One Direction – Night Changes Inglés Letras & Galego Traducións



Goin’ out tonight, changes into something red
– Saindo esta noite, cambia en algo vermello
Her mother doesn’t like that kind of dress
– A súa nai non lle gusta ese tipo de vestido
Everything she never had, she’s showing off
– Todo o que nunca tivo, está a mostrarse
Driving too fast, moon is breaking through her hair
– Conducindo demasiado rápido, moon está a romper o seu cabelo
She’s heading for something that she won’t forget
– Está a buscar algo que non esquecerá
Having no regrets is all that she really wants
– Non se arrepentir é todo o que ela realmente quere

(Ooh) We’re only getting older, baby
– (Ooh) só estamos envellecendo, nena
(Ooh) And I’ve been thinking about it lately
– (Oh) e eu estiven pensando nel ultimamente
(Ooh) Does it ever drive you crazy
– (Ooh) fai que te volva tolo
(Ah-ah-ah) Just how fast the night changes?
– (Ah-ah-ah) que rápido cambia a noite?
(Ooh) Everything that you’ve ever dreamed of
– Todo o que soñaches
(Ooh) Disappearing when you wake up
– (Ooh) Desaparecer cando espertar
(Ooh) But there’s nothing to be afraid of
– (Ooh) Pero non hai nada que temer
(Ah-ah-ah) Even when the night changes
– (Ah-ah-ah) Mesmo cando a noite cambia
(Ooh) It will never change me and you
– Nunca me cambiará a min e a ti

Chasing her tonight, doubts are running ’round her head
– Perseguíndoa esta noite, as dúbidas están correndo ao redor da súa cabeza
He’s waiting, hides behind a cigarette
– Está esperando, escóitase detrás dun cigarro
Heart is beating loud and she doesn’t want it to stop
– O corazón está a bater alto e ela non quere que pare
Moving too fast, moon is lightin’ up her skin
– Movéndose demasiado rápido, moon está iluminando a súa pel
She’s falling, doesn’t even know it yet
– Está caendo, aínda non o sabe
Having no regrets is all that she really wants
– Non se arrepentir é todo o que ela realmente quere

(Ooh) We’re only getting older, baby
– (Ooh) só estamos envellecendo, nena
(Ooh) And I’ve been thinking about it lately
– (Oh) e eu estiven pensando nel ultimamente
(Ooh) Does it ever drive you crazy
– (Ooh) fai que te volva tolo
(Ah-ah-ah) Just how fast the night changes?
– (Ah-ah-ah) que rápido cambia a noite?
(Ooh) Everything that you’ve ever dreamed of
– Todo o que soñaches
(Ooh) Disappearing when you wake up
– (Ooh) Desaparecer cando espertar
(Ooh) But there’s nothing to be afraid of
– (Ooh) Pero non hai nada que temer
(Ah-ah-ah) Even when the night changes
– (Ah-ah-ah) Mesmo cando a noite cambia
(Ooh) It will never change me and you
– Nunca me cambiará a min e a ti

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
– Oh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh
– Oh, ooh, ooh
– Ooh

Goin’ out tonight, changes into something red
– Saindo esta noite, cambia en algo vermello
Her mother doesn’t like that kind of dress
– A súa nai non lle gusta ese tipo de vestido
Reminds her of the missing piece of innocence she lost
– Lembra a súa inocencia perdida

(Ooh) We’re only getting older, baby
– (Ooh) só estamos envellecendo, nena
(Ooh) And I’ve been thinking about it lately
– (Oh) e eu estiven pensando nel ultimamente
(Ooh) Does it ever drive you crazy
– (Ooh) fai que te volva tolo
(Ah-ah-ah) Just how fast the night changes?
– (Ah-ah-ah) que rápido cambia a noite?
(Ooh) Everything that you’ve ever dreamed of
– Todo o que soñaches
(Ooh) Disappearing when you wake up
– (Ooh) Desaparecer cando espertar
(Ooh) But there’s nothing to be afraid of
– (Ooh) Pero non hai nada que temer
(Ah-ah-ah) Even when the night changes
– (Ah-ah-ah) Mesmo cando a noite cambia
(Ooh) It will never change, baby
– Nunca cambiará, nena
(Ooh) It will never change, baby
– Nunca cambiará, nena
(Ooh) It will never change me and you
– Nunca me cambiará a min e a ti

One Direction



