Kanye West – BULLY Engleski Tekst Pjesme & Hrvatski Prijevodi

Video isječak

Tekst Pjesme

Ha, ha
– Haha
मरते, मरते, ये
– मरते, मरते, ये

Serotonin, serotonin
– Serotonin serotonin
Where you hiding? Where you going?
– Gdje se skrivaš? Kamo ideš?
Need that serotonin, serotonin, serotonin
– Trebate serotonina, serotonina, serotonina
Gets me going, gets me going
– Mami me, mami me

Getting dark outside
– Postaje mrak,
Dopamine declined
– Dopamin se smanjio
Can’t be satisfied
– Ne mogu biti zadovoljan
‘Less you by my side
– “Da nisi bio pored mene
Fifty thousand lunch
– Ručak od pedeset tisuća dolara
Twenty bottles drunk
– Popio dvadeset boca
Left without you, love
– Ostao sam Bez tebe, ljubavi
I’m completely numb
– Potpuno sam otupio
System overdrive
– Sustav je preopterećen
Algorithm’s fried
– Algoritam ne uspijeva
You consume my mind
– Proždireš moj um
You got all my time
– Zauzimaš mi sve vrijeme
Face is paralyzed
– Lice paralizirano
Fully compromised
– Potpuno ugroženo
Make a grown man cry
– Dovodite odraslog muškarca do suza.”
Come, let’s make a child
– Napravimo dijete.

Serotonin, serotonin
– Serotonin, serotonin…
Where you hiding? Where you going?
– Gdje se skrivaš? Kamo ideš?
Need that serotonin, serotonin, serotonin
– Potreban je taj serotonin, serotonin, serotonin
Gets me going, gets me going
– Pali me, pali me.
Serotonin, serotonin
– Serotonin, serotonin
Where you hiding? Where you going?
– Gdje se skrivaš? Kamo ideš?
Need that serotonin, serotonin, serotonin
– Potreban je taj serotonin, serotonin, serotonin
Gets me going, gets me going
– Pali me, pali me.

मरते मरते, ये
– मरते मरते, ये


I was nodding off, on that Aperol
– Zaspao sam od aperola
She’s got Adderall, she’s an animal
– Ima Adderall, ona je samo zvijer
Keep the cameras on, this that new freak-off
– Ne isključujte kamere, to je njezin novi trik
And she gon’ make it soft, that’s gon’ piss me off
– I ona će to učiniti nježno, to će me naljutiti
System overdrive, that pum-pum out the line
– Preopterećenje sustava, to je uznemirujuće
Tell me that it’s hot, tell—
– Reci mi što je vruće, reci—

Kanye West



