ABBA – Dancing Queen (Live) Aǵylshyn Tekst Pesnı & Qazaq (latyn) Aýdarmalar


Tekst Pesnı

You can dance, you can jive
– Siz bıleı alasyz, djıv jasaı alasyz
Having the time of your life
– Sizdiń ómirińizdiń ýaqytyn ótkizý
Ooh, see that girl, watch that scene
– Oı, anaý qyzdy kór, anaý kórinisti qara
Digging the dancing queen
– Bı hanshaıymyn qazý

Friday night and the lights are low
– Juma kúni keshke jáne jaryq az
Looking out for a place to go
– Baratyn jer izdep júrsiz be
Where they play the right music, getting in the swing
– Olar átkenshekke otyryp, durys mýzykany qaı jerde oınaıdy
You come to look for a king
– Siz patshany izdeýge keldińiz
Anybody could be that guy
– Kez kelgen adam osyndaı jigit bola alady
Night is young and the music’s high
– Tún jas, mýzyka joǵary
With a bit of rock music, everything is fine
– Kishkene rok-mýzykamen bári jaqsy
You’re in the mood for a dance
– Sizdiń bıge degen kóńil-kúıińiz bar
And when you get the chance
– Jáne sizde múmkindik bolǵan kezde

You are the dancing queen
– Siz bı hanshaıymysyz
Young and sweet, only seventeen
– Jas jáne tátti, tek on jeti
Dancing queen
– Bı hanshaıymy
Feel the beat from the tambourine, oh yeah
– Dombyranyń soǵýyn sezin, ıá
You can dance, you can jive
– Siz bıleı alasyz, djıv jasaı alasyz
Having the time of your life
– Sizdiń ómirińizdiń ýaqytyn ótkizý
Ooh, see that girl, watch that scene
– Oı, anaý qyzdy kór, anaý kórinisti qara
Digging the dancing queen
– Bı hanshaıymyn qazý

You’re a teaser, you turn ’em on
– Siz tızersiz, olardy qosasyz
Leave ’em burning and then you’re gone
– Olardy órtep jiberińiz, sodan keıin siz ketesiz
Looking out for another, anyone will do
– Basqasyna nazar aýdaryńyz, muny kez kelgen adam jasaıdy
You’re in the mood for a dance
– Sizdiń bıge degen kóńil-kúıińiz bar
And when you get the chance
– Jáne sizde múmkindik bolǵan kezde

You are the dancing queen
– Siz bı hanshaıymysyz
Young and sweet, only seventeen
– Jas jáne tátti, tek on jeti
Dancing queen
– Bı hanshaıymy
Feel the beat from the tambourine, oh yeah
– Dombyranyń soǵýyn sezin, ıá
You can dance, you can jive
– Siz bıleı alasyz, djıv jasaı alasyz
Having the time of your life
– Sizdiń ómirińizdiń ýaqytyn ótkizý
Ooh, see that girl, watch that scene
– Oı, anaý qyzdy kór, anaý kórinisti qara
Digging the dancing queen
– Bı hanshaıymyn qazý

Digging the dancing queen
– Bı hanshaıymyn qazý
Digging the dancing queen
– Bı hanshaıymyn qazý
Digging the dancing queen
– Bı hanshaıymyn qazý




