Eminem – Godzilla (feat. Juice WRLD) Aǵylshyn Tekst Pesnı & Qazaq (latyn) Aýdarmalar


Tekst Pesnı

(Ugh, you’re a monster)
– (Fý, Sen qubyjyqsyń)

I can swallow a bottle of alcohol and I’ll feel like Godzilla
– Men bir bótelke alkogóldi jutyp, ózimdi Godzılla sıaqty sezinemin
Better hit the deck like the card dealer
– Kartalardy tapsyrýshy sıaqty palýbany jaıǵan durys
My whole squad’s in here, walkin’ around the party
– Meniń búkil komandam osynda, keshte serýendeıdi
A cross between a zombie apocalypse and B-Bobby, “The
– Zombı apokalıpsısi men Bı-Bobbı arasyndaǵy kres, ” The
Brain” Heenan which is probably the same reason I wrestle with mania
– Mı”, bul meniń manıamen kúresýimniń sebebi bolýy múmkin
Shady’s in this bitch, I’m posse’d up
– Sheıdı bul qanshyqta, men otrádta turmyn.
Consider it to cross me a costly mistake
– Maǵan qaıta oralý qymbat qatelik dep esepteńiz
If they sleepin’ on me, the hoes better get insomnia, ADHD, Hydroxycut
– Eger olar meniń ústimde uıyqtasa, onda jezóksheler uıqysyzdyqpen, SDVG, gıdroksıldenýmen aýyrǵan durys.
Pass the Courvoisi’ (hey, hey)
– Kýrvýazıge berińiz ” (eı, eı)

In AA, with an AK, melee, finna set it like a playdate
– AA-da, AK-men, jaqyn shaıqasta fın muny oıyn kúni retinde belgiledi
Better vacate, retreat like a vacay, mayday (ayy)
– Demalystaǵydaı bosańsyp, sheginý jaqsy, meıdeı (eı)
This beat is cray-cray, Ray J, H-A-H-A-H-A
– Bul rıtaq-kreı-kreı, Reı Djeı, H-A-H-A-A
Laughin’ all the way to the bank, I spray flames
– Jaǵaǵa deıin kúlip, men jalyn shashamyn
They cannot tame or placate the (ayy)
– Olar qolǵa úırete nemese tynyshtandyra almaıdy (aıı)

– Qubyjyq
You get in my way? I’ma feed you to the monster (yeah)
– Siz meniń jolymda tursyz ba? Men seni qubyjyqqa tamaqtandyramyn (ıá)
I’m normal during the day, but at night turn to a monster (yeah)
– Kúndiz men jaqsymyn, biraq túnde qubyjyqqa aınalamyn (ıá)
When the moon shines like Ice Road Truckers
– Aı muzdy joldaǵy júk kólikteri sıaqty jarqyrap turǵan kezde
I look like a villain outta those blockbusters
– Men osy blokbasterlerdiń jaýyzyna uqsaımyn
Godzilla, fire spitter, monster
– Godzılla, túkirgen ot, qubyjyq
Blood on the dance floor, and on the Louis V carpet
– Lýı V stılindegi bı alańynda jáne kilemde qan
Fire, Godzilla, fire, monster
– Ot, Godzılla, ot, qubyjyq
Blood on the dance floor, and on the Louis V carpet
– Lýı V stılindegi bı alańynda jáne kilemde qan

I’m just a product of Slick Rick, at Onyx, told ’em lick the balls
– Men jaı ǵana Slıýh-ten slık Rıktiń ónimimin, ol olarǵa jumyrtqany jalaýdy aıtty
Had ’em just appalled at so many things that pissed ’em off
– Olar jaı ǵana kóptegen nárselerden shoshyp ketti
It’s impossible to list ’em all
– Olardyń barlyǵyn tizimdeý múmkin emes
And in the midst of all this
– Jáne onyń ortasynda
I’m in a mental hospital with a crystal ball
– Men hrýstal shary bar psıhıatrıalyq aýrýhanadamyn
Tryna see, will I still be like this tomorrow?
– Men erteń de solaı bolatynymdy túsinýge tyrysamyn ba?
Risperdal, voices whisper
– Rısperdal, sybyrlaǵan daýystar

My fist is balled back up against the wall, pencil drawn
– Meniń judyryǵym qaryndashpen boıalǵan qabyrǵaǵa qaıta basylady
This is just the song to go ballistic on
– Bul sizdi ashýlandyratyn án
You just pulled a pistol on the guy with the missile launcher
– Siz zymyran tasyǵyshy bar jigitke tapansha nusqadyńyz ba
I’m just a Loch Ness, the mythological
– Men jaı ǵana Loh Ness kólimin, mıfologıalyq
Quick to tell a bitch screw off like a fifth of Vodka
– Men tez arada besinshi bótelke araqtan keıin sýchkaǵa qulap ketýdi BUIYRAMYN
When you twist the top of the bottle, I’m a
– Bótelkeniń qaqpaǵyn burap alǵanda, men bolamyn

– Qubyjyq
You get in my way? I’ma feed you to the monster (yeah)
– Siz meniń jolymda tursyz ba? Men seni qubyjyqqa tamaqtandyramyn (ıá)
I’m normal during the day, but at night turn to a monster (yeah)
– Kúndiz men jaqsymyn, biraq túnde qubyjyqqa aınalamyn (ıá)
When the moon shines like Ice Road Truckers
– Aı muzdy joldaǵy júk kólikteri sıaqty jarqyrap turǵan kezde
I look like a villain outta those blockbusters
– Men osy blokbasterlerdiń jaýyzyna uqsaımyn
Godzilla, fire spitter, monster
– Godzılla, túkirgen ot, qubyjyq
Blood on the dance floor, and on the Louis V carpet
– Lýı V stılindegi bı alańynda jáne kilemde qan
Fire, Godzilla, fire, monster
– Ot, Godzılla, ot, qubyjyq
Blood on the dance floor, and on the Louis V carpet
– Lýı V stılindegi bı alańynda jáne kilemde qan

If you never gave a damn, raise your hand
– Eger siz oǵan mán bermeseńiz, qolyńyzdy kóterińiz
‘Cause I’m about to set trip, vacation plans
– Sebebi men sapardy, demalysty josparlaımyn.
I’m on point, like my index is, so all you will ever get is
– Men ózimniń ındeksim sıaqty núktege jettim, sondyqtan siz tek qana alasyz
The motherfuckin’ finger (finger), prostate exam (‘xam)
– Saýsaq (saýsaq), qýyq asty bezin tekserý (‘xam)
How can I have all these fans and perspire?
– Osy jeldetkishterdiń barlyǵyn qalaı alýǵa jáne terleýge bolady?
Like a liar’s pants, I’m on fire
– Men ótirikshiniń shalbary sıaqty kúıemin.
And I got no plans to retire and I’m still the man you admire
– Men zeınetke shyǵýdy josparlamaımyn jáne Men áli de sen súısinetin adammyn.
These chicks are spazzin’ out, I only get more handsome and flier
– Bul balapandar jarqyraıdy, men tek ádemi jáne ushqysh bolamyn.
I got ’em passin’ out like what you do, when you hand someone flyers
– Men olardy bireýge paraqshalar taratqan kezdegideı taratamyn

What goes around, comes around just like the blades on a chainsaw
– Aınalada bolyp jatqan nárse shynjyrly aranyń júzderi sıaqty qaıtalanady
‘Cause I caught the flaps of my dollar stack
– Sebebi men dollar paketimniń qaqpaqtaryn Ustadym.
Right off the bat like a baseball, like Kid Ink
– Birden orynnan karerge, beısbol sıaqty, balalar sıasy sıaqty
Bitch, I got them racks with so much ease that they call me Diddy
– Qanshyq, men bul sórelerdi ońaı aldym, olar meni Dıddı dep ataıdy
‘Cause I make bands and I call getting cheese a cakewalk (cheesecake!)
– Sebebi men toptar quryp, irimshik jasaýdy jeńil serýendeý dep ataımyn(irimshik!)

Bitch, I’m a player, I’m too motherfuckin’ stingy for Cher
– Qanshyq, men oıynshymyn, men seniń anańmyn, Sher úshin tym sarańmyn.
Won’t even lend you an ear, ain’t even pretendin’ to care
– Ol tipti sizdi tyńdamaıdy, tipti oǵan mán bermeıtindeı keıip tanytpaıdy.
But I tell a bitch I’ll marry her, if she’ll bury her
– Biraq men stervaǵa eger ol ony jerlese, oǵan úılenetinimdi aıtamyn
Face on my genital area, the original Richard Ramirez
– Meniń jynys aımaǵymdaǵy bet, Rıchard Ramırestiń túpnusqasy
Christian Rivera
– Krıstıan Rıvera
‘Cause my lyrics never sit well, so they wanna give me the chair
– Óıtkeni meniń mátinderim eshqashan sáıkes kelmeıdi, sondyqtan olar maǵan oryndyq bergisi keledi.

Like a paraplegic, and it’s scary, call it Harry Carry
– Sal sıaqty jáne bul qorqynyshty, ony Garrı Kerrı dep ataıyq
‘Cause every Tom and Dick and Harry
– Óıtkeni ár Tom, Dık jáne Garrı
Carry a Merriam motherfuckin’ dictionary
– Merrıamnyń sózdik qoryn ózińizben birge alyp júrińiz.
Got ’em swearin’ up and down, they can’t spit, this shit’s hilarious
– Men olardy alǵa-artqa ant etemin, olar túkire almaıdy, bul kúlkili
It’s time to put these bitches in the obituary column
– Bul qanshyqtardy Nekrolog baǵanyna qoıýdyń ýaqyty keldi
We wouldn’t see eye to eye with a staring problem
– Biz kózben qaraý máselesimen kelispes edik
Get the shaft like a steering column (monster)
– Bilikti rúl baǵanyna uqsatyńyz (qubyjyq)

Trigger happy, pack heat, but it’s black ink
– Baqytty iske qosyńyz, jylý jınańyz, biraq bul qara sıa
Evil half of the Bad Meets Evil
– Jamannyń zulym jartysy jamandyqpen kezdesedi
That means take a back seat
– Bul artta qalýdy bildiredi
Take it back to Fat Beats with a maxi single
– Muny maksımaldy sınglmen Fat Beats-ke qaıtaryńyz
Look at my rap sheets, what attracts these people
– Meniń rep jazbalaryma qarańyz, bul adamdardy ne qyzyqtyrady
Is my gangster, bitch, like Apache with a catchy jingle
– Bul meniń gangsterim, este qalarlyq qońyraýy bar Apach sıaqty aqymaq
I stack these chips, you barely got a half-eaten Cheeto
– Men bul chıpterdi búktep jatyrmyn, al sizde áreń jegen irimshik qaldy.

Fill ’em with the venom, and eliminate ’em
– Olardy ýlandyryńyz jáne joıyńyz
Other words, I Minute Maid ’em
– Basqasha aıtqanda, men olarǵa mınýt saıyn qamqorlyq jasaımyn
I don’t wanna hurt ’em, but I did, I’m in a fit of rage
– Men olardy renjitkim kelmeıdi, biraq men muny istedim, men ashýlandym
I’m murderin’ again, nobody will evade
– Men qaıtadan óltiremin, eshkim qashpaıdy.
I’m finna kill ’em, I’m dumpin’ their fuckin’ bodies in the lake
– Men olardy óltiremin, men olardyń denelerin kólge tastaımyn.
Obliteratin’ everything, incinerate a renegade
– Barlyǵyn joıyp, renegadty órtep jiberińiz
I’m here to make anybody who want it with the pen afraid
– Men muny qalammen jasaǵysy keletin kez kelgen adamnan qorqý úshin keldim
But don’t nobody want it but they’re gonna get it anyway
– Biraq bul eshkimge qajet emes pe, biraq olar báribir alady

‘Cause I’m beginnin’ to feel like I’m mentally ill
– Óıtkeni men ózimdi psıhıkalyq aýrý sezine bastadym.
I’m Atilla, kill or be killed, I’m a killer bee, the vanilla gorilla
– Men Atıllamyn, óltiremin nemese óltiremin, men óltirýshi aramyn, vanıldi gorılamyn
You’re bringin’ the killer within me, out of me
– Siz meniń ishimdegi óltirýshini oıatyp, ony menen shyǵarasyz
You don’t want to be the enemy of the demon
– Siz jynnyń jaýy bolǵyńyz kelmeıdi
Who went in me, and be on the receiving of me, what stupidity it’d be
– Maǵan kim kirip, meni qabyldady, bul qandaı aqymaqtyq bolar edi
Every bit of me is the epitome of a spitter
– Meniń árbir bólshegim-túkirgishtiń beınesi

When I’m in the vicinity, motherfucker, you better duck
– Men jaqyn jerde bolsam, beıbaq, Sen eńkeıgeniń jaqsy
Or you finna be dead the minute you run into me
– Nemese siz menimen kezdesken sátte ólesiz be
A hundred percent of you is a fifth of a percent of me
– Júz paıyz Sen meniń besten bir bóligimsiń
I’m ’bout to fuckin’ finish you bitch, I’m unfadable
– Men bara jatyrmyn, blád, seni Aıaqta, qanshyq, men ótpeımin
You wanna battle, I’m available, I’m blowin’ up like an inflatable
– Siz kúreskińiz keledi, men qol jetimdimin, men úrlemeli dop sıaqty isinemin.
I’m undebatable, I’m unavoidable, I’m unevadable
– Men sózsiz, Men sózsiz, Men sózsiz

I’m on the toilet bowl
– Men dárethanada turmyn
I got a trailer full of money and I’m paid in full
– Mende aqshaǵa toly treıler bar jáne maǵan tolyq tólendi
I’m not afraid to pull a-, man, stop
– Men moınymdy julyp alýdan qoryqpaımyn, adam, toqta
Look what I’m plannin’ (haha)
– Meniń ne josparlap otyrǵanymdy qarańyz (haha)




