Quadeca – GODSTAINED Inglés Letras & Galego Traducións



Fiber glass solution
– Solución de fibra de vidro
There’s a message on your skin
– Hai unha mensaxe na pel
Flaking from the paper
– Descascar do papel
I can read you from within
– Puedo leerte desde dentro

I thought you knew
– Pensei que sabías
Something, that I never will
– Algo que nunca vou facer
God stained (God stained)
– Manchado de deus (Manchado De Deus)
God stained (God stained)
– Manchado de deus (Manchado De Deus)

Show me what I’m missin’
– Mostrádeme o que me falta
From the land, you couldn’t stay
– Da terra, non podías quedar
I can see your history
– Vexo a túa historia
From a thousand miles away
– A mil millas de distancia

I thought you knew
– Pensei que sabías
Something, that I shouldn’t say
– Algo que non debería dicir
God stained (God stained)
– Manchado de deus (Manchado De Deus)
We’re one and the same (God stained)
– Somos un E o mesmo (deus manchado)

I thought you knew
– Pensei que sabías
No matter how much I feel like the paper and plastic
– Non importa o que me sinta como o papel e o plástico
I could still find a way to get back to you (To you, to you)
– Aínda podo atopar unha forma de volver a ti (a ti, a ti)
‘Cause I thought you knew (You knew, you knew)
– Porque pensei que sabías (sabías, sabías)
Coming back home, I’ll be there a little bit slower
– Volvendo a casa, estarei alí un pouco máis lento
Don’t you see that I’ll never get over you? (Yeah)
– Non ves que nunca te superarei? (Si)
(Oh, oh)
– (Oh, oh)

Fiber glass affliction
– Aflición de fibra de vidro
Can I pencil in a date?
– Podo facer un lapis nunha data?
I’ll call you by December
– Chamareiche en decembro
Somethin’, 1998
– Algo, 1998

I thought you knew (I thought you knew, I thought you knew)
– Pensei que sabías (pensei que sabías, pensei que sabías)
Everything (Thought you knew, I thought you knew)
– Todo (Pensaba que sabías, pensaba que sabías)
‘Cause I can relate (God stained)
– Porque podo relacionarme (deus manchado)
It’s written on your face
– Está escrito na túa cara

I thought you knew (I thought you knew)
– Pensei que sabías (pensei que sabías)
No matter how much I feel like the paper and plastic
– Non importa o que me sinta como o papel e o plástico
I could still find a way to get tied to you
– Aínda podo atopar unha forma de atarte
‘Cause I thought you knew (You knew, you knew)
– Porque pensei que sabías (sabías, sabías)
Coming back home, I’ll be there a little bit slower
– Volvendo a casa, estarei alí un pouco máis lento
Don’t you see that I’ll never get over you? (Yeah)
– Non ves que nunca te superarei? (Si)
(Oh, oh)
– (Oh, oh)
(Back to you)
– (Volver a ti)
– (Oh)

– Si
I been there and back, you don’t even know about that (What, yeah)
– Eu estiven alí e de volta, nin sequera sabes diso (Que, si)
Talk about one man’s trash, you don’t even know about that
– Fala do lixo dun home, nin sequera o sabes
Stopped me in my tracks, you don’t even know about that (Yeah, yeah)
– Paráchesme nas miñas pegadas, nin sequera sabes diso (Si, si)
Copyin’ my path, you ain’t even know about that (I thought you knew)
– Copiando o meu camiño, nin sequera sabes diso (pensei que sabías)
We get by, by, you ain’t even know about that
– Pasamos, pasamos, nin sequera sabes diso
I said some white lies, you don’t need to know about that (Yeah)
– Dixen algunhas mentiras brancas, non tes que saber diso (Si)
God stained
– Deus manchado
God stained
– Deus manchado
God stained
– Deus manchado
God, God
– Deus, Deus
God stained
– Deus manchado
God stained
– Deus manchado
God stained
– Deus manchado
– Deus




