Kendrick Lamar – PRIDE. Aǵylshyn Tekst Pesnı & Qazaq (latyn) Aýdarmalar


Tekst Pesnı

Love’s gonna get you killed
– Mahabbat seni óltiredi.
But pride’s gonna be the death of you, and you and me
– Biraq maqtanysh sizdi de, Sizdi de, meni de qurtady.
And you, and you, and you and me
– Sen de, sen de, sen de, Men de
And you, and you, and you and me
– Sen de, sen de, sen de, Men de
And you, and you, and you and me, and-
– Jáne siz, jáne siz, jáne siz, Men jáne-

Me, I wasn’t taught to share, but care
– Maǵan keletin bolsaq, maǵan bólisýge emes, qamqorlyq jasaýǵa úıretildi
In another life, I surely was there
– Basqa ómirde men, árıne, sonda boldym
Me, I wasn’t taught to share, but care
– Maǵan keletin bolsaq, maǵan bólisýge emes, qamqorlyq jasaýǵa úıretildi
I care, I care
– Maǵan báribir, maǵan báribir

Hell-raising, wheel-chasing, new worldy possessions
– Tozaqtyń ornalasýy, dóńgelekti qýý, jańa dúnıelik ıelikter
Flesh-making, spirit-breaking, which one would you lessen?
– Deneni buzatyn, rýhty buzatyn-siz odan ne azaıtar edińiz?
The better part, the human heart
– Eń jaqsy bóligi – adamnyń júregi
You love ’em or dissect ’em
– Siz olardy jaqsy kóresiz be nemese bólshekteısiz be
Happiness or flashiness? How do you serve the question?
– Baqyt pa, álde laqtyrý ma? Siz bul suraqty qalaı jiberesiz?
See, in the perfect world, I would be perfect, world
– Kórdińiz be, minsiz álemde men kemeldi bolar edim, álem
I don’t trust people enough beyond they surface, world
– Men olardyń syrtqy áleminen tys adamdarǵa jetkilikti túrde senbeımin
I don’t love people enough to put my faith in man
– Men adamdardy olarǵa sený úshin jetkilikti jaqsy kórmeımin
I put my faith in these lyrics hoping I make a band
– Men bul mátinderge senemin, men top quramyn dep úmittenemin

I understand I ain’t perfect
– Men minsiz emes ekenimdi túsinemin
I probably won’t come around
– Men endi kelmeıtin shyǵarmyn
This time, I might put you down
– Bul joly men seni uıyqtatatyn shyǵarmyn
Last time, I ain’t give a fuck, I still feel the same now
– Sońǵy ret maǵan báribir boldy, qazir men de solaı sezinemin.
My feelings might go numb, you’re dealing with cold thumb
– Meniń sezimderim uıyp qalýy múmkin, siz sýyq saýsaqpen aınalysasyz.
I’m willing to give up a leg and arm and show empathy from
– Men aıaǵym men qolymdy qurban etýge jáne janashyrlyq tanytýǵa daıynmyn
Pity parties and functions and you and yours
– Keshter men qabyldaýlar úshin ókinishti, siz jáne sizdiń jaqyndaryńyz
A perfect world, you probably live another 24
– Ideal álemde siz taǵy 24 adam ómir súretin shyǵarsyz
I can’t fake humble just ’cause your ass is insecure
– Men seniń esegiń ózine senimsiz bolǵandyqtan ǵana kishipeıil bola almaımyn.
I can’t fake humble just ’cause your ass is insecure
– Men seniń esegiń ózine senimsiz bolǵandyqtan ǵana kishipeıil bola almaımyn.

Me, I wasn’t taught to share, but care
– Maǵan keletin bolsaq, maǵan bólisýge emes, qamqorlyq jasaýǵa úıretildi
In another life, I surely was there
– Basqa ómirde men, árıne, sonda boldym
Me, I wasn’t taught to share, but care
– Maǵan keletin bolsaq, maǵan bólisýge emes, qamqorlyq jasaýǵa úıretildi
I care, I care
– Maǵan báribir, maǵan báribir

Maybe I wasn’t there
– Múmkin men ol jerde bolmadym
Maybe I wasn’t there
– Múmkin men ol jerde bolmadym
Maybe I wasn’t there
– Múmkin men ol jerde bolmadym
Maybe I wasn’t there
– Múmkin men ol jerde bolmadym

Now, in a perfect world, I probably won’t be insensitive
– Endi minsiz álemde men sezimsiz bolmaıtyn shyǵarmyn
Cold as December, but never remember what winter did
– Jeltoqsan aıyndaǵydaı sýyq, biraq siz qystyń ne istegenin eshqashan esińizge túsirmeısiz.
I wouldn’t blame you for mistakes I made or the bed I laid
– Men jasaǵan qatelikterim úshin nemese tósegim úshin sizdi kinálamas edim
Seems like I point the finger just to make a point, nowadays
– Bul kúnderi men óz kózqarasymdy basa kórsetý úshin saýsaǵymdy kórsetip jatqan sıaqtymyn
Smiles and cold stares, the temperature goes there
– Kúlimsireý jáne sýyq kórinister-temperatýra kóteriledi.
Indigenous disposition, feel like we belong here
– Jergilikti minez, biz ózimizdi osynda sezinemiz.
I know the walls, they can listen, I wish they could talk back
– Men qabyrǵalardy bilemin, olar tyńdaı alady, ókinishti, olar maǵan birdeı jaýap bere almaıdy.
The hurt becomes repetition, the love almost lost that
– Aýyrsyný qaıtalanýǵa aınalady, mahabbat joǵalady.

Sick venom in men and women overcome with pride
– Maqtanyshpen aýyrǵan erler men áıelderdegi aýyr ýlaný
A perfect world is never perfect, only filled with lies
– Minsiz álem eshqashan minsiz bolmaıdy, ol tek ótirikke toly
Promises are broken and more resentment come alive
– Ýádeler buzylyp, renishter kóbeıip keledi
Race barriers make inferior of you and I
– Násildik kedergiler sizdi tómen etedi, men
See, in a perfect world, I’ll choose faith over riches
– men ıdealdy álemde baılyqqa senýdi qalaıtynymdy kóremin.
I’ll choose work over bitches, I’ll make schools out of prison
– Men qanshyqtan góri jumys istegendi jón kóremin, túrmelerden mektepter jasaımyn.
I’ll take all the religions and put ’em all in one service
– Men barlyq dinderdi alyp olardyń barlyǵyn bir qyzmetke biriktiremin
Just to tell ’em we ain’t shit, but He’s been perfect, world
– Olarǵa biz aqymaq emespiz dep aıtý úshin, biraq ol minsiz boldy, álem

Me, I wasn’t taught to share, but care
– Maǵan keletin bolsaq, maǵan bólisýge emes, qamqorlyq jasaýǵa úıretildi
In another life, I surely was there
– Basqa ómirde men, árıne, sonda boldym
Me, I wasn’t taught to share, but care
– Maǵan keletin bolsaq, maǵan bólisýge emes, qamqorlyq jasaýǵa úıretildi
I care, I care
– Maǵan báribir, maǵan báribir

Maybe I wasn’t there
– Múmkin men ol jerde bolmadym
Maybe I wasn’t there
– Múmkin men ol jerde bolmadym
Maybe I wasn’t there
– Múmkin men ol jerde bolmadym
Maybe I wasn’t there
– Múmkin men ol jerde bolmadym

Kendrick Lamar



