Central Cee – Don’t Know Anymore Aǵylshyn Tekst Pesnı & Qazaq (latyn) Aýdarmalar


Tekst Pesnı

‘Cause we’re in your drop-top, and it’s hard, then I’m feelin’ you
– Óıtkeni biz sizdiń shyńyńyzda turmyz jáne bul qıyn, sodan keıin men sizdi sezinemin
I calmed down, turned around, you put me in a mood
– Men tynyshtaldym, buryldym, sen meniń kóńil-kúıimdi kóterdiń
Old house, windows down, but I’m still feelin’ you
– Eski úı, terezeleri tómen, biraq men seni áli de sezinemin
Years passed, nothing changed, I’m still in love with you
– Jyldar ótti, eshteńe ózgergen joq, men saǵan áli ǵashyqpyn
I don’t need nobody else, I just want you to myself, oh no
– Maǵan basqa eshkim kerek emes, men seniń qasymda bolǵanyńdy qalaımyn, joq
– Mm

To get to my current position, I done more than ten thousand hours
– Qazirgi qyzmetime jetý úshin men on myń saǵattan astam jumys jasadym
Dreamt that I saw my name on a gravestone, maybe then they would give me my flowers
– Men óz atymdy qulpytasta kórgenimdi armandadym, múmkin olar maǵan gúlderimdi syılaıtyn shyǵar
Mum put three of her boys in the tub same time cah we couldn’t afford to shower
– Anam bir ýaqytta úsh ulyn vanaǵa jatqyzdy, óıtkeni biz dýsh qabyldaýǵa múmkindigimiz bolmady
Before man snaked me, I already saw it comin’, I saw they was sour
– Adam meni jylatpas buryn, men onyń kele jatqanyn kórdim, olardyń qyshqyl ekenin kórdim
But now it’s my time to experience fame, the opps tryna find out where am I stayin’
– Biraq qazir meniń dańqqa bólenetin kezim keldi, qarsylastar meniń qaıda qalatynymdy bilýge tyrysady’
My girl don’t believe anything I’m sayin’, my family need anything, I’m payin’
– Meniń qyzym meniń aıtqanyma senbeıdi, meniń otbasyma birdeńe kerek, men tóleımin.
Sat down, tellin’ a therapist stories, I know she ain’t gonna relate
– Otyryńyz, terapevttiń áńgimelerin aıtyńyz, men onyń bul týraly aıtpaıtynyn bilemin
What’s this? What’s that? I don’t care to explain, I’ll deal with the grief and bearin’ the pain
– Bul ne? Ol ne? Maǵan túsindirýge mán bermeımin, men qaıǵy-qasiretti jeńemin jáne azapty kóteremin
I don’t paint these girls in a positive way, you can tell that my heart’s been broken before
– Men bul qyzdardy pozıtıvti túrde boıamaımyn, meniń júregim buryn jaralanǵanyn bilýge bolady
Tryna heal, but it’s takin’ time, what’s the point in life? I don’t know anymore
– Men emdelýge tyrysamyn, biraq ýaqyt keldi, ómirdiń máni nede? Men endi bilmeımin
Tell the young boys, “Stay in school”, but I wouldn’t be here if I followed the law
– Kishkentaı uldarǵa aıtyńyz: ” mektepte Qalyńyz”, biraq eger men zańdy ustanatyn bolsam, men bul jerde bolmas edim
I keep makin’ dumb decisions like I don’t have control of my thoughts
– Men óz oılarymdy basqara almaıtyndaı aqymaq sheshimder qabyldaı beremin
The guys wouldn’t know that I’m feelin’ like this ’cause I conceal and hide it
– Jigitter meniń ózimdi osylaı sezinetinimdi bilmes edi, óıtkeni men ony jasyryp, jasyramyn
Everyone’s there on the weekend vibin’, nobody’s there when I need consignment
– Demalys kúnderi barlyǵy sonda bolady, maǵan partıa qajet bolǵanda eshkim joq
I heard the quote that the strong survive, but I still got a fear of us dyin’
– Men myqtylardyń aman qalǵany týraly dáıeksózdi estidim, biraq men áli de ólip qalýdan qorqamyn.’
Some nights still toss and turn in my sleep cah I seen some serious violence
– Keıbir túnder áli de uıyqtap, uıyqtap jatqanda, men qatty zorlyq-zombylyqty kórdim
I was six years old when Dad left home and they shot my granddad, all of that at once
– Ákem úıden ketip bara jatqanda men alty jasta edim, olar atamdy birden atyp tastady
My lil’ bro’s still going to school, but he wanna do everything that the gang does
– Meniń kishkentaı aǵam áli mektepke barady, biraq ol bandanyń bárin jasaǵysy keledi
Now he’s repeatin’ the cycle cah he’s outside and he wanna go act up
– Endi ol sıkldi qaıtalaıdy, ol syrtta jáne ol áreket etkisi keledi
Got sick of the carton milk, it was free school meals, we never had pack lunch
– Karton sútinen aýyryp qaldym, bul mektepte tegin tamaqtaný boldy, biz eshqashan qaptamada túski as ishken emespiz
Cuttin’ the mould of the loaf of bread and I looked in the fridge and the milk expired
– Bir bólke nannyń pishinin kesip, tońazytqyshqa qaradym, súttiń merzimi bitti
All of the mandem jumped in the trap cah we put on The Wire and got inspired
– Barlyq mandemder tuzaqqa sekirdi, biz Symǵa salyp, shabyttandyq
Not surprised when I see man lyin’, it’s fine, I already clocked they’re liars
– Men adamnyń ótirik aıtqanyn kórgende tań qalmaımyn, bári jaqsy, men olardyń ótirikshi ekenin baıqadym
I just saw a cat that I know whilst drivin’, I might park up on the block, say hi
– Men jańa ǵana kólik júrgizip kele jatqanda biletin mysyqty kórdim, men blokta turaq qoıa alamyn, sálem aıtyńyz
Mum’s house bangin’ out Beanie Sigel, I still don’t feel much love in the air
– Anamnyń Úıi Bını Sıgeldi qaǵyp jatyr, men áli kúnge deıin aýada erekshe súıispenshilikti sezinbeımin
Lost faith in God ’cause I thought I was cursed, kept it to myself cah none of them cared
– Qudaıǵa degen senimimdi joǵalttym, óıtkeni men qarǵysqa ushyradym dep oıladym, ony ózimde ustadym, olardyń eshqaısysyna mán bermedim
Tellin’ my baby, “Wait, I don’t know how long it will take, I’m gonna repair
– Balamǵa aıt, “Kúte tur, qansha ýaqyt ketetinin bilmeımin, jóndeımin
If it all falls down, would you bounce? If none of the tours sold out, are you gonna be there?”
– Eger bári qulap ketse, siz sekirer me edińiz? Eger týrlardyń eshqaısysy satylmasa, siz sonda bolasyz ba?”
There’s a few times I lost faith in music, I put out a tune and it didn’t get views
– Men mýzykaǵa degen senimimdi birneshe ret joǵalttym, áýen shyǵardym, biraq ol maǵan unamady
Me and my broski went and came up with a plan back then, but it didn’t go through
– Broskı ekeýmiz baryp, sol kezde jospar qurdyq, biraq ol oryndalmady
You know that shit that you say when you’re broke, like, “When I get dough, I’ma bring in you too”
– Siz synǵan kezde ne aıtatynyńyzdy bilesiz, mysaly: “men qamyrdy alǵan kezde men de seni ákelemin”.
Then I blew up and reality hit, shit, now I gotta think this through
– Sodan keıin men jarylyp, shyndyqqa aınaldym, boq, endi men bul týraly oılanýym kerek
Three little brothers, Mum’s forty and still ain’t paid off her student loan
– Úsh inisi, anasy qyryq jasta jáne áli kúnge deıin stýdenttik nesıesin tólemegen
My Dad can’t move, he’s fuckin’ paralysed, just went through some serious stroke
– Meniń Ákem qozǵala almaıdy, ol sal aýrýyna shaldyqqan, jaı ǵana aýyr ınsýlt alǵan
The mandem callin’ me, YG’s warnin’ me, sayin’ that I gotta leave home
– Mandem maǵan qońyraý shalyp, MENI eskertedi, men úıden ketýim kerek deıdi
I get more money, more problems now, I had less to worry ’bout when I was broke
– Men kóp aqsha alamyn, qazir kóp qıyndyqtar týyndaıdy, men synǵan kezde az ýaıymdaýym kerek edi”.
Remember I had one pair of Air Forces, tryna keep out the creases
– Esińizde bolsyn, mende Bir jup Áýe Kúshteri boldy, men búktemelerden aýlaq bolýǵa tyrysamyn
Now the front drive look like it’s a show room, and none of them leases
– Endi aldyńǵy dısk shoý bólmesi sıaqty kórinedi jáne olardyń eshqaısysy jalǵa bermeıdi
I’m extremely grateful for all my people cah none of them leeches
– Men barlyq adamdaryma óte rızamyn, olardyń eshqaısysy súlikter emes
I dropped a tape, got a billion streams and none of them even features
– Men taspany tastadym, mıllıard qaralym jınadym, olardyń eshqaısysynda tipti erekshelikter joq
Now my bredrin dissed me and tryna go viral ’cause he ain’t blown yet, how is that my fault?
– Endi meniń bredrınim meni qorlap, vırýsty juqtyrýǵa tyrysty, óıtkeni ol áli jarylmaǵan, bul meniń kinám be?
I thought you was Christian, why don’t you move like Matthew, Phillip, disciple?
– Men Seni Hrıstıan dep oıladym, nege Mataı, fılıpp, shákirt sıaqty qozǵalmaısyń?
But you wan’ snake man, move like Judas ’cause you ain’t blew, it’s a fuckin’ vio
– Biraq siz jylan adam bolǵyńyz keledi, Iahýda sıaqty qozǵalyńyz, óıtkeni siz úrlemegensiz, bul qarǵys atqyr vıo
And we’re London, bare opportunity, it’s not like we live in Ohio
– Al Biz Londondamyz, múmkindigimiz joq, Bul Ogaıoda turatynymyzǵa uqsamaıdy
I booked hotels and flights to all of these shows and brought you to all of these countries
– Men osy shoýlardyń barlyǵyna qonaqúıler men reısterge tapsyrys berip, sizdi osy elderdiń barlyǵyna apardym
Say thank you and pretend that you’re grateful, but when I turn man’s back, say fuck me
– Rahmet aıtyńyz jáne rızashylyǵyńyzdy bildirińiz, biraq men erkektiń artyna burylǵanda, meni uryńyz dep aıtyńyz
Whole six months livin’ at your mum’s, we was with big bro on our own, it was us three
– Alty aı boıy men seniń anańnyń úıinde turdym, biz úlken aǵamyzben jalǵyz boldyq, bul úsheýmiz edik
Shouldn’t ever bite the hand that feeds you, I leave man starvin’ cah you’re too hungry
– Men seni tamaqtandyratyn qoldy eshqashan tistemeýim kerek, men adamdy tastap ketemin, sen tym ashsyń
I said that I got you, but you didn’t trust me, I would’ve, but you didn’t give me the chance
– Men seni ustadym dedim, biraq sen maǵan senbediń, men sener edim, biraq sen maǵan múmkindik bermediń
You can ask any one of the mandem now if I ever left ’em in the dark
– Endi siz kez-kelgen mandemnen suraı alasyz, eger men olardy qarańǵyda qaldyrsam
Whatever’s meant to be will be, I can’t turn back time or dwell on the past
– Qandaı jaǵdaı bolmasyn, men ýaqytty keri qaıtara almaımyn nemese ótkenge toqtala almaımyn
But I sometimes wonder, “Could have I got this far without losin’ my dog?”
– Biraq keıde men: “men ıtimdi joǵaltpaı osy ýaqytqa deıin jete alar ma edim?”

Drop-top, and it’s hard, then I’m feelin’ you
– Joǵarydan tómen, jáne bul qıyn, sodan keıin men seni sezinemin
I calmed down, turned around, you put me in a mood
– Men tynyshtaldym, buryldym, sen meniń kóńil-kúıimdi kóterdiń
Old house, windows down, but I’m still feelin’ you
– Eski úı, terezeleri tómen, biraq men seni áli de sezinemin
Years passed, nothing changed, I’m still in love with you
– Jyldar ótti, eshteńe ózgergen joq, men saǵan áli ǵashyqpyn
I don’t need nobody else, I just want you to myself, oh no
– Maǵan basqa eshkim kerek emes, men seniń qasymda bolǵanyńdy qalaımyn, joq

Central Cee



