Dr. Dre – The Watcher Aǵylshyn Tekst Pesnı & Qazaq (latyn) Aýdarmalar


Tekst Pesnı

Things just ain’t the same for gangstas
– Gangsterler basqasha
Times is changin’, young niggas is agin’
– Ýaqyt ózgeredi, jas nıggerler ósedi
Becoming OGs in the game and changin’
– Oıynda OGS bolý jáne ózgerý
To make way for these new names and faces
– Osy jańa esimder men tulǵalarǵa oryn berý úshin
But the strangest things can happen from rappin’
– Biraq eń oǵash nárseler repıngten bolýy múmkin’
When niggas get wrapped up in image and actin’
– Nıggerler ımıjge jáne akterlik ónerge áýes bolǵan kezde
Niggas get capped up and wrapped in plastic
– Nıggerler tyǵyndalǵan jáne plasıkke oralǵan
Zipped up in bags, when it happens, that’s it
– . bul oryn alǵan kezde naızaǵaı paketterge salyńyz, mine, solaı

I’ve seen ’em come, I’ve watched ’em go
– Men olardyń kelgenin kórdim, olardyń ketkenin kórdim
Watched ’em rise, witnessed it and watched ’em blow
– Olardyń kóterilýin baqylap, buǵan kýá boldy jáne olardyń jarylǵanyn kórdi
Watched ’em all blossom and watched ’em grow
– Men olardyń barlyǵynyń gúldenýin baqylap, olardyń ósip kele jatqanyn kórdim
Watched the lawsuits when they lost the dough
– Olar ájesinen aıyrylǵan kezde sot prosesterin qadaǵalady
Best friends and money, I lost them both
– Eń jaqsy dostar men aqsha, men ekeýinen de aıyryldym
Went and visited niggas in the hospital
– Baryp aýrýhanada nıggerlerge bardy
It’s all the same shit all across the globe
– Munyń bári búkil álemde birdeı
I just sit back and watch the show (the watcher)
– Men jaı ǵana otyramyn jáne shoýdy kóremin (baqylaýshy)

‘Cause everywhere that I go
– Sebebi men qaıda barsam da
Ain’t the same as befo’ (the watcher)
– Bul befomen birdeı emes (baqylaýshy).
People I used to know
– Men buryn biletin adamdar
Just don’t know me no mo’ (the watcher)
– Siz meni endi bilmeısiz “(baqylaýshy)
But everywhere that I go
– Biraq men qaıda barsam da
I got people I know (the watcher)
– Mende biletin adamdar bar (baqylaýshy)
Who got people they know
– Olar biletin adamdar kimde bar
So I suggest you lay low (I’m watching)
– Sondyqtan Men sizge túbine jatýdy usynamyn (men qarap otyrmyn)

I moved out of the hood for good, you blame me?
– Men sorǵyshty birjola tastadym, sen meni kinálaısyń ba?
Niggas aim mainly at niggas they can’t be
– Nıggerler negizinen olar bola almaıtyn nıggerlerge baǵyttalǵan
But niggas can’t hit niggas they can’t see
– Biraq nıggerler ózderi kórmegen nıggerlerdi ura almaıdy
I’m out of sight, now I’m out of they dang reach
– Men kózden tasa boldym, endi men olardyń qoly jetpeıtin jerdemin
How would you feel if niggas wanted you killed?
– Eger nıggerler sizdi óltirgisi kelse, Siz ózińizdi qalaı seziner edińiz?
You’d probably move to a new house on a new hill
– Siz jańa tóbedegi jańa úıge kóshetin shyǵarsyz
And choose a new spot, if niggas wanted you shot
– Eger nıggerler sizdi atqysy kelse, jańa oryndy tańdańyz
I ain’t a thug, how much 2Pac in you you got?
– Men bandıt emespin, sizde qansha 2Pac bar?

I ain’t no bitch, neither
– Men de qanshyq emespin.
It’s either my life or your life and I ain’t leavin’, I like breathin’
– Bul meniń ómirim nemese seniń ómiriń, men ketpeımin, dem alǵandy unatamyn.
‘Cause nigga, we can go round for round
– Óıtkeni, nıgger, biz raýndta sheńber boıymen júre alamyz
Clip for clip, shit, fo’-pound for pound
– Klıptiń artyndaǵy Klıp, fýnt úshin Fýnt
Nigga, if you really want to take it there, we can
– Nıgga, eger siz ony shynymen sol jerde jasaǵyńyz kelse, biz jasaı alamyz
Just remember that you fuckin’ with a family man
– Tek esińizde bolsyn, siz otbasylyq adammen sóılesesiz
I got a lot more to lose than you, remember that
– Meniń sizden góri kóp nárseni joǵaltatynym bar, ony este saqtańyz
When you wanna come and fill these shoes (the watcher)
– Siz kelip, sol aıaq kıimdi kıgińiz kelgende (baqylaýshy)

‘Cause everywhere that I go
– Sebebi men qaıda barsam da
Ain’t the same as befo’ (the watcher)
– Bul befomen birdeı emes (baqylaýshy).
People I used to know
– Men buryn biletin adamdar
Just don’t know me no mo’ (the watcher)
– Siz meni endi bilmeısiz “(baqylaýshy)
But everywhere that I go
– Biraq men qaıda barsam da
I got people I know (the watcher)
– Mende biletin adamdar bar (baqylaýshy)
Who got people they know
– Olar biletin adamdar kimde bar
So I suggest you lay low (I’m watching)
– Sondyqtan Men sizge túbine jatýdy usynamyn (men qarap otyrmyn)

Things just ain’t the same for gangstas
– Gangsterler basqasha
Cops is anxious to put niggas in handcuffs
– Polıseıler nıggerlerge kisen kıýdi kúte almaıdy
They wanna hang us, see us dead, or enslave us
– Olar bizdi ilip qoıýdy, ólgenimizdi kórýdi nemese quldyqta bolǵysy keledi
Keep us trapped in the same place we was raised in
– Bizdi biz ósken jerde ustaý
Then they wonder why we act so outrageous
– Sonda olar bizdiń nege sonshalyqty shekten shyqqanymyzǵa tań qalady
Run around stressed out and pull out gauges
– Stresste júgirińiz jáne sensorlardy shyǵaryńyz
‘Cause every time you let the animal out cages
– Óıtkeni siz janýardy tordan shyǵarǵan saıyn
It’s dangerous to people who look like strangers
– Bul beıtanys adamdarǵa uqsaıtyn adamdar úshin qaýipti

But now we got a new era of gangstas
– Biraq qazir bizde bandıtterdiń jańa dáýiri bar
Hustlers and youngsters livin’ amongst us
– Aramyzda turatyn alaıaqtar men jastar
Lookin’ at us, now callin’ us busters
– Bizge qarap, endi bizdi Baster dep ataıdy
Can’t help but reminisce back when it was us
– Bul biz bolǵan kezdi eske túsire almaımyn
Nigga, we started this gangsta shit!
– Nıgger, biz bul gangsterdi bastadyq!
And this the motherfuckin’ thanks I get?
– Bul meniń alǵysym ba?
It’s funny how time flies
– Ýaqyttyń qalaı ushatyny kúlkili
I’m just having fun just watchin’ it fly by (the watcher)
– Men jaı ǵana onyń ushyp bara jatqanyn kórý arqyly kóńil kóteremin (baqylaýshy)

‘Cause everywhere that I go
– Sebebi men qaıda barsam da
Ain’t the same as befo’ (the watcher)
– Bul befomen birdeı emes (baqylaýshy).
People I used to know
– Men buryn biletin adamdar
Just don’t know me no mo’ (the watcher)
– Siz meni endi bilmeısiz “(baqylaýshy)
But everywhere that I go
– Biraq men qaıda barsam da
I got people I know (the watcher)
– Mende biletin adamdar bar (baqylaýshy)
Who got people they know
– Olar biletin adamdar kimde bar
So I suggest you lay low (I’m watching)
– Sondyqtan Men sizge túbine jatýdy usynamyn (men qarap otyrmyn)

The watcher
– Baqylaýshy
I’m watching
– Men qarap otyrmyn
The watcher
– Baqylaýshy
The watcher
– Baqylaýshy

Dr. Dre



