Video isječak
Tekst Pjesme
Well, you were laid inverse
– Pa, imali ste suprotno
Living on a promised word
– Živite po obećanju
Well, I am the rose you relinquished again
– Pa, ja sam ruža koju si opet odbio
You and I are down headfirst
– Ti i ja smo u govnima.
In another world I heard
– Čuo sam da smo u drugom svijetu
But I have a feeling we’re close to the end
– Ali imam osjećaj da smo pri kraju
So, come on, come on
– Dakle, hajde, hajde
Out from underneath, who you were
– Izađite iz onoga što ste bili prije
Come on, come on now
– Hajde, hajde sada
You know that it’s time to emerge
– Znate da je vrijeme da se dokažete
So go ahead and wrap your arms around me
– Dakle, samo naprijed, zagrli me…
Arms around me, arms around me, yeah
– Zagrli me, zagrli me, da
Go ahead and wrap your arms around me
– Hajde, zagrli me…
Arms around me, arms around me, yeah
– Zagrli me, zagrli me, da
Go ahead and wrap your arms around me
– Hajde, zagrli me…
Arms around me, arms around me, yeah
– Zagrli me, zagrli me, da…
Go ahead and wrap your arms around me
– Hajde, zagrli me.
Arms around me, arms around me, yeah (Hey, woo)
– Zagrli me, zagrli me, da (zdravo, vau)
Are you carbide on my nano? Red glass on my lightbulb
– Jeste li iz karbida u mojoj nanocijevi? Crveno staklo u mojoj žarulji
Dark light on my culture, sapphire on my white gold
– Tamno svjetlo u mojoj kulturi, safir u mom bijelom zlatu
Burst out of my chest and hide out in the vents
– Izlazi iz mojih grudi i skriva se u otvorima
My blood beats so alive
– Moja krv kuca tako živo
Might bite right through your lenses
– Može zabiti zube izravno u Vaše leće
It’s midnight in my mind’s eye, drowning out the daylight
– Pred mojim umnim okom ponoć pomračuje dnevnu svjetlost
Godspeed to my enemies who be askin’ for that call sign
– Sretno mojim neprijateljima koji pitaju za moj pozivni znak
You know the behaviour, canines of the saviour
– Znate kako se ponašaju spasiteljevi očnjaci
Glory to the legion, trauma for the neighbours
– Slava Legiji, Jao susjedima
So go ahead and wrap your arms around me
– Dakle, samo naprijed, zagrli me rukama.
Arms around me, arms around me, yeah
– Ruke me grle, ruke me grle, da
Go ahead and wrap your arms around me
– Samo naprijed i zagrli me rukama
Arms around me, arms around me, yeah
– Ruke me grle, ruke me grle, da
Go ahead and wrap your arms around me
– Samo naprijed i zagrli me rukama
Arms around me, arms around me, yeah
– Ruke me grle, ruke me grle, da
Go ahead and wrap your arms around me
– Samo naprijed i zagrli me rukama
Arms around me, arms around me
– Ruke me grle, ruke me grle.
I’ve got solar flares for your dead gods, space dust for your fuel rods
– Imam bljeskove na suncu za vaše mrtve bogove, kozmičku prašinu za vaše gorivne šipke
Dark days for your Solstice dancin’ through the depths of
– Mračni dani za vaš solsticij koji pleše u dubinama
Hellfire, on the winds that started from within
– Pakleni plamen, na vjetrovima koji pušu iznutra
My blood beats so alive, might tear right through my skin
– Moja krv kuca tako jako da mi može probiti kožu.
So, tell me what you meant by “living past your half-life”
– Dakle, recite mi što ste mislili pod “živjeti svoj poluživot”.
In lockstep with the universe, and you’re well-versed in the afterlife
– Držimo korak sa svemirom, a vi ste dobro upućeni u zagrobni život
You know that I’m sanctified by what’s below
– Znaš da sam posvećen onim što je tamo dolje
No matter what you do, no matter where you go
– Što god radili, kamo god krenuli
You might be the one to take away the pain
– Možda si ti taj koji će me spasiti od boli
And let my mind go quiet
– I umiriti moj um
And nothing else is quite the same as how I feel when I’m at your side
– I ništa se drugo ne može usporediti s onim kako se osjećam kad sam u tvojoj blizini.
Come on, come on
– Hajde, hajde.
Out from underneath who you were
– Ispod onoga što si nekada bio.
Come on, come on now
– Hajde, hajde odmah.
You know that it’s time to emerge
– Znate da je vrijeme da se dokažete
So go ahead and wrap your arms around me
– Dakle, samo naprijed, zagrli me rukama.
Arms around me, arms around me (Huh, woo)
– Zagrli me, zagrli me (ha, uh)
And you might be the one to take away the pain
– A možda si ti taj koji će me spasiti od boli
And let my mind go quiet
– I umiriti moj um.
And nothing else is quite the same as how I feel when I’m at your side
– I ništa se drugo ne može usporediti s onim kako se osjećam kad sam u tvojoj blizini
[Instrumental Outro]
– [Instrumentalno dovršavanje]