Kendrick Lamar – Money Trees (feat. Jay Rock) Aǵylshyn Tekst Pesnı & Qazaq (latyn) Aýdarmalar


Tekst Pesnı

Uh, me and my niggas tryna get it, ya bish (ya bish)
– Ýh, men jáne meniń nıggerlerim buǵan qol jetkizýge tyrysamyz, ıá, bısh (ıá, bısh)
Hit the house lick, tell me is you wit’ it, ya bish? (Ya bish)
– Úıge kirińiz jalaý, aıtyńyzshy, siz bilesiz be, balaqaı? (Ya BISH)
Home invasion was persuasive (was persuasive)
– Úıge basyp kirý senimdi boldy (senimdi boldy)
From nine-to-five I know it’s vacant, ya bish (ya bish)
– Toǵyzdan beske deıin Men bilemin, ol bos, ya BISH (ya BISH).
Dreams of living life like rappers do (like rappers do)
– Reperler sıaqty ómir súrý týraly armandar (reperler qalaı ómir súredi)
Back when condom wrappers wasn’t cool (they wasn’t cool)
– Buryn prezervatıv oramdary salqyn bolmaǵan kezde (olar salqyn emes edi)
I fucked Sherane and went to tell my bros (tell my bros)
– Men sheranndy uryp-soǵyp, aǵalaryma aıtýǵa bardym (aǵalaryma aıtyńyz)
Then Usher Raymond “Let It Burn” came on (“Let Burn” came on)
– Sodan keıin Asher Raımondtyń “Let it Burn” (“jansyn”) áni shyrqaldy.

Hot sauce all in our Top Ramen, ya bish (ya bish)
– Bizdiń eń jaqsy ramenge arnalǵan ystyq tuzdyq, ya BISH (ya bish)
Park the car then we start rhyming, ya bish (ya bish)
– Kólikti qoıyńyz, biz rıfmany bastaımyz, ya BISH (ya BISH).
The only thing we had to free our mind (free our mind)
– Bizdiń sanamyzdy bosatý úshin bizde bolǵan jalǵyz nárse (aqyl-oıymyzdy bosatý).
Then freeze that verse when we see dollar signs (see dollar signs)
– Sodan keıin dollar belgilerin kórgende osy óleńdi toqtatyńyz (dollar belgilerin qarańyz).
You looking like an easy come up, ya bish (ya bish)
– Siz ońaı tabylǵandaı kórinesiz, ya BISH (ya BISH).
A silver spoon I know you come from, ya bish (ya bish)
– Kúmis qasyq, men seniń qaıdan kelgenińdi bilemin, ıa bısh (ıa bısh).
And that’s a lifestyle that we never knew (we never knew)
– Bul biz eshqashan bilmegen ómir salty (biz eshqashan bilmedik).
Go at a reverend for the revenue
– Tabys alý úshin Aıanǵa habarlasyńyz

It go Halle Berry or hallelujah
– Bul Holı Berrı nemese Hallelýja sıaqty estiledi
Pick your poison, tell me what you doing
– Ýyńyzdy tańdańyz, maǵan ne istep jatqanyńyzdy aıtyńyz
Everybody gon’ respect the shooter
– Barlyǵy mergendi qurmetteıdi
But the one in front of the gun lives forever
– Biraq myltyqtyń aldynda turǵan adam máńgi ómir súredi
(The one in front of the gun, forever)
– (Myltyqtyń aldynda turǵan adam máńgi)
And I been hustling all day, this-a-way, that-a-way
– Men kúni boıy ábigerge tústim, sodan keıin solaı
Through canals and alleyways, just to say
– Tek aıtý úshin arnalar men aleıalar arqyly
Money trees is the perfect place for shade and that’s just how I feel
– Aqsha aǵashtary kóleńke úshin tamasha oryn jáne Men dál osylaı sezinemin

Nah, nah, a dollar might just fuck your main bitch, that’s just how I feel
– Joq, joq, dollar úshin siz ózińizdiń basty qanshyǵyńyzdy trahnýt ete alasyz, Men ózimdi osylaı sezinemin
Nah, a dollar might say fuck them niggas that you came with, that’s just how I feel
– Joq, dollar: “Siz kelgen nıggerlerdi nahýıge baraıyq” dep aıtýy múmkin, Men ózimdi osylaı sezinemin.
Nah, nah, a dollar might just make that lane switch, that’s just how I feel
– Joq, joq, dollar jolaqty aýystyra alady, Men ózimdi osylaı sezinemin.
Nah, a dollar might turn to a million and we all rich, that’s just how I feel
– Joq, dollar mıllıonǵa aınalýy múmkin jáne Biz bárimiz baı bolamyz, men ózimdi osylaı sezinemin

Dreams of living life like rappers do (like rappers do)
– Reperler sıaqty ómir súrý týraly armandar (reperler qalaı ómir súredi)
Bump that new E-40 after school (way after school)
– Osy jańa E-40-qa mektepten keıin otyryńyz (mektepten keıin)
You know “Big Ballin’ With My Homies” (my homies)
– Siz “meniń tamyrymmen kóńil kóterýdi” bilesiz (my homies)
Earl Stevens had us thinkin’ rational (thinkin’ rational)
– Erl Stıvens bizdi utymdy oılaýǵa májbúr etti (utymdy oılaý).
Back to reality, we poor, ya bish (ya bish)
– Shyndyqqa oralsaq, biz kedeımiz, ıa bısh (ıa bısh)
Another casualty at war, ya bish (ya bish)
– Soǵystaǵy taǵy bir qurban, ya BISH (ya bish)
Two bullets in my Uncle Tony head (my Tony head)
– Tonı aǵamnyń basyndaǵy eki oq (Tonıdiń basynda)
He said one day I’ll be on tour, ya bish (ya bish)
– Ol bir kúni men gastrólge baratynymdy aıtty, ya BISH (ya BISH).

That Louis Burgers never be the same (won’t be the same)
– Lýı gambýrgerleri eshqashan birdeı bolmaıdy (birdeı bolmaıdy)
A Louis belt will never ease that pain (won’t ease that pain)
– Lýı belbeýi bul aýyrsynýdy eshqashan jeńildetpeıdi (bul aýyrsynýdy jeńildetpeıdi)
But I’ma purchase when that day is jerkin’ (that day is jerkin’)
– Biraq men sol kún kelgende satyp alamyn (bul kún keledi).
Pull off at Church’s with Pirellis skirtin’ (Pirellis skirtin’)
– Pirellis ıýbkasymen shirkeýge toqtańyz (pirellis ıýbkasy).
Gang signs out the window, ya bish (ya bish)
– Banda terezeden shyǵady, ya BISH (ya BISH)
Hoping all of them offend you, ya bish (ya bish)
– Olardyń bári sizdi renjitedi dep úmittenemiz, ya BISH (ya BISH)
They say your hood is a pot of gold (pot of gold)
– Olar sizdiń sorǵyshyńyz altyn (altyn kastrúl) dep Aıtady.
And we gon’ crash it when nobody’s home
– Biz ony eshkim úıde bolmaǵan kezde buzamyz.

It go Halle Berry or hallelujah
– Bul Holı Berrı nemese Hallelýja sıaqty estiledi
Pick your poison, tell me what you doing
– Ýyńyzdy tańdańyz, maǵan ne istep jatqanyńyzdy aıtyńyz
Everybody gon’ respect the shooter
– Barlyǵy mergendi qurmetteıdi
But the one in front of the gun lives forever
– Biraq myltyqtyń aldynda turǵan adam máńgi ómir súredi
(The one in front of the gun, forever)
– (Myltyqtyń aldynda turǵan adam máńgi)
And I been hustling all day, this-a-way, that-a-way
– Men kúni boıy ábigerge tústim, sodan keıin solaı
Through canals and alleyways, just to say
– Tek aıtý úshin arnalar men aleıalar arqyly
Money trees is the perfect place for shade and that’s just how I feel
– Aqsha aǵashtary kóleńke úshin tamasha oryn jáne Men dál osylaı sezinemin

Nah, nah, a dollar might just fuck your main bitch, that’s just how I feel
– Joq, joq, dollar úshin siz ózińizdiń basty qanshyǵyńyzdy trahnýt ete alasyz, Men ózimdi osylaı sezinemin
Nah, a dollar might say fuck them niggas that you came with, that’s just how I feel
– Joq, dollar: “Siz kelgen nıggerlerdi nahýıge baraıyq” dep aıtýy múmkin, Men ózimdi osylaı sezinemin.
Nah, nah, a dollar might just make that lane switch, that’s just how I feel
– Joq, joq, dollar jolaqty aýystyra alady, Men ózimdi osylaı sezinemin.
Nah, a dollar might turn to a million and we all rich, that’s just how I feel
– Joq, dollar mıllıonǵa aınalýy múmkin jáne Biz bárimiz baı bolamyz, men ózimdi osylaı sezinemin

Be the last one out to get this dough? No way
– Siz bul ájelerdi sońǵy ret alasyz ba? Eshteńe úshin emes
Love one of you bucket-headed hoes? No way
– Sizderdiń bireýińizdi jaqsy kóresiz be, aqymaq shlúhalar? Eshteńe úshin emes
Hit the streets, then we break the code? No way
– Biz kóshege shyǵyp, sodan keıin kodty buzamyz ba? Eshteńe úshin emes
Hit the brakes when they on patrol? No way
– Olar patrúldeý kezinde tejegishterdi basyńyz? Eshteńe úshin emes

Be the last one out to get this dough? No way
– Siz bul ájelerdi sońǵy ret alasyz ba? Eshteńe úshin emes
Love one of you bucket-headed hoes? No way
– Sizderdiń bireýińizdi jaqsy kóresiz be, aqymaq shlúhalar? Eshteńe úshin emes
Hit the streets, then we break the code? No way
– Biz kóshege shyǵyp, sodan keıin kodty buzamyz ba? Eshteńe úshin emes
Hit the brakes when they on patrol? No way
– Olar patrúldeý kezinde tejegishterdi basyńyz? Eshteńe úshin emes

‘Magine Rock up in them projects where them niggas pick your pockets
– “Magın nıggerler sizdiń qaltańyzdy tazartatyn jobalarda janyp tur
Santa Claus don’t miss them stockings, liquor spillin’, pistols popping
– Aıaz Ata bul shulyqtardy, tógilgen lıkerdi, shapalaqtardy saǵynbaıdy.
Baking soda YOLA whipping ain’t no turkey on Thanksgivin’
– IOLANY as sodasymen shaıqaý Rızashylyq kúni kúrketaýyq emes.
My homeboy just domed a nigga, I just hope the Lord forgive him
– Meniń dosym nıggerdi jaı ǵana úrledi, men ony Jaratqan Ie keshiredi dep úmittenemin
Pots with cocaine residue, every day I’m hustlin’
– Kokaın qaldyqtary bar bankter, men kún saıyn jezókshelikpen aınalysamyn.
What else is a thug to do when you eatin’ cheese from the government?
– Úkimetten irimshik jegen kezde buzaqyǵa taǵy ne isteý kerek?
Gotta provide for my daughter n’em, get the fuck up out my way, bitch
– Men qyzymdy qamtamasyz etýim kerek, jolymnan shyǵyńyz, qanshyq.
Got that drum and I got them bands just like a parade, bitch
– Mende bul baraban bar jáne mende bul toptar bar, dál sherý sıaqty, qanshyq

Drop that work up in the bushes, hope them boys don’t see my stash
– Bul jumysty butaǵa tastańyz, bul jigitter meniń qoramdy kórmeıdi dep úmittenemin
If they do, tell the truth, this the last time you might see my ass
– Eger olar solaı etse, shyndyqty aıtyńyz, Bul meniń esegimdi sońǵy ret kórýińiz múmkin.
From the gardens where the grass ain’t cut, them serpents lurking, blood
– Shóp kesilmegen Baqtarda jylandar, qan jasyrylady
Bitches selling pussy, niggas selling drugs, but it’s all good
– Qanshyqtar satady pızdý, nıggerler satady esirtki, biraq munyń bári jaqsy
Broken promises, steal your watch and tell you what time it is
– Buzylǵan ýádeler, men sizdiń saǵatyńyzdy urlap, sizge saǵat neshede ekenin aıtamyn.
Take your J’s and tell you to kick it where a Foot Locker is
– “Djıdi” alyńyz da, olardy aıaq shkafy bar jerge teýińiz kerek dep aıtyńyz.
In the streets with a heater under my Dungarees
– Syrtta kombınezon astynda jylytqyshy bar
Dreams of me getting shaded under a money tree
– Men aqsha aǵashynyń kóleńkesinde jatqanymdy armandaımyn

It go Halle Berry or hallelujah
– Bul Holı Berrı nemese Hallelýja sıaqty estiledi
Pick your poison, tell me what you doing
– Ýyńyzdy tańdańyz, maǵan ne istep jatqanyńyzdy aıtyńyz
Everybody gon’ respect the shooter
– Barlyǵy mergendi qurmetteıdi
But the one in front of the gun lives forever
– Biraq myltyqtyń aldynda turǵan adam máńgi ómir súredi
(The one in front of the gun, forever)
– (Myltyqtyń aldynda turǵan adam máńgi)
And I been hustling all day, this-a-way, that-a-way
– Men kúni boıy ábigerge tústim, sodan keıin solaı
Through canals and alleyways, just to say
– Tek aıtý úshin arnalar men aleıalar arqyly
Money trees is the perfect place for shade and that’s just how I feel
– Aqsha aǵashtary kóleńke úshin tamasha oryn jáne Men dál osylaı sezinemin

Kendrick, just bring my car back man, I called in for another appointment
– Kendrık, meniń kóligimdi qaıtaryp al, adam, men basqa kezdesýge kelistim
I figured you weren’t gonna be back here on time anyways
– Siz bul jerge ýaqytynda oralmaısyz dep oıladym
Look, shit, shit, I just wanna get out the house man
– Qarǵys atsyn, tozaq, men jaı ǵana úıden ketkim keledi, adam
This man’s on one, he feeling good than a motherfucker
– Bul adam birinshi orynda, ol ózin beıbaqqa qaraǵanda jaqsy sezinedi.
Shit, I’m tryna get my thing going too, just bring my car back (girl, I want your body, I want your body)
– Tozaq, men de óz isimdi sheshýge tyrysamyn, tek kóligimdi qaıtaryńyz (qyz, Men seniń deneńdi qalaımyn, men seniń deneńdi qalaımyn)
Shit, he faded, he feeling good, look, listen to him (’cause you got a big ol’ fat ass)
– Tozaq, ol joǵalyp ketti, ol ózin jaqsy sezinedi, qarańyz, ony tyńdańyz (óıtkeni sizde úlken, eski, semiz esek bar).
Girl, girl, I want your body, I want your body, ’cause of that big ol’ fat ass
– Qyz, qyz, Men seniń deneńdi qalaımyn, seniń deneńdi qalaımyn, óıtkeni seniń úlken kári semiz esegiń bar.
See he high as hell, shit, he ain’t even trippin’ off them
– Qarańyzshy, ol joǵary, Ol tipti olarǵa súrinbeıdi.
Damn dominoes no more (girl, I want your body, ’cause of that big ol-)
– Endi qarǵys atqan domıno joq (Qyz, Men seniń deneńdi qalaımyn, sol úlken káriniń arqasynda…)
Just bring the car back
– Tek kólikti qaıtaryńyz
Did somebody say dominoes?
– Bireý “domıno” dedi me?

Kendrick Lamar



