Ed Sheeran – Celestial Aǵylshyn Tekst Pesnı & Qazaq (latyn) Aýdarmalar


Tekst Pesnı

You see tonight, it could go either way
– Kórdińiz be, búgin keshke bári eki jaqqa da ketýi múmkin
Hearts balanced on a razor blade
– Ustaranyń júzin teńestiretin júrekter
We are designed to love and break
– Biz súıý jáne buzý úshin jaratylǵanbyz
And to rinse and repeat it all again
– Jáne shaıyńyz jáne bárin qaıtadan qaıtalańyz

I get stuck when the world’s too loud
– Álem tym qatty bolǵan kezde men keptelip qalamyn
And things don’t look up when you’re going down
– Siz túbine jetkende zattar jaqsy kórinbeıdi
I know your arms are reaching out
– Seniń qoldaryń maǵan qaraı sozylyp jatqanyn bilemin
From somewhere beyond the clouds
– Bulttardyń kesirinen bir jerden

You make me feel
– Siz meni sezinesiz
Like my troubled heart is a million miles away
– Meniń mazasyz júregim osy jerden mıllıon mıl qashyqtyqta turǵandaı
You make me feel
– Siz meni sezinesiz
Like I’m drunk on stars and we’re dancing out into space
– Men juldyzdarǵa mas bolyp, ǵaryshta bıleıtin sıaqtymyn.

– Aspan
– Aspan

I see the light shining through the rain
– Men jańbyr arqyly jarqyraǵan jaryqty kóremin
A thousand colours in the brighter shade
– Jarqyn kóleńkede myń gúl
Needed to rise from the lowest place
– Eń tómengi jerden kóterilý kerek boldy
There’s silver lining that surrounds the grey
– Sur tústi qorshap turǵan jeńil jaǵy bar

When I get lost, will it come back around?
– Men adasyp qalsam, bári óz jolyna oralady ma?
Things don’t look up when you’re going down
– Siz túbine jetkende zattar jaqsy kórinbeıdi
I know your arms, they are reaching out
– Men seniń qoldaryńdy bilemin, olar maǵan jetedi
From somewhere beyond the clouds
– Bulttardyń kesirinen bir jerden

You make me feel
– Siz meni sezinesiz
Like my troubled heart is a million miles away
– Meniń mazasyz júregim osy jerden mıllıon mıl qashyqtyqta turǵandaı
You make me feel
– Siz meni sezinesiz
Like I’m drunk on stars, and we’re dancing out into space
– Men juldyzdarǵa mas bolyp, ǵaryshta bıleıtin sıaqtymyn.

– Aspan
Celestial (oh, oh-oh-oh)
– Aspan (o, o-o-o-o)

We were made to be nothing more than this
– Biz budan basqa eshteńe bolmaý úshin qurylǵan edik
Finding magic in all the smallest things
– Barlyq usaq-túıekterden sıqyr tabý
The way we notice, that’s what really matters
– Biz qalaı baıqaımyz, bul óte mańyzdy
Let’s make tonight go on and on and on
– Kelińizder, búgingi kesh jalǵasady jáne jalǵasady jáne jalǵasady

(You make me feel) we were made to be nothing more than this
– (Sen meni sezindiresiń) biz budan basqa eshteńe bolmaý úshin jaratylǵanbyz
Finding magic in all the smallest things
– Barlyq usaq-túıekterden sıqyr tabý
(You make me feel) the way we notice, that’s what really matters
– (Siz meni sezinesiz) bizdiń baıqaǵanymyz, bul óte mańyzdy
Let’s make tonight go on and on and on
– Kelińizder, búgingi kesh jalǵasady jáne jalǵasady jáne jalǵasady

You make me feel
– Siz meni sezinesiz
Like my troubled heart is a million miles away
– Meniń mazasyz júregim osy jerden mıllıon mıl qashyqtyqta turǵandaı
You make me feel
– Siz meni sezinesiz
Like I’m drunk on stars and we’re dancing out into space
– Men juldyzdarǵa mas bolyp, ǵaryshta bıleıtin sıaqtymyn.

Celestial (oh, oh-oh-oh)
– Aspan (o, o-o-o-o)
Celestial (oh, oh-oh-oh)
– Aspan (o, o-o-o-o)
– Aspan

We were made to be nothing more than this (oh, oh-oh-oh)
– Biz odan artyq bolý úshin jaratylǵan joqpyz (o, o-o-o)
Finding magic in all the smallest things (celestial)
– Barlyq usaq-túıekterden (kóktegi)sıqyr tabý
The way we notice that’s what really matters (oh, oh-oh-oh)
– Biz qalaı baıqaımyz, bul óte mańyzdy (o, o-o-o)
Let’s make tonight go on and on and on (celestial)
– Kelińizder, búgingi kesh jalǵasady jáne jalǵasady (aspan)

Ed Sheeran



