Jack Harlow – Just Us Engleski Tekst Pjesme & Hrvatski Prijevodi

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Tekst Pjesme

I wish it was just us in this bitch
– Volio bih da smo samo mi u toj Kuji.
But they can’t trust us in this bitch
– Ali ne mogu nam vjerovati u to, kučko
‘Cause I’m tryna bust nuts in this, huh
– Jer se pokušavam odvojiti od toga, da
Let’s keep it
– Zadržimo to
On a hush-hush in this bitch
– U tajnosti od svih u ovoj Kuji
I told her she’s so pretty
– Rekao sam joj da je tako lijepa
And she just blushed in this bitch
– I samo je pocrvenjela od te kučke
She clutch-clutchin’ my—, huh
– Ona kvačilo— u-Mine’ da
I’m adjusting my—, huh
– Reguliram -, da
She husky like mush-mush in this bitch
– Ona je promukao, kao Mush-Mush u ovoj kuja
You must be nuts rushing this
– Morate biti orasi pret to
Slow it down like macaroni
– Usporite ga poput tjestenine
I know it sounds like Zack and Cody
– Znam da zvuči kao Zach i Kodi
This life’s sweet, I mean highkey
– Ovaj život je lijep, mislim na visoku razinu

And you might be
– A ti bi mogao biti
Something that isn’t quite but slightly
– Nešto što nije sasvim točno, ali suptilno
Resembles wifey, I’ma need this nightly
– Žena poput tebe, Trebam ovu noć.
You say you know all about Pisces
– Kažete da znate sve o ribama
I disagree but call it out nicely
– Ne slažem se, ali reći ću to na dobar način
I’m all on you, faling out my seat
– Potpuno sam na tvojoj strani, ustupam svoje mjesto

I wish it was just us in this bitch
– Volio bih da smo samo mi sami u ovoj Kuji
But they can’t trust us in this bitch
– Ali ne mogu nam vjerovati u ovoj Kuji
‘Cause I’m tryna bust nuts in this, huh
– Jer pokušavam izluditi zbog toga, da
Let’s keep it
– Nastavimo tako
On a hush-hush in this bitch
– Tajna od ove kuje
I told her she’s so pretty
– Rekao sam joj da je tako lijepa
And she just blushed in this bitch
– I samo je pocrvenjela kad je vidjela tu kučku
She clutch-clutchin’ my—, huh
– Čvrsto mi stisne grudi, haha
I’m adjusting my—, huh
– Ispravljam grudi haha
She husky like mush-mush in this bitch
– Promukla je poput kašaste mase kad vidi ovu kuju
You must be nuts rushing this
– Sigurno si lud u žurbi.
Slow it down like macaroni
– Usporite poput tjestenine
I know it sounds like Zack and Cody
– Znam da zvuči kao Zach i Kodi
This life’s sweet, I mean highkey
– Taj je život lijep, mislim, na visokoj noti

– Da.
Two hands on my ‘fro, starin’ into my soul
– Dvije ruke su mi na čelu, zaviruju mi u dušu.
Leg up on that chair, hand on that arm, tongue in that throat
– Stavite nogu na ovu stolicu, stavite ruku na naslon za ruku, pritisnite jezik uz grlo
I don’t play with my pen, leave it on a good note
– Ne igram se olovkom, ostavljam je za kasnije
Keep you all on your toes, leave the TV off for this show
– Da biste svi bili na nogama, isključite televizor za vrijeme trajanja ove emisije
You a softy, marshmallows and black coffee
– Imate slatko, sljez i crnu kavu
My mouth cold from this blue frosty
– Usta mi se hlade od ovog plavog mraza
My back blown ’cause you blew it off me, like, uh
– Naježim se niz kralježnicu jer si me otpuhala, kao, uh…
You want me or what?
– Želiš li me ili što?
Prove that with yo’—, huh
– Dokaži to svojim riječima, ha?
Spend sum’ for this, huh?
– Potrošit ćeš novac na to, ha?
Who said that ain’t love?
– Tko kaže da to nije ljubav?
And this bass hittin’ real backhanded
– A ovaj basist udara bekhend
Insatiable, I’m like Pac-Man
– Nezasitan, ja sam kao About-About
We go back further than backgammon
– Ne igramo samo Backgammon
Hey, Jackman, I mean, Jack Rabbit
– Jackman, mislim, Jack Rabbit
I’m runnin’ while I look back at it
– Bježim kad se osvrnem na to
Fans really some fanatics
– Obožavatelji su pravi fanatici
They cooked, kinda like crack addicts
– Kuhali su poput ovisnika o cracku
We cookin’ shit up like black magic
– Kuhamo sve vrste sranja, kao u crnoj magiji
Backs to ’em, paper talk, spoke fax to ’em
– Imam leđa prema njima, pišem članke, komuniciram s njima faksom
Makeup on for these pop features
– Našminkao sam se za ove pop emisije
I’m throwin’ ass to some bad music
– Kidam dupe na lošu glazbu
Yeah, I’m that stupid, like, duh
– Da, tako sam glup, pa da, naravno
You mad cute, I wan’ fuck
– Ti si ludo slatka, želim se zajebavati
Don’t ice box me, let’s touch
– Nemojte me držati uz sebe, dodirujmo se

I wish it was just us in this bitch
– Volio bih da smo samo mi sami u ovoj Kuji
But they can’t trust us in this bitch
– Ali ne mogu nam vjerovati u ovu kučku
‘Cause I’m tryna bust nuts in this, huh
– Jer se pokušavam odvojiti od toga, da
Let’s keep it
– Zadržimo to
On a hush-hush in this bitch
– U tajnosti od svih u ovoj Kuji
I told her she’s so pretty
– Rekao sam joj da je tako lijepa
And she just blushed in this bitch
– I samo je pocrvenjela od te kučke
She clutch-clutchin’ my—, huh (My huh)
– Ona stisne-stisne moju…, da (moj, da)
I’m adjusting my—, huh (Huh)
– Ispravljam svoje…, ha (ha)
She husky like mush-mush in this bitch
– Ona je promukla, poput kaše u ovoj Kuji
You must be nuts rushing this
– Sigurno si poludio u žurbi.

We can just be friends like Musiq Soulchild
– Možemo biti samo prijatelji kao što su
And Bobby Valentino, you can slow it down
– A Bobbi Valentino, možeš usporiti
We got all these Temptations like the group from Motown
– Imamo sva ta iskušenja, poput benda iz A-liste
And I’m player like the crew that came up through my hometown
– I ja sam igrač koliko i momčad koja je došla u moj rodni grad

Jack Harlow



