Ceechynaa – Peggy Engleski Tekst Pjesme & Hrvatski Prijevodi

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Tekst Pjesme

I told you men I was gonna quit, and you tried to get rid of me?
– Rekao sam vam, ljudi, htjela sam otići, a vi ste me se pokušali riješiti?
– Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
– A-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha
Oi, mate
– Hej, prijatelju.

I’m peggin’ that man at the back of the bus
– Vidim ovog tipa na stražnjem sjedalu autobusa
Feelin’ like Three 6 Mafia, I’m gonna fill up his nose with dust
– Osjećam se kao mafijaš iz “tri-6”, stavit ću mu prašinu u nos
These niggas are always talkin’, tell them niggas I don’t give a fuck
– Ti crnje uvijek brbljaju, reci im crnje da me nije briga za njih.
I got an Asian yute from West, tryna pick me up in a Lambo truck
– Imam prijatelja azijca sa Zapada koji pokušava doći po mene u kamionu “Lambo”.
I told that man that I love short men ’cause I wanted to use him
– Rekao sam ovom tipu da volim niske muškarce jer sam ga želio koristiti
I’m putting these niggas in debt, if I get his wallet, I’m gonna abuse it
– Uvlačim te crnce u dugove i ako dobijem njegov novčanik, iskoristit ću ga
Just got a triangle strip last week, now I’m out here lookin’ like Phineas
– Prošli tjedan kupio sam trokutastu traku, a sada izgledam kao Phineas.
I left that nigga on read, he ain’t gonna fuck me and that’s on period
– Ostavio sam ovog crnca na miru, neće me jebati, točka

I’m in the back of the car with your daddy
– Na stražnjem sam sjedalu automobila s tvojim tatom.
And he’s twerking and popping a Perc’
– I on pleše tverk i poskakuje’
I got him bending his bum like Spice in the back of the van when they stop and search
– Natjerao sam ga da savija dupe poput začina u stražnjem dijelu kombija kad su ga zaustavili i pretražili
These men wanna act like a beast, so I put these men in a cage
– Ti se ljudi žele ponašati poput zvijeri, pa sam ih stavio u kavez
I made a call, now two days later, my niggas are bustin’ all over his face (Bitch)
– Nazvao sam i sada, dva dana kasnije, moji crnje ga udaraju u lice (kuja).
“Chyna, please have mercy, I ain’t gettin’ paid ’til the end of the week”
– “Dušo, molim te, smiluj se, neću biti plaćen do kraja tjedna”
I don’t give a fuck, shut the fuck up
– Jebi me, šuti.
Get on your knees and grease my feet (Pussy)
– Klekni i namaži mi noge (maca)
He want a break, I’ve been ridin’ his face six hours
– Želi predah, jebem ga šest sati ravno
He told me to squirt in his mouth, so I gave him a golden shower
– Rekao mi je da mu svršim u usta, a ja sam mu priredila zlatnu kišu
Just got the whole bed creakin’, the way my ass clap, you’d think it’s a choir
– Upravo je cijeli krevet škripao, a stražnjica mi je pljeskala tako da biste pomislili da je to zbor.
I got him six feet deep like Kevin, and now I’m leavin’ that bitch no flowers
– Stjerao sam ga u kut poput Kevina i sada ostavljam ovu kuju bez cvijeća
These fathers are always complainin’, sayin’ that my music is bad for the kids
– Ti se očevi uvijek žale, kažu da je moja glazba loša za djecu
Someone tell their papi that Chyna said that she don’t give a shit
– Neka netko kaže njihovom tati da je China rekla da joj je stalo do toga.
I’ll walk these men like a dog, it’s only gonna work if I make him my bitch
– Šetat ću ove muškarce poput psa, to će uspjeti samo ako od njega napravim svoju kuju.
And I’m puttin’ him back in the cage if his dick ain’t long like Natalie’s chin (Ew)
– I vratit ću ga u kavez ako njegov penis nije dugačak kao Natalieina brada (fuj)
He said that he’s got a big dick, but he’s scoopin’ it up in his hands (Aw)
– Rekao je da ima veliki kurac, ali da ga obavija rukama (ou)
I told him to put that shrimp back in his fuckin’ pants (Pathetic)
– Rekao sam mu da gurne tu kozicu natrag u svoje jebene hlače (jadno)
And he said it was big, this is the shit that gets me mad
– A on je rekao da je velika i to me ljuti
They said I’m a masculine bitch ’cause these little niggas ain’t really a man
– Rekli su da sam muževna kuja jer ti mali crnje zapravo nisu muškarci.
Your community don’t even like ya, all of these bitches wanted me, see?
– Čak se ni ne sviđaš svojoj zajednici, sve te kučke su me htjele, znaš?
They see that I done front cover, now all of these bitches wanna be me (Bitch)
– Vidjeli su da sam na naslovnici, a sada sve te kuje žele biti ja (kuja).
Your fans are allergic to streaming, I checked those streams, and they went down four
– Vaši obožavatelji su alergični na streamove, provjerio sam te streamove i oni su pali za četiri
One thousand monthly listeners, bitch, put that shit on the floor
– Tisuću slušatelja mjesečno, kučko, stavi to sranje na pod

I’m peggin’ that man at the back of the bus
– Vidim tog čovjeka na kraju autobusa.
Feelin’ like Three 6 Mafia, I’m gonna fill up his nose with dust
– Osjećam se kao mafijaš iz “tri-6”, bombardirat ću ga prašinom iz nosa
These niggas are always talkin’, tell them niggas I don’t give a fuck
– Ti crnje uvijek brbljaju, reci im da me nije briga za to
I got an Asian yute from West, tryna pick me up in a Lambo truck
– Imam azijca sa Zapada koji pokušava doći po mene u kamionu “Lambo”.
I told that man that I love short men ’cause I wanted to use him
– Rekao sam ovom tipu da volim niske muškarce jer sam ga želio koristiti
I’m putting these niggas in debt, if I get his wallet, I’m gonna abuse it
– Uvlačim te crnce u dugove, a ako dobijem njegov novčanik, koristit ću ga.
Just got a triangle strip last week, now I’m out here lookin’ like Phineas
– Prošli tjedan dobio sam trokutastu traku i sada izgledam kao Phineas
I left that nigga on read, he ain’t gonna fuck me and that’s on period
– Ostavio sam ovog crnca na miru, neće me jebati, točka




