MGMT – Kids Engleski Tekst Pjesme & Hrvatski Prijevodi

Video isječak

Tekst Pjesme

Five, four, three, two, one, ah!
– Pet, četiri, tri, dva, jedan, ah!

You were a child crawlin’ on your knees toward it
– Bio si dijete koje mu je puzalo u krilu
Makin’ Mama so proud, but your voice is too loud
– Mama je bila ponosna na tebe, ali glas ti je bio preglasan
We like to watch you laughin’
– Voljeli smo te gledati kako se smiješ
You pick the insects off plants, no time to think of consequences
– Skupljali ste insekte iz biljaka i niste imali vremena razmišljati o posljedicama.

Control yourself, take only what you need from it
– Kontrolirajte se, Uzmite od toga samo ono što vam treba
A family of trees wanted to be haunted
– Obitelj drveća željela je biti progonjena
Control yourself, take only what you need from it
– Kontrolirajte se, Uzmite od toga samo ono što vam treba
A family of trees wanted to be haunted
– Obitelj drveća željela je biti progonjena

The water is warm, but it’s sendin’ me shivers
– Voda je topla, ali me zadrhti
A baby is born, cryin’ out for attention
– Dijete se rađa moleći za pažnju
The memories fade like lookin’ through a fogged mirror
– Sjećanja blijede poput refleksije u zamagljenom zrcalu.
Decision to decisions are made and not bought
– Odluke za odluke se donose, a ne kupuju
But I thought this wouldn’t hurt a lot, I guess not
– Ali mislio sam da to neće puno boljeti, pretpostavljam da ne

Control yourself, take only what you need from it
– Kontrolirajte se, uzmite samo ono što vam treba od toga
A family of trees wanted to be haunted
– Obitelj drveća željela je biti progonjena
Control yourself, take only what you need from it
– Kontrolirajte se, uzmite samo ono što vam treba od toga
A family of trees wanted to be haunted
– Obitelj drveća željela je biti progonjena

Control yourself, take only what you need from it
– Kontrolirajte se, uzmite samo ono što vam treba od toga
A family of trees wanted to be haunted
– Obitelj drveća željela je biti progonjena
Control yourself, take only what you need from it
– Kontrolirajte se, uzmite samo ono što vam treba od toga
A family of trees wanted to be haunted
– Obitelj drveća željela je biti progonjena
Control yourself, take only what you need from it
– Kontrolirajte se, uzmite samo ono što vam treba od toga
A family of trees wanted to be haunted
– Obitelj drveća željela je biti progonjena
Control yourself, take only what you need from it
– Kontrolirajte se, uzmite samo ono što vam treba
A family of trees
– Obitelj stabala




