Amante Certificado? Certificado (Cristo)
(Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop) I’m on ’em tough
– (Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop) estou en ‘ em tough
(Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop) I’ma do my stuff
– (Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop) eu fago as miñas cousas
Why you trollin’ like a—? Ain’t you tired?
– Por que troll ‘ como a -? Non estás canso?
Tryna strike a chord and it’s probably A minor
– Tryna toca un acorde e é probablemente menor

They not like us (No), they not like us (No), they not like us (What?)
– Non nos gusta (Non), non nos gusta (Non), non nos gusta (Que?)
They not like us (No), they not like us (No), they not like us
– Non nos gusta (Non), non nos gusta (Non), non nos gusta (non)

Are you my friend?
– Es o meu amigo?
Are we locked in?
– Estamos encerrados?
Then step this way, step that way
– Paso así, paso así
Then step this way, step that way, hol’ on
– Entón, paso deste xeito, paso dese xeito, hol’ on

I go by the name of K-Dot, Dot, Kendrick Lamar, Oklama, Mr. Morale
– Eu vou polo nome De K-Dot, Dot, Kendrick Lamar, Oklahoma, Sr. Morale
This is GNX
– Isto É GNX
We come all the way from Compton, California threw a party with y’all
– Viñemos de Compton, California, e fixemos unha festa con todos vós
(Mustard on the beat) Let me hear you say
– (Mostaza no ritmo) Deixe-me escoitar dicir

– Mostaza
They actin’ bad, but somebody gotta do it
– Actúan mal, pero alguén ten que facelo
Got my foot up on the gas, but somebody gotta
– Levantei o pé sobre o gas, pero alguén ten que
Turn his TV off, turn his TV off
Huh, turn his TV off, turn his TV off
Huh, turn his TV off, turn his TV off
Turn his TV off, turn his TV off

Ain’t no other king in this rap thing, they siblings
– Non hai outro rei nesta cousa de rap, irmáns
Nothing but my children, one shot, they disappearin’
– Nada máis que os meus fillos, un tiro, desaparecen
In the city where the flag be gettin’ thrown, pass interference
– Na cidade onde se lanza a bandeira, pasa a interferencia
Padlock around the
– Cadeado ao redor do
Crash, pullin’ up in unmarked truck just to play freeze tag
– Crash, tirando nun camión sen marca só para xogar a freeze tag
Bone to pick like it was sea bass
– O óso para escoller como se fose o barro
When I made it out, I made about 50K from a show
– Cando o fixen, fixen UNS 50K dun espectáculo
I showed y’all the ropes before they hung from a rope
– Mostrei todas as cordas antes de colgar dunha corda
I’m prophetic, they talk about it, how I did it
– Son profético, falan diso, como o fixen
Good for savin’ face, I seen the cosmetics
– Ben para savin ‘ face, vin os cosméticos
Heads I gotta take to level my aesthetics
– Cabezas que teño que tomar para nivelar a miña estética
Hurry up, your muscle up, we up the higher metric
– Apresúrate, o teu músculo, subimos a métrica máis alta
Ran up out of luck soon as I upped the highest metric
– Acabei sen sorte logo de subir a métrica máis alta
Super Bowl made a feat, you die, I bet it
– O Super Bowl fixo unha hazaña, morres, aposto
Mouth get full of deceit, cowards tell it
– A boca está chea de enganos, os covardes dinlle
Walk in New Orleans with the etiquette of L.A., yellin’
– Camiña Por Nova Orleans coa etiqueta De L. a., yellin’

Mustard (Oh, man)
– Mostaza (oh, home)
They actin’ bad, but somebody gotta do it
– Actúan mal, pero alguén ten que facelo
Got my—, on the—, but some— gotta—, ha
– Ten o meu, no, pero algúns— ten que -, ha
Turn his TV off, turn his TV off
Huh, turn his TV off, turn his TV off
Huh, turn his TV off, turn his TV off
Turn his TV off, turn his—
– Apaga A TELE, apaga a SÚA—

The National Football League and Apple Music thank you for watching the Super Bowl 59 halftime show
– A National Football League e Apple Music grazas por ver o espectáculo do Intervalo Do Super Bowl 59

Kendrick Lamar



