Mos Def – Auditorium (feat. Slick Rick) Aǵylshyn Tekst Pesnı & Qazaq (latyn) Aýdarmalar


Tekst Pesnı

The way I feel sometimes it’s too hard to sit still
– Meniń oıymsha, keıde bir orynda otyrý óte qıyn
Things are so passionate, times are so real
– Barlyǵy óte qumar, ýaqyt óte shynaıy
Sometimes I try an chill mellow down blowin’ smoke
– Keıde men tútin shyǵarý arqyly demalýǵa tyrysamyn.
Smile on my face but it’s really no joke
– Meniń júzimde kúlimsireý, biraq bul ázil emes

You feel it in the streets, the people breathe without hope
– Siz muny kóshede sezinesiz, adamdar úmitsiz dem alady
They goin’ through the motion, they dimmin’ down, they focus
– Olar qozǵalys arqyly ótedi, olar joǵalady, nazar aýdarady
The focus gettin’ clear and the light turn sharp
– Fokýs aıqyn bolady, al jaryq ótkir bolady
And the eyes go teary, the mind grow weary
– Kózder kóz jasyna tolady, aqyl sharshaıdy

I speak it so clearly, sometimes ya don’t hear me
– Men muny anyq aıtamyn, keıde sen meni estimeısiń
I push it past the bass, no nations gotta feel me
– Men muny bass arqyly ıterip jatyrmyn, eshbir ult meni sezinbeýi kerek.
I feel it in my bones, black, I’m so wide awake
– Men muny búkil bolmysym sıaqty sezinemin, qara, men óte sergekpin
That I hardly ever sleep, my flows forever deep
– Men eshqashan uıyqtamaımyn, meniń aǵyndarym máńgi tereń
And it’s volumes or scriptures when I breath on a beat
– Men takaqty dem alǵan kezde bul tomdar nemese jazbalar

My presence speak volumes before I say a word
– Meniń qatysýym kem degende bir sóz aıtpas buryn kóp nárseni aıtady
I’m everywhere, penthouse, pavement and curb
– Men barlyq jerde: penthaýsta, trotýarda jáne porebrıkte
Cradle to the grave, talk’ll lead you on a shell
– Besikten qabirge deıin áńgimeler sizdi qabyqqa aparady.
Universal ghetto life holla black, you know it well
– Gettodaǵy ámbebap ómir, Sálem, qara, siz muny jaqsy bilesiz

Quiet storm, vital form pen pushed it right across
– Tynysh daýyl, tirshilik formasynyń tutqasy ony tikeleı ıterip jiberdi
Mind is a vital force, high level right across
– Aqyl-bul ómirsheńdik, ol barlyq jerde joǵary deńgeıde
Shoulders the lions raw voice is the siren
– Arystandardyń ıyqtary, dóreki daýys-sırena
I swing round, ring out and bring down the tyrant
– Men burylyp, aıqaılap, tırandy qulatamyn

Shocked, a small act could knock a giant lopsided
– Eseńgiregen kishkentaı áreket alypty shatastyrýy múmkin
The world is so dangerous, there’s no need for fightin’
– Álem sonshalyqty qaýipti, kúresýdiń qajeti joq.
Suttins tryna hide like the struggle won’t find ’em
– Sattınder kúres olardy tappaǵandaı jasyrýǵa tyrysady.
And the sun bust through the clouds to clearly remind him
– Kún bulttar arqyly ótip bara jatqanda, oǵan bul týraly anyq eske salady

Everywhere, penthouse, pavement and curb
– Barlyq jerde: penthaýs, trotýar jáne shekara
Cradle to the grave, talk’ll lead you on a shell
– Besikten qabirge deıin áńgimeler sizdi qabyqqa aparady.
Universal ghetto life holla black, you know it well
– Gettodaǵy ámbebap ómir, Sálem, qara, siz muny jaqsy bilesiz

What it is? You know, they know
– Bul ne? Bilesiz be, olar biledi
What it is? We know, y’all know
– Bul ne? Biz bilemiz, siz bárin bilesiz
What is is? Ecstatic, there it is
– Bul ne? Ekstatıkalyq, mine

What it is? You know, we know
– Bul ne? Bilesiz be, biz bilemiz
What it is? They know, y’all know
– Bul ne? Olar biledi, siz bárin bilesiz
What it is? You don’t know? Here it is
– Bul ne? Siz bilmeısiz be? Mine ol

What it is? You know, we know
– Bul ne? Bilesiz be, biz bilemiz
What it is? They know, y’all know
– Bul ne? Olar biledi, siz bárin bilesiz
What it is? You don’t know? Here it is
– Bul ne? Siz bilmeısiz be? Mine ol

Sit and come, relax, riddle off the mac, it’s the patch
– Otyryńyz jáne kirińiz, demalyńyz, Mac kompúterińizdi óshirińiz, bul pach
I’ma soldier in the middle of Iraq
– Men Iraktyń ortalyǵyndaǵy sarbazmyn
Well, say about noonish commin’ out the whip
– Men qamshyny shyǵarǵan kezde tústen keıin aıtaıyq
And lookin’ at me curious, a young Iraqi kid
– Iraktyń jas jigiti maǵan qyzyǵýshylyqpen qaraıdy

Carrying laundry, what’s wrong G, hungry?
– Men ish kıimdi alyp júrmin, ne boldy, Djı, ash boldy ma?
No, gimme oil or get fuck out my country
– Joq, maǵan maı berińiz nemese elimnen tozaqqa baryńyz
And in Arabian barkin’ other stuff
– Jáne arab tilinde barlyq zattar úredi
Till his moms come grab him and they walk off in a rush
– Analary kelgenshe ony ustap alyp, asyǵys ketpeıdi

I’m like surely hope that we can fix our differences soon
– Árıne, biz jaqyn arada kelispeýshilikterimizdi sheshe alamyz dep úmittenemin
White apples, I’m breakin’ on
– Aq alma, men julyp alamyn
You take everything, why not just take the damn food like
– Siz bárin alyp jatyrsyz, nege bul qarǵys atqyr taǵamdy almasqa

I don’t understand it, on another planet?
– Men muny túsinbeımin, basqa planetada?
Fifty one of this stuff, how I’m gonna manage?
– Elý bir qoqys, men ony qalaı jeńe alamyn?
And increasing the sentiment, gentlemen
– Biz kóńil-kúıdi kóteremiz, myrzalar
Gettin’ down on that middle eastern instruments
– Taıaý Shyǵys quraldaryn ıgerý

Realized trappin’ is crap
– Balyq aýlaýdyń aqymaq ekenin túsindim
Walk over kicked one of my fabulous raps
– Meniń tańǵajaıyp repterimniń biri kelip tepkiledi
Arab they well wished they glad wrapped
– Olar jaqsy tilegen Arab olardyń oralǵanyna qýanyshty boldy
Now the kid considered like an Elvis of Baghdad
– Endi bala Baǵdadtyń Elvısine uqsas bolyp sanaldy

What it is?
– Bul ne?
What it is?
– Bul ne?

What it is? You know, they know
– Bul ne? Bilesiz be, olar biledi
What it is? We know, y’all know
– Bul ne? Biz bilemiz, siz bárin bilesiz
What is is? Ecstatic, there it is
– Bul ne? Ekstatıkalyq, mine

What it is? You know, we know
– Bul ne? Bilesiz be, biz bilemiz
What it is? They know, y’all know
– Bul ne? Olar biledi, siz bárin bilesiz
What it is? You don’t know? Here it is
– Bul ne? Siz bilmeısiz be? Mine ol

What it is? You know, we know
– Bul ne? Bilesiz be, biz bilemiz
What it is? They know, y’all know
– Bul ne? Olar biledi, siz bárin bilesiz
What it is? You don’t know? Here it is
– Bul ne? Siz bilmeısiz be? Mine ol

Mos Def



