Tekst Pesnı
Slow down with the greatness, gotta take time
– Ulylyqpen baıaýlańyz, ýaqyt bólý kerek
Poles out on a bait ting on a date night
– Kezdesý keshinde qarmaq shanshý kezinde polúster shyǵady
They try imitate mine, that’s a hate crime
– Olar menikine elikteýge tyrysady, bul jekkórýshilik qylmysy
Bro’s in the can throwin’ hands, that’s a cage fight
– Baýyrym bankaǵa qolyn laqtyryp jatyr, bul tordaǵy tóbeles
Big crib and the gate’s high, got the K9
– Úlken besik jáne qaqpa bıik, k9 aldy
ZK, knife sit right at the waistline
– ZK, pyshaq dál belde otyrady
Heard through the grape vine, it don’t make wine
– Júzim júziminen estilgende, ol sharap jasamaıdy
They hope and they pray I don’t stay high
– Olar meniń bıikte qalmaýyma úmittenedi jáne duǵa etedi
I changed when I got famous, I’ll explain it
– Men ataqty bolǵan kezde ózgerdim, túsindiremin
My fam hatin’, they say that I got favourites
– Meniń otbasym meniń súıikti taǵamdarym bar deıdi
Paid, but I got payments upon payments
– Tólendi, biraq men tólemder boıynsha tólemder aldym
I’m in pain, but I’m not blamin’, I’m just sayin’
– Men renjidim, biraq men kináli emespin, men jaı ǵana aıtamyn”
And my bro’s bloodthirsty, he’s got cravings
– Al meniń aǵam qanisher, onyń qumarlyǵy bar
If he lean out the window, he’s not aimin’
– Eger ol terezeden shyǵyp ketse, ol nysanaǵa almaıdy’
‘Member hearin’ a door knock and it’s bailiffs
– “Qatysýshy esikti qaǵyp jatqanyn estıdi” jáne bul sot oryndaýshylary
Now it’s acres, I ain’t even got neighbours (Yeah)
– Qazir bul akr, meniń kórshilerim de joq (Iá)
Forty thousand square feet off of this pain
– Bul aýrýdan qyryq myń sharshy fýt qashyqtyqta
Look at me, I got heart acres
– Maǵan qara, meniń júregim akr
He don’t know what heartache is
– Ol júrek aýrýynyń ne ekenin bilmeıdi
I can’t ask no one for a teaspoon of sugar, it’s tough, got no neighbours
– Men eshkimnen bir shaı qasyq qant suraı almaımyn, bul qıyn, kórshilerim joq
My uncles had no papers
– Meniń aǵalarymnyń qujattary bolǵan joq
We sold sweets in school, made sense that the mandem grew up and sold flavours
– Biz mektepte táttilerdi sattyq, mandemniń ósip, hosh ıisterdi satqany maǵynasy boldy
Wanted a million so much, went to the perfume store, bought Paco Rabanne
– Mıllıondy qatty qalap, parfúmerıa dúkenine baryp, Pako Rabannany satyp aldy
TSG had me in the back of the van and prang
– TSG meni fýrgonnyń artqy oryndyǵyna otyrǵyzyp, ázildedi
Wanna book a flight, Japan
– Men reıske tapsyrys bergim Keledi, Japonıa
I’m on the private jet and the pilot’s tellin’ me jokes, sellin’ me land
– Men jeke ushaqpen ushamyn, al ushqysh maǵan jerdi satamyn dep ázildeıdi
I’m drivin’ on a ban, true say, I got disqualifications
– Men kólik júrgizýge tyıym salamyn, shynymdy aıtsam, dıskvalıfıkasıa aldym
Askin’ God, why bless me? I’m a sinner, why bless me when I’ve sinned?
– Qudaı, nege meni jarylqasyn? Men kúnákarmyn, kúná jasaǵan kezde nege maǵan batasyn beresiń?
I don’t care if the next man lose, I just wanna see us man win
– Maǵan kelesi adam utyla ma, joq pa, báribir, men er adamnyń jeńgenimizdi kórgim keledi
Business class is free, so my mum takes every snack and every drink
– Bıznes-klass tegin, sondyqtan anam barlyq taǵamdar men sýsyndardy ishedi
For the times that we struggled and we never had
– Biz kúresken jáne eshqashan bolmaǵan ýaqyttar úshin
I get on my—, I’m tellin’ ’em
– Men ózime otyramyn—, men olarǵa aıtamyn
Slow down with the greatness, gotta take time
– Ulylyqpen baıaýlańyz, ýaqyt bólý kerek
Poles out on a bait ting on a date night
– Kezdesý keshinde qarmaq shanshý kezinde polúster shyǵady
They try imitate mine, that’s a hate crime
– Olar menikine elikteýge tyrysady, bul jekkórýshilik qylmysy
Bro’s in the can throwin’ hands, that’s a cage fight
– Baýyrym bankaǵa qolyn laqtyryp jatyr, bul tordaǵy tóbeles
Big crib and the gate’s high, got the K9
– Úlken besik jáne qaqpa bıik, k9 aldy
ZK, knife sit right at the waistline
– ZK, pyshaq dál belde otyrady
Heard through the grape vine, it don’t make wine
– Júzim júziminen estilgende, ol sharap jasamaıdy
They hope and they pray I don’t stay high
– Olar meniń bıikte qalmaýyma úmittenedi jáne duǵa etedi
I changed when I got famous, I’ll explain it
– Men ataqty bolǵan kezde ózgerdim, túsindiremin
My fam hatin’, they say that I got favourites
– Meniń otbasym meniń súıikti taǵamdarym bar deıdi
Paid, but I got payments upon payments
– Tólendi, biraq men tólemder boıynsha tólemder aldym
I’m in pain, but I’m not blamin’, I’m just sayin’
– Men renjidim, biraq men kináli emespin, men jaı ǵana aıtamyn”
And my bro’s bloodthirsty, he’s got cravings
– Al meniń aǵam qanisher, onyń qumarlyǵy bar
If he lean out the window, he’s not aimin’
– Eger ol terezeden shyǵyp ketse, ol nysanaǵa almaıdy’
‘Member hearin’ a door knock and it’s bailiffs
– “Qatysýshy esikti qaǵyp jatqanyn estıdi” jáne bul sot oryndaýshylary
Now it’s acres, I ain’t even got neighbours
– Qazir bul akr, meniń kórshilerim de joq
You know that you’re rich when you get a new crib
– Siz jańa besik alǵan kezde baı ekenińizdi bilesiz
But it don’t have a number, shit’s got a name
– Biraq onyń nómiri joq, onyń aty bar
My white ting said she only listen to house
– Meniń aq tıng ol tek úıdi tyńdaıtynyn aıtty
But she listen to rap if it’s Cench or Dave
– Biraq Ol Rep Tyńdaıdy, Eger Ol Sench nemese Deıv bolsa
Twenty-five and I’m sittin’ on twenty-five M
– Jıyrma bes, men jıyrma bes Metrge otyramyn
Mummy ain’t gotta stress, now the rent get paid
– Anam kúızeliske ushyramaýy kerek, endi jaldaý aqysy tólenedi
And they wonder why they ain’t gettin’ blessed same way
– Jáne olar nege dál osylaı bata almaıtynyna tań qalady
‘Cause they ain’t on takin’ the risk that we—
– Óıtkeni olar biz sıaqty táýekelge barmaıdy—
Practice makes perfect, and I’m scratchin’ the surface, expandin’
– Tájirıbe keremet etedi, men betti syzyp tastaımyn, keńeıtemin.
I was sofa surfin’, no mattress
– Men dıvanda serfıngpen aınalystym, matras joq
And I slept in the trap, smelled like cat piss
– Men tuzaqta uıyqtadym, mysyqtyń záriniń ıisin sezdim
Now I’m with a Scarlett Johansson
– Qazir Men Skarlett Iohanssonmen birgemin
A-list actress said I’m so handsome
– “A” tizimindegi aktrısa meniń óte ádemi ekenimdi aıtty
When I wanted a ‘fit, I would go Camden
– Men ózimdi qalypqa keltirgim kelgende, Men Kamdenge barar edim
Now it’s Rodeo Drive, let’s go Lanvin
– Endi Bul Rodeo Draıvy, Kettik Lanvın
Nobody else from London’s gone Hollywood, just Cee or the boy Damson
– Londonnan Basqa Eshkim Gollıvýdqa ketken Joq, Tek Sı Nemese bala Damson
Twenty bags for the sofa and one lamp
– Dıvanǵa arnalǵan jıyrma sómke jáne bir sham
And I got marble floors, I ain’t got damp any more
– Mende mármár edender bar, men endi ylǵaldanbaımyn
Tom Ford fragrance well pampered
– Tom Fordtyń hosh ıisi jaqsy erkeletilgen
And my passport full, so they can’t stamp it
– Al meniń tólqujatym toly, sondyqtan olar mór basa almaıdy
In Dubai and I’m stayin’ in Atlantis
– Dýbaıda, Men Atlantıdada qalamyn
I ain’t snapped it once ’cause I’m not gassed
– Men ony eshqashan syndyrǵan emespin, óıtkeni mende gaz joq
I’m front row at the fashion show, tryna see which model that I wanna fuck next
– Men sán kórsetiliminde aldyńǵy qatardamyn, keleside qaı modeldi sıqym keletinin kórýge tyrysamyn
She watchin’ her weight ’cause she doin’ campaigns
– Ol óziniń salmaǵyn baqylaıdy, óıtkeni ol naýqandardy júrgizedi
Tell her, “Ride this dick”, she ain’t done enough steps
– Aıtyńyzshy, ” Myna dıkke Minińiz”, ol jetkilikti qadamdar jasamady
I see those guys from other side
– Men bul jigitterdi basqa jaqtan kórip turmyn
On a keto diet, ’cause they don’t get bread
– Keto dıetasynda, óıtkeni olar nan almaıdy
Money don’t buy happiness ’cause I’m upset
– Aqsha baqytty satyp almaıdy ,óıtkeni men renjidim
The more money that you get, make you give a fuck less
– Siz neǵurlym kóp aqsha alsańyz, soǵurlym az aqsha jumsaısyz
Slow down with the greatness
– Ulylyqpen baıaýlańyz
Gotta take time
– Ýaqyt bólý kerek
Poles out on a bait ting on a date night
– Kezdesý keshinde qarmaq shanshý kezinde polúster shyǵady
They try imitate mine, that’s a hate crime
– Olar menikine elikteýge tyrysady, bul jekkórýshilik qylmysy
Bro’s in the can throwin’ hands, that’s a cage fight
– Baýyrym bankaǵa qolyn laqtyryp jatyr, bul tordaǵy tóbeles
Big crib and the gate’s high, got the K9
– Úlken besik jáne qaqpa bıik, k9 aldy
ZK, knife sit right at the waistline
– ZK, pyshaq dál belde otyrady
Heard through the grape vine, it don’t make wine
– Júzim júziminen estilgende, ol sharap jasamaıdy