River Black – Think About Love Inglés Letras & Galego Traducións



Ooh, ah
– Oh, ah, ah

I thought that life was kind, just a state of mind
– Pensei que a vida era amable, só un estado de ánimo
Then I found you and the sun shone brightly
– Entón atopei a ti e o sol brillaba brillantemente
It’s like when you’re alone, just pick up the phone
– É como cando estás só, só colle o teléfono
I hear your voice and I don’t feel so empty
– Escoito a túa voz e non me sinto tan baleiro

Ah-ah, you can do anything
– Ah-ah, podes facer calquera cousa
– Ah-ah-ah

‘Cause I-I-I believe in all that I can be, and I-I-I-I
– Porque eu creo en todo o que podo ser, e eu eu
And I-I-I-I feel like the air, now I can breathe
– E eu sinto como o aire, agora podo respirar
And think about love, ’bout love
– E pensar no amor, ‘ bout love
And think about you
– Pensa en ti

And so we’re here again, I talk with you, my friend
– E aquí estamos de novo, falo contigo, meu amigo
Tears and fears, they fall around so gently
– Lágrimas e medos, caen tan suavemente
And like the final call, we give and take it all
– E como a última chamada, damos e tomamos todo
Then just one kiss and I don’t feel so empty
– Entón só un bico e non me sinto tan baleiro

Ah-ah, you can do anything
– Ah-ah, podes facer calquera cousa
Ah-ah-ah, ah
– Ah-ah-ah, ah

‘Cause I-I-I believe in all that I can be, and I-I-I-I (That I can be)
– Porque eu creo en todo o que podo ser, e eu eu (que podo ser)
And I-I-I-I feel like the air, now I can breathe
– E eu sinto como o aire, agora podo respirar
And think about love, ’bout love
– E pensar no amor, ‘ bout love
And think about you
– Pensa en ti

Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh
– Oh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
(Yeah, you)
– (Si, ti)
Ooh, ooh
– Ooh, ooh

So how does it feel that my love is real?
– Como se sente que o meu amor é real?
You can be sure you set my heart free
– Podes estar seguro de que liberas o meu corazón
And now that you know our love can grow
– E agora que sabes que o noso amor pode crecer
It can be all we ever wanted
– Pode ser todo o que sempre quixemos
Ah-ah, you can do anything
– Ah-ah, podes facer calquera cousa
Ah-ah-ah, ah
– Ah-ah-ah, ah

‘Cause I-I-I believe in all that I can be, and I-I-I-I (Feel like the air, I breathe)
– Porque eu creo en todo o que podo ser, e eu eu (Sinto como o aire, respiro)
And I-I-I-I feel like the air, now I can breathe
– E eu sinto como o aire, agora podo respirar
And think about love, ’bout love
– E pensar no amor, ‘ bout love
And think about you (Oh, oh)
– Pensa en ti (oh, oh)
And think about you (Yeah, you)
– Pensa en ti (Si, ti)

So how does it feel that my love is real?
– Como se sente que o meu amor é real?
You can be sure you set my heart free
– Podes estar seguro de que liberas o meu corazón
And now that you know our love can grow
– E agora que sabes que o noso amor pode crecer
It can be all we ever wanted
– Pode ser todo o que sempre quixemos
Ah-ah, you can do anything
– Ah-ah, podes facer calquera cousa
Ah-ah-ah, ah
– Ah-ah-ah, ah

‘Cause I-I-I believe in all that I can be, and I-I-I-I (Feel like the air, I can breathe)
– Porque eu creo en todo o que podo ser, e eu eu (Sinto como o aire, podo respirar)
And I-I-I-I feel like the air, now I can breathe
– E eu sinto como o aire, agora podo respirar
And think about love, ’bout love
– E pensar no amor, ‘ bout love
And think about you
– Pensa en ti

(Oh, oh, oh)
– (Oh, oh, oh)
And think about you
– Pensa en ti
(Oh, oh, oh, yeah)
– (Oh, oh, oh, si)
– Ola
(Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)
– (Redirixido desde “Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh”)
(Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh)
– (Redirixido desde “ooh-ooh”)

River Black



