Tekst Pesnı
So now we’re strangers
– Sonymen, qazir biz beıtanys adamdarmyz
Darlin’, I hate this
– Qymbattym, men ony jek kóremin
I need to see your face
– Men seniń júzińdi kórýim kerek
Say you need space
– Sizge bos oryn kerek dep aıtyńyz
But I’m all over the place
– Biraq men barlyq jerdemin
How did we fall from grace?
– Biz qalaı raqymnan quladyq?
And I’ve made my mistakes
– Men óz qatelikterimdi jiberdim
That’s why you hate my bones
– Sondyqtan sen meniń súıekterimdi jek kóresiń
I still hope you find your way
– Siz áli de óz jolyńyzdy tabasyz dep úmittenemin
Find your way back home
– Úıge qaıtý jolyn tabyńyz
I could still drive all the way to yours with no sat nav of course
– Men, árıne, spýtnıktik navıgasıasyz sizdikine deıin áli de júre alar edim
I can still recite your number off by heart
– Men sizdiń nómirińizdi áli de jatqa aıta alamyn
You can leave, but we can’t erase the memories
– Siz kete alasyz, biraq biz estelikterdi óshire almaımyz
I’m preein’ what’s ahead of me, and tryna leave the bullshit in the past
– Men aldymda ne kútip turǵanyn bilemin, al men bul aqymaqtyqty ótkenge qaldyrýǵa tyrysamyn
My secrets in the dark, don’t bring it to the light
– Qarańǵyda meniń qupıalarym, ony jaryqqa shyǵarmańyz
Hold it down till the end, I’ll pay a substantial price
– Sońyna deıin ustańyz, men qomaqty baǵa tóleımin
It’s lonely at the top, everybody scared of heights
– Shyńda jalǵyz, bári bıiktikten qorqady
I know one day I’ma drop, I talk to God and try and bribe
– Men bir kúni qulap, Qudaımen sóılesip, para berýge tyrysatynymdy bilemin
Every time I’m openin’ my mouth, it’s like a poem
– Men aýzymdy ashqan saıyn, bul óleń sıaqty
Broke my baby’s heart, and now she partyin’ and hoein’
– Balamnyń júregin jaralady, endi ol kóńil kóterip, kóńil kóterýde
If I had a pound for every time I made her cry
– Eger men ony jylatqan saıyn bir fýnt alsam
Over couple years, then I could probably buy a Boeing
– Bir-eki jyldan keıin Men Boeing satyp alar edim
Paint a perfect picture of myself, it was a lie
– Men ózimniń keremet sýretimdi salamyn, bul ótirik boldy
She put my business on the net and now my true colours showin’
– Ol meniń bıznesimdi jelige qosty, endi meniń shynaıy kelbetim kórinedi’
Say your skin’s breakin’ out because I cause you stress
– Aıtyńyzshy, sizdiń terińiz jarylyp ketedi, sebebi men sizdi kúızeliske ushyratamyn
Then you left, you’re lookin’ sexier than ever and you’re glowin’
– Sodan keıin siz ketip qaldyńyz, siz burynǵydan da seksýaldy bolyp kórinesiz jáne jarqyraısyz.
Every excuse I could’ve thought of, girl, I said it
– Men oılaǵan barlyq syltaýlar, qyz, men muny aıttym
I used up all my chances, and you give up on me now
– Men barlyq múmkindigimdi paıdalandym, endi sen menen bas tartasyń
Anyhow, these guys stop when you’re about and try a ting
– Qalaı bolǵanda da, bul jigitter siz aınalańyzda toqtap, dám tatýǵa tyrysady
Are you movin’ on already? Would you give your number out?
– Siz qazirdiń ózinde qozǵalasyz ba? Siz óz nómirińizdi bere alasyz ba?
I said if it ain’t you, then I don’t want nobody else
– Men sen bolmasań, basqa eshkimdi qalamaımyn dedim
I had you and I ended up with many other girls
– Mende sen bar ediń, men basqa da kóptegen qyzdarmen birge boldym
Try and reassure you’re special, I bought plenty of Chanel
– Sizdiń erekshe ekenińizge sendirýge tyrysyńyz, men Chanel – di kóp satyp aldym
Chased money and succeeded, but with love, I kind of failed
– Aqshany qýyp, jetistikke jettim, biraq mahabbatpen men sátsizdikke ushyradym
Try and buy your love, but you always knew your worth
– Mahabbatyńyzdy satyp alýǵa tyrysyńyz, biraq siz árqashan óz qundylyǵyńyzdy bildińiz
I admire you’re mature, you’re probably right, I’ll never learn
– Men seniń jetilgenińe tańdanamyn, seniki durys shyǵar, men eshqashan úırenbeımin
When you met me, I had issues with my trust, you were concerned
– Siz menimen kezdeskende, meniń senimime qatysty máseleler týyndady, sizdi alańdatty
You try and help me heal, but ended up the one that’s hurt
– Siz meniń emdelýime kómektesýge tyrysasyz, biraq men aýyryp qaldym
Said you joined the run club, tryna get petite
– Siz júgirý klýbyna qosyldyńyz dedi, men kishkentaı bolýǵa tyrysamyn
8 in the mornin’ and you’re joggin’ ’round in Heath
– 8 tańerteń Jáne Siz Hıtte júgiresiz
We’re textin’ here and there, but never bare, it’s always brief
– Biz munda jáne sol jerde mátin jazamyz, biraq eshqashan jalańash emespiz, bul árqashan qysqa
In your Lululemon and you’re drinkin’ Blank Street
– Sizdiń Lýlýlemonyńyzda Jáne Siz Bos Kóshede iship jatyrsyz
Without soundin’ big-headed, girls would die for your position
– Úlken bassyz qyzdar sizdiń pozısıańyz úshin óletin edi
Mentally and physically, you’re one in a million
– Psıhıkalyq jáne fızıkalyq turǵydan siz mıllıonnan bir adamsyz
Should’ve showed you off more, never keep you hidden
– Sizge kóbirek kórsetý kerek edi, eshqashan jasyrmańyz
I ain’t tryna push, I let you stand on your decision
– Men ıterýge tyryspaımyn, men sizdiń sheshimińizge berik bolýǵa ruqsat etemin
I got nothin’ left to say, bae, I’m tongue-tied
– Mende “beı, meniń tilim baılanǵan” dep aıtýǵa eshteńe qalmady
Smilin’ for the fans when I’m in the public eye
– Men kópshiliktiń kóz aldynda bolǵan kezde jankúıerlerge kúlimsireımin
But I’m feelin’ sad, and I’m really numb inside
– Biraq men muńaıyp turmyn, ishim qatty uıyp qaldy
You came, and then you left, it feel like conquer and divide, mm
– Siz keldińiz, sodan keıin ketip qaldyńyz, bul jaýlap alý jáne bólý sıaqty, mm
So now we’re strangers
– Sonymen, qazir biz beıtanys adamdarmyz
Darlin’, I hate this
– Qymbattym, men ony jek kóremin
I need to see your face
– Men seniń júzińdi kórýim kerek
Say you need space
– Sizge bos oryn kerek dep aıtyńyz
But I’m all over the place
– Biraq men barlyq jerdemin
How did we fall from grace?
– Biz qalaı raqymnan quladyq?
And I’ve made my mistakes
– Men óz qatelikterimdi jiberdim
That’s why you hate my bones
– Sondyqtan sen meniń súıekterimdi jek kóresiń
I still hope you find your way
– Siz áli de óz jolyńyzdy tabasyz dep úmittenemin
Find your way back home
– Úıge qaıtý jolyn tabyńyz
Send me a sign
– Maǵan belgi jiberińiz
I miss you all of the time
– Men seni únemi saǵyndym
You’re meant to be mine
– Siz meniki bolýyńyz kerek
I miss you all of the time
– Men seni únemi saǵyndym
It was just the other day, they saw me as a saint
– Bul basqa kúni boldy, olar meni áýlıe retinde kórdi
Now they think that I betrayed you and it turned me to a villain
– Endi olar men saǵan opasyzdyq jasadym dep oılaıdy jáne bul meni jaýyzǵa aınaldyrdy