Adele – Rolling in the Deep Aǵylshyn Tekst Pesnı & Qazaq (latyn) Aýdarmalar


Tekst Pesnı

There’s a fire starting in my heart
– Meniń júregimde ot janyp tur
Reaching a fever pitch and it’s bringing me out the dark
– Men qyzbaǵa jetemin, bul meni qarańǵylyqtan shyǵarady
Finally, I can see you crystal clear
– Aqyrynda, men seni móldir taza kóremin
Go ahead and sell me out and I’ll lay your shit bare
– Júr, meni sat, men seniń boqtaryńdy jalańashtaımyn
See how I’ll leave with every piece of you
– Qarańyzshy, men sizdiń árbir bóligińizben qalaı ketemin
Don’t underestimate the things that I will do
– Meniń ne isteıtinimdi baǵalamańyz
There’s a fire starting in my heart
– Meniń júregimde ot janyp tur
Reaching a fever pitch, and it’s bringing me out the dark
– Men qyzbaǵa jetemin, bul meni qarańǵylyqtan shyǵarady

The scars of your love remind me of us
– Sizdiń mahabbatyńyzdyń tyrtyqtary bizdi eske túsiredi
They keep me thinkin’ that we almost had it all
– Olar meni munyń bári bizde boldy dep oılaýǵa májbúr etedi
The scars of your love, they leave me breathless
– Sizdiń mahabbatyńyzdyń tyrtyqtary, olar meni tynyssyz qaldyrady
I can’t help feeling
– Men sezimnen aryla almaımyn

We could’ve had it all (You’re gonna wish you never had met me)
– Bizde munyń bári bolýy múmkin edi (siz menimen eshqashan kezdespegenińizge ókinesiz).
Rolling in the deep (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)
– Tereńdikte domalaý (Kóz Jasy tógiledi, tereńdikte domalaý)
You had my heart inside of your hand (You’re gonna wish you never had met me)
– Meniń júregim seniń qolyńda boldy (sen menimen eshqashan kezdespegenińe ókinesiń)
And you played it to the beat (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)
– Jáne siz ony rıtmge deıin oınadyńyz (Kóz Jasyńyz tógilip, tereńdikte domalap ketedi)

Baby, I have no story to be told
– Balam, meniń aıtatyn áńgimem joq
But I’ve heard one on you, now I’m gonna make your head burn
– Biraq men sen týraly bir nárseni estidim, endi seniń basyńdy kúıdiremin
Think of me in the depths of your despair
– Meni úmitsizdigińniń tereńinde oıla
Make a home down there, as mine sure won’t be shared
– Tómende úı jasańyz, óıtkeni men ony bólispeıtinime senimdimin

(You’re gonna wish you never had met me) The scars of your love remind me of us
– (Sen meni eshqashan kezdestirmegenińdi qalaısyń) mahabbatyńnyń tyrtyqtary bizdi eske túsiredi
(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) They keep me thinkin’ that we almost had it all
– (Kóz jasym tógilip, tereńge domalap ketedi) Olar meni munyń bári bizde boldy dep oılaýǵa májbúr etedi
(You’re gonna wish you never had met me) The scars of your love, they leave me breathless
– (Sen meni eshqashan kezdestirmegenińdi qalaısyń) mahabbatyńnyń tyrtyqtary, olar meni tynyssyz qaldyrady
(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) I can’t help feeling
– (Kóz jasym tógilip, tereńdikte domalap ketedi) men ózimdi qalaı sezinetinimdi seze almaımyn

We could’ve had it all (You’re gonna wish you never had met me)
– Bizde munyń bári bolýy múmkin edi (siz menimen eshqashan kezdespegenińizge ókinesiz).
Rolling in the deep (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)
– Tereńdikte domalaý (Kóz Jasy tógiledi, tereńdikte domalaý)
You had my heart inside of your hand (You’re gonna wish you never had met me)
– Meniń júregim seniń qolyńda boldy (sen menimen eshqashan kezdespegenińe ókinesiń)
And you played it to the beat (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)
– Jáne siz ony rıtmge deıin oınadyńyz (Kóz Jasyńyz tógilip, tereńdikte domalap ketedi)
Could’ve had it all
– Munyń bári bolýy múmkin edi
Rolling in the deep
– Tereńdikte domalaý
You had my heart inside of your hand
– Meniń júregim seniń qolyńda boldy
But you played it with a beating
– Biraq siz ony uryp oınadyńyz

Throw your soul through every open door (Ooh woah, oh)
– Janyńyzdy ár ashyq esikke laqtyryńyz (O-o-o-o-o)
Count your blessings to find what you look for (Woah)
– Izdegenińizdi tabý úshin batalaryńyzdy sanańyz (Ýaý)
Turn my sorrow into treasured gold (Ooh woah, oh)
– Meniń qaıǵymdy qymbat altynǵa aınaldyryńyz (O-o-o-o-o)
You’ll pay me back in kind and reap just what you sow
– Siz maǵan zattaı tólep, ekkenińizdi ǵana jınaısyz

(You’re gonna wish you never had met me)
– (Siz menimen eshqashan kezdespegenińizge ókinesiz)
We could’ve had it all (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)
– Bizde munyń bári bolýy múmkin edi (Kóz Jasymyz tógilip, tereńdikte domalap ketedi).
We could’ve had it all, yeah (You’re gonna wish you never had met me)
– Bizde munyń bári bolýy múmkin edi, ıá (siz menimen eshqashan kezdespegenińizge ókinesiz)
It all, it all, it all (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)
– Munyń bári, bári, bári (kóz Jasy tógilip, tereńdikte domalap ketedi)

We could’ve had it all (You’re gonna wish you never had met me)
– Bizde munyń bári bolýy múmkin edi (siz menimen eshqashan kezdespegenińizge ókinesiz).
Rolling in the deep (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)
– Tereńdikte domalaý (Kóz Jasy tógiledi, tereńdikte domalaý)
You had my heart inside of your hand (You’re gonna wish you never had met me)
– Meniń júregim seniń qolyńda boldy (sen menimen eshqashan kezdespegenińe ókinesiń)
And you played it to the beat (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)
– Jáne siz ony rıtmge deıin oınadyńyz (Kóz Jasyńyz tógilip, tereńdikte domalap ketedi)
Could’ve had it all (You’re gonna wish you never had met me)
– Munyń bári bolýy múmkin edi (siz menimen eshqashan kezdespegenińizge ókinesiz)
Rolling in the deep (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)
– Tereńdikte domalaý (Kóz Jasy tógiledi, tereńdikte domalaý)
You had my heart inside of your hand (You’re gonna wish you never had met me)
– Meniń júregim seniń qolyńda boldy (sen menimen eshqashan kezdespegenińe ókinesiń)
But you played it, you played it, you played it
– Biraq sen ony oınadyń, oınadyń, oınadyń
You played it to the beat
– Siz ony yrǵaqpen oınadyńyz




