I know you’re not
– Sei que non es
The sharpest tool in the shed
– A ferramenta máis afiada do cobertizo
We had sex, I met your best friends
– Tivemos sexo, coñecín aos teus mellores amigos
Then a bird flies by and you forget
– Un paxaro pasa e esquece
I don’t hear a word
– Non escoito unha palabra
‘Til your guilt creeps in
– Ata que a túa culpa se arrastra
On a Tuesday, send a soft “hey”
– Un martes, envía un suave “hey”
As if you really don’t recall the time
– Como se non lembrasen o momento
We were goin’ right, then you took a left
– Fomos á dereita, e despois tomaste a esquerda
Left me with a lot of shit to second-guess
– Deixoume moita merda para adiviñar
Guess I’ll waste another year on wonderin’ if
– Supoño que perderei outro ano preguntándome se
If that was casual, then I’m an idiot
– Se iso era casual, entón son un idiota
I’m lookin’ for an answer in-between the lines
– Estou a buscar unha resposta entre as liñas
Lyin’ to yourself if you think we’re fine
– Mentir para si mesmo se pensas que estamos ben
You’re confused and I’m upset, but
– Estás confundido e estou molesto, pero
We never talk about it
– Nunca falamos diso
We never talk about it
– Nunca falamos diso
We never talk about it
– Nunca falamos diso
All the silence just makes it worse, really
– Todo o silencio empeora, en realidade
‘Cause it leaves you so top-of-mind for me
– Porque te deixa tan ben para min
All the silence is just your strategy
– Todo o silencio é a túa estratexia
‘Cause it leaves you so top-of-mind for me
– Porque te deixa tan ben para min
We never talk about how you
– Nunca falamos de como
Found God at your ex’s house, always
– Atopei A Deus na casa do teu ex, sempre
Made sure that the phone was face-down
– Asegúrese de que o teléfono estaba cara abaixo
Seems like overnight, I’m just the bitch you hate now
– Parece que de súpeto, son a puta que odias agora
We never talk it through
– Nunca o falamos
How you guilt-tripped me to open up to you
– Como a culpa me tropezou para abrirme a ti
Then you logged out, leavin’ me dumbfounded, oh-oh
– Entón saíu, deixándome estupefacto, oh-oh
We were goin’ right, then you took a left
– Fomos á dereita, e despois tomaste a esquerda
Left me with a lot of shit to second-guess
– Deixoume moita merda para adiviñar
Guess I’ll waste another year on wonderin’ if
– Supoño que perderei outro ano preguntándome se
If that was casual, then I’m an idiot
– Se iso era casual, entón son un idiota
I’m lookin’ for an answer in-between the lines
– Estou a buscar unha resposta entre as liñas
Lyin’ to yourself if you think we’re fine
– Mentir para si mesmo se pensas que estamos ben
You’re confused and I’m upset, but
– Estás confundido e estou molesto, pero
We never talk about it (We don’t talk about it, we don’t talk about it)
– Nunca falamos diso (non falamos diso, non falamos diso)
We never talk about it (We don’t talk about it, talk, talk, talk about it)
– Nunca falamos del (non falamos del, falamos, falamos, falamos del)
We never talk about it (We don’t talk about it, we don’t talk about it)
– Nunca falamos diso (non falamos diso, non falamos diso)
(We don’t talk about it, we don’t talk about it)
– (Non o falamos, non o falamos)
We never talk about how you
– Nunca falamos de como
Found God at your ex’s house, always
– Atopei A Deus na casa do teu ex, sempre
Made sure that the phone was face-down
– Asegúrese de que o teléfono estaba cara abaixo
Seems like overnight, I’m just the bitch you hate now
– Parece que de súpeto, son a puta que odias agora
We never talk it through
– Nunca o falamos
How you guilt-tripped me to open up to you
– Como a culpa me tropezou para abrirme a ti
Then you logged out, leavin’ me dumbfounded, oh-oh
– Entón saíu, deixándome estupefacto, oh-oh
We don’t talk about it, we don’t talk about it (We never talk about it)
– Non falamos diso, non falamos diso (nunca falamos diso)
We don’t talk about it, talk, talk, talk about it (We never talk about it)
– Non falamos, falamos, falamos, falamos (nunca falamos diso)
We don’t talk about it, we don’t talk about it (We never talk about it)
– Non falamos diso, non falamos diso (nunca falamos diso)
We don’t talk about it, we don’t talk about it
– Non falamos diso, non falamos diso