Dreamville & J. Cole – Adonis Interlude (The Montage) Aǵylshyn Tekst Pesnı & Qazaq (latyn) Aýdarmalar


Tekst Pesnı

It’s that time, huh
– Bul ýaqyt, ıá

Things ain’t the same for Young Jermaine
– Jas Djermeınmen bári basqasha
Still underrated but far from underpaid
– Áli de baǵalanbaǵan, biraq tólenbegennen alys
And though some problems did fade, the hunger stayed
– Keıbir máseleler joıylǵanymen, ashtyq saqtaldy
These stomach rumbles can humble thunder, uh
– Ishtiń bul gúrilderi kún kúrkireýin tynyshtandyrýy múmkin

I’m still fueled by the ones that slumber
– Men áli de uıyqtap jatqandarmen qorektenemin
The standout amongst the one-hit wonders
– Bir soqqymen ǵajaıyptar arasynda erekshe
So when the dust settles and the sun is under
– Sonymen, shań basylyp, kún astynda bolǵan kezde
The horizon, y’all should run the numbers, man (uh)
– Kókjıek, siz bárin sanaýyńyz kerek, adam (ýh)

Who the fuck want what with me?
– Menen ne kerek?
Hardest out and I say that reluctantly
– Eń qıyny, men muny qulyqsyz aıtamyn
‘Cause this should go without sayin’ but y’all playin’ dumb
– Óıtkeni bul sózsiz ótýi kerek edi, biraq siz bárińiz aqymaq bolyp kórinesiz.
Far as these rappers go, I’m not fearin’ none
– Bul reperlerge keletin bolsaq, Men eshkimnen qoryqpaımyn
Cole flow is cold in any genre, with many combinations
– Cole flow kez-kelgen janrda sýyq, kóptegen kombınasıalary bar
Shoot like that boy’s sponsored by “Under Armour”
– Bul jigitti “Under Armour”demeýshisi sıaqty atyńyz.
Reach, you a goner
– Jetińiz, siz aıaqtaısyz
Arms crossed in coffin like you was from Wakanda
– Qoldar tabytqa aıqastyrylǵan, Siz Vakandadan bolǵandaı

God’s favorite, accumulated a ton of karma
– Bir tonna Karma jınaǵan qudaıdyń súıiktisi
As seen by me thumbin’ through green, I become a gardener
– Men jasyl japyraqtardan kórip otyrǵanymdaı, men baǵban bolamyn
Pullin’ up in the supercharger
– Men sýper zarádtaǵyshta tartylamyn
Me and two things like a double entendre
– Men jáne ekiushtylyqqa uqsas eki nárse
Nigga want beef, I’m a number nine combo
– Nıgger sıyr hochet qalaıdy, men toǵyz nómirmin.
Not one designer in my ensemble
– Meniń ansamblimde dızaıner joq
You’re tuned to the realest, maybe to ever spill his
– Siz qazirgi ýaqytqa, múmkin ony tógýge daıynsyz
Heart until it’s drained, feel his pain, trust
– Júrek taýsylǵansha, onyń aýyrsynýyn sezinińiz, senińiz

Sixteen ain’t enough to do it justice
– Oǵan nesıe berý úshin on alty jetkiliksiz
Just cop “The Fall Off”, and he’ll explain
– Tek “qulaýdy” túsindirińiz, sonda ol túsindiredi
Is it the end of the chapter, happily ever after?
– Bul “baqytty” taraýynyń sońy ma?
Bet this gon’ be the year that fulfill his reign, man
– Bıylǵy jyl onyń bıligin aıaqtaıtynyna senimdimin, adam




