Dominic Fike – Mona Lisa – Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Deluxe Edition) Aǵylshyn Tekst Pesnı & Qazaq (latyn) Aýdarmalar


Tekst Pesnı

Mona Lisa, ayy
– Mona Lıza, ıá
Mona Lisa
– Mona Lıza

Love is when you try to place it out your mind
– Mahabbat-bul sizdiń oıyńyzdan shyǵarýǵa tyrysqanda
But you can’t turn the radio down
– Biraq siz radıony óshire almaısyz
And you can’t think of anyone else
– Siz basqa eshkim týraly oılaı almaısyz
And love is when you try to make it out alive
– Al mahabbat-Sen aman qalýǵa tyrysqanda
But you can’t turn the radio down
– Biraq siz radıony óshire almaısyz
And you can’t think of anyone else
– Siz basqa eshkim týraly oılaı almaısyz

Uh-huh, look, I can see your face in the Parisian paintings
– Iá, qarańyz, Men sizdiń betińizdi Parıj sýretterinen kóremin
The Mona Lisa
– Mona Lıza
I can hear your voice in the streets and the TV stations
– Men seniń daýysyńdy kósheler men telearnalarda estımin
And the police’s
– Jáne polısıanyń áreketteri
I can feel the strains on my wrist, I don’t need these bracelets
– Men bilegimde shıelenisti sezinemin, maǵan bul bilezikter qajet emes
Of all the things that she keeps in cages
– Ol torda ustaıtyn barlyq nárselerdiń ishinen
Uh-huh, I’m at least his favorite
– Iá, men, eń bolmaǵanda, onyń súıiktisimin
Uh-huh, and she said
– Iá, ol aıtty

“I was ’bout to give you all of me on all the weekends
– “Men saǵan demalys kúnderi bárin bergim keldi
And all I wanted was apologies and all of your bed, uh”
– Meniń qalaǵanym-keshirim suraý jáne sizdiń barlyq tósegińiz, ýh”
Over my heels and fallin’ on my head
– Óksheden ótip, basyma qulaımyn
But all of my feels were already dead
– Biraq meniń barlyq sezimderim óldi
And if I could rewind it for you
– Al eger Men muny sen úshin keri aınaldyra alsam
If you could remind me of
– Eger siz maǵan mynany eske túsire alsańyz
What I felt before I fell for your idea of love out here
– Men munda sizdiń mahabbat ıdeıańyzǵa ǵashyq bolǵanǵa deıin ne sezindim

Love is when you try to place it out your mind (uh-huh)
– Mahabbat-bul siz ony basyńyzdan shyǵarýǵa tyrysqanda (ıá).
But you can’t turn the radio down (uh-huh)
– Biraq siz radıony óshire almaısyz (ıá)
And you can’t think of anyone else (uh-huh, uh)
– Siz basqa eshkim týraly oılaı almaısyz (ıá, ıá)
And love is when you try to make it out alive (uh-huh)
– Mahabbat-bul siz tiri shyǵýǵa tyrysqanda (ıá)
But you can’t turn the radio down (uh-huh)
– Biraq siz radıony óshire almaısyz (ıá)
And you can’t think of anyone else (uh-huh, uh)
– Siz basqa eshkim týraly oılaı almaısyz (ıá, ıá)

Uh, Mona Lisa, oh
– Ýh, Mona Lıza, o
Yeah, the Mona Lisa, ayy
– Iá, Mona Lıza, ıá
With the Mona Lisa, uh, yeah
– Mona Lızamen, ıá
Yeah, Mona Lisa, oh
– Iá, Mona Lıza, o
Mona Li-, uh-uh
– Mona Lı -, e-e
Uh, Mona Lisa, oh, yeah
– Ýh, Mona Lıza, o, ıá

I know you like your space and distance (Oh)
– Sizge keńistik pen qashyqtyq unaıtynyn bilemin (O)
Yeah, you don’t take admissions (Oh)
– Iá, siz qabyldaý emtıhandaryn qabyldamaısyz (O)
They told you not to date musicians (Oh)
– Olar saǵan mýzykanttarmen kezdespeýińdi aıtty (O)
Yeah, but can’t make you listen
– Iá, biraq men seni tyńdaı almaımyn
Stick to the ones who let you make
– Sizge aqsha tabýǵa múmkindik beretinderdi ustańyz
All the decisions and look the other way (all the-)
– Barlyq sheshimder jáne basqa jaqqa qaraý (barlyǵy-)
And you already know what your mother’ll say (all the-)
– Siz anańyzdyń ne aıtatynyn bilesiz (barlyǵy…)
And you already know I’m a number away
– Siz meniń birneshe qadam qashyqtyqta ekenimdi bilesiz

“I was ’bout to give you all of me on all the weekends
– “Men saǵan demalys kúnderi bárin bergim keldi
And all I wanted was apologies and all of your bed,” uh
– Men tek keshirim suraýdy jáne búkil tósegińizdi qalaımyn”.
Over my heels and fallin’ on my head
– Meniń ókshem arqyly jáne basyma qulaý
But all of my feels were already dead
– Biraq meniń barlyq sezimderim óldi
And if I could rewind it for you
– Al eger Men muny sen úshin keri aınaldyra alsam
If you could remind me of
– Eger siz maǵan mynany eske túsire alsańyz
What I felt before I fell for your idea of love out here
– Men munda sizdiń mahabbat ıdeıańyzǵa ǵashyq bolǵanǵa deıin ne sezindim

Love is when you try to place it out your mind (uh-huh)
– Mahabbat-bul siz ony basyńyzdan shyǵarýǵa tyrysqanda (ıá).
But you can’t turn the radio down (uh-huh)
– Biraq siz radıony óshire almaısyz (ıá)
And you can’t think of anyone else (uh-huh, uh)
– Siz basqa eshkim týraly oılaı almaısyz (ıá, ıá)
And love is when you try to make it out alive (uh-huh)
– Mahabbat-bul siz tiri shyǵýǵa tyrysqanda (ıá)
But you can’t turn the radio down (uh-huh)
– Biraq siz radıony óshire almaısyz (ıá)
And you can’t think of anyone else (uh-huh, uh)
– Siz basqa eshkim týraly oılaı almaısyz (ıá, ıá)

Uh, Mona Lisa, oh
– Ýh, Mona Lıza, o
Yeah, the Mona Lisa, ayy
– Iá, Mona Lıza, ıá
With the Mona Lisa, uh, yeah
– Mona Lızamen, ıá
Yeah, Mona Lisa, oh
– Iá, Mona Lıza, o
Mona Li-, uh-uh
– Mona Lı -, e-e
Uh, Mona Lisa, oh, yeah
– Ýh, Mona Lıza, o, ıá

Doo-doo-doo-doo, hey
– Dý-dý-dý-dý, eı
– Dý-dý-dý-dý-dý-dý-dý-dý-dý
Doo-doo-doo-doo, doo
– Dý-dý-dý-dý, dý
– Dý-dý-dý-dý-dý-dý-dý-dý-dý

Dominic Fike



