Kendrick Lamar – Bodies Sing Maca & Padusan Tutulung

Vidéo Klip


Only thing matter right now is livin’ right now and I can’t spare no feelings
– Mung sing penting saiki urip saiki lan aku ora bisa nyingkirake perasaan
Quiet on set, but my aura loud, I navigate through hood shit and wisdom
– Mantap gan infonya,,,,,,,,,,, aku navigasi liwat hood sampah lan kawicaksanan
The money all here, young man, fuck holdin’ your hand, you’ll die broke tryna play victim
– Duwit kabeh kene, wong enom, jancok nyekeli tangan, sampeyan bakal mati bejat tryna main korban
The little ideas I told made people go rogue until God did me a big one
– Gagasan cilik sing dakkandhakake nggawe wong dadi nakal nganti Gusti Allah nggawe aku gedhe

Reincarnated with love, my Gemini twin back, powerin’ up
– Cinta, cinta, kembar gemini bali, powering ‘ munggah
No more handshakes and hugs, the energy only circulate through us
– Ora ana maneh salaman lan ngrangkul, energi mung sirkulasi liwat kita
Everybody must be judged
– Kabèh wong kudu diadili
But this time, God only favorin’ us
– Nanging Wektu Iki, Gusti Allah mung ndhukung kita
Twenty years in, still got that pen dedicated to bare hard truth
– Rong puluh taun ing, isih tak sing pena darmabakti kanggo bebener hard wuda
The etiquette speak with a vigilant tongue, the predicate this time is fuck you
– Tata krama nganggo basa sing waspada, predikat kali ni dh sialan
I’m carryin’ heavier hearts right now, I can power lift with Olympians too
– Aku nggawa ati sing luwih abot saiki, aku uga bisa ngangkat daya Karo Olimpiade
I’m carryin’ various darts right now, I dessert this bitch like tiramisù
– Aku nggawa macem-macem panah saiki, aku panganan cuci mulut iki kaya tiramisù
See, we goin’ body for body, I hand you a body, I’m probably a better masseuse
– Awakmu tak tompo, awakmu tak tompo, aku mbokmenawa tukang pijet sing luwih apik
I really don’t bother nobody but they run it by me if I got to clear out the room
– Aku ora ngganggu sapa wae nanging dheweke mbukak aku yen aku kudu ngresiki ruangan kasebut
You would not get the picture if I had to sit you for hours in front of the Louvre
– Sampeyan ora bakal entuk gambar yen aku kudu njagong sampeyan kanggo jam ing Ngarep Louvre
You would not have a soul even if I had told you to stand next to Johnny and Q
– Kowé ora bakal nduwé jiwa sanajan aku wis ngandhani kowé supaya ngadeg ing jejere Johnny Lan Q
Started with nothing but government cheese, but now I can seize the government too
– Miwiti karo apa-apa nanging keju pemerintah, nanging saiki aku bisa ngrebut pemerintah banget
Remember the food stamp color was tan and brown, but now the hunnid in blue
– Elingi werna cap panganan yaiku coklat lan coklat, nanging saiki hunnid ing biru
‘Member I said, “I’m the greatest,” back when you debated the number one and number two?
– ‘Anggota aku ngandika, ” aku paling, ” nalika sampeyan debat nomer siji lan nomer loro?
Topic was always hilarious to me, you carried ’em to me, I brung out the— Christ
– Topik iki tansah hilarious kanggo kula, sampeyan digawa ‘ em kanggo kula, aku nggawa metu-Kristus

Kendrick Lamar



