PARTYNEXTDOOR – DIE TRYING Aǵylshyn Tekst Pesnı & Qazaq (latyn) Aýdarmalar


Tekst Pesnı

– Iá

Girl, I can’t decide if I should stay and say I tried
– Qyz, men qalýym kerek pe, joq pa, sony sheshe almaımyn jáne tyrystym dep aıta almaımyn
Or I should leave and say goodbye
– Nemese men ketip, qoshtasýym kerek pe
It’s killin’ me inside
– Bul meni ishteı óltiredi

If I could just get next to you, I’d probably be alright
– Eger men seniń janyńa jaqyndaı alsam, bári jaqsy bolar edi
But we’re so busy in this life
– Biraq biz bul ómirde óte bos emespiz
We always say, “Some other time”
– Biz árqashan: “Basqa ýaqytta”dep aıtamyz.
Why won’t my tears work? It’s been a decade since I’ve cried
– Nege meniń kóz jasym jumys istemeıdi? Meniń jylaǵanyma on jyl boldy
I got no dog left in the fight
– Meniń tóbeles kezinde ıtim qalmady
The bark don’t match the bite
– Qabyǵy tistegen jerine sáıkes kelmeıdi
Me and my old man, we just get fucked up every night
– Men jáne meniń shal, biz jaı ǵana trahaıýtsá ár kesh saıyn
He said, “Son, these hoes just don’t love you”
– Ol: “Balam, bul ketmender seni súımeıdi”, – dedi.
I said, “I’ll keep that in mind”
– Men: “men muny este saqtaımyn”dedim.
Those ain’t words to live by, wouldn’t call that sound advice
– Bul ómir súrýge turarlyq sózder emes, men ony aqylǵa qonymdy keńes dep atamas edim
Our future doesn’t sound too bright
– Bizdiń bolashaǵymyz tym jarqyn bolyp kórinbeıdi
But I just nod and say, “You’re right,” I do
– Biraq men jaı ǵana bas ızep: “durys aıtasyń”, – deımin.

Girl, I can’t decide if I should stay and say I tried
– Qyz, men qalýym kerek pe, joq pa, sony sheshe almaımyn jáne tyrystym dep aıta almaımyn
Or I should leave and say goodbye
– Nemese men ketip, qoshtasýym kerek pe
It’s killin’ me inside
– Bul meni ishteı óltiredi

And all my (My) presents to show my affection
– Jáne meniń barlyq (Meniń) syılyqtarym meniń súıispenshiligimdi kórsetý úshin
Flowers and diamonds and jets through the sky
– Gúlder, gaýhar tastar jáne aspandaǵy aǵyndar
I’m not here to teach you a lesson (No)
– Men sizge sabaq berý úshin kelgen joqpyn (Joq)
I’m just a caring and passionate guy
– Men jaı ǵana qamqor jáne qumar jigitpin
Talks with your friends got you changin’ your vibe
– Dostaryńyzben sóılesý sizdiń kóńil-kúıińizdi ózgertýge kómektesedi
Talks with your friends got you changin’
– Dostaryńyzben sóılesý sizdi ózgertýge májbúr etti’
Talks with your friends got you changin’ your vibe
– Dostaryńyzben sóılesý sizdiń kóńil-kúıińizdi ózgertýge kómektesedi
Talking to your friends
– Dostaryńyzben sóılesý

Girl, I miss my friends, you know too much of them have died
– Qyz, men dostarymdy saǵyndym, olardyń tym kóp ólgenin bilesiń
I wish that they were still alive
– Men olardyń áli tiri bolǵanyn qalaımyn
Just to see the silver lines
– Tek kúmis syzyqtardy kórý úshin
This year, me and God, we wasn’t seein’ eye to eye
– Bıylǵy Jyly Qudaı ekeýmiz bir – birimizge qaramadyq
I prayed to her from time to time
– Men oǵan anda-sanda duǵa pra
She was busy on another vibe
– Ol basqa atmosferamen aınalysty
I can’t vent to you through no text message and reply
– Men sizge mátindik habarlama men jaýap bermeı-aq aıta almaımyn
I need to see you face to face
– Men seni betpe-bet kórýim kerek
Gotta look you in the eye, I do
– Men seniń kózińe qaraýym kerek, solaı ma

Girl, I can’t decide if I should stay and say I tried
– Qyz, men qalýym kerek pe, joq pa, sony sheshe almaımyn jáne tyrystym dep aıta almaımyn
Or I should leave and say goodbye
– Nemese men ketip, qoshtasýym kerek pe
It’s killin’ me inside
– Bul meni ishteı óltiredi

And all my presents to show my affection
– Jáne meniń barlyq syılyqtarym meniń súıispenshiligimdi kórsetý úshin
Flowers and diamonds and jets through the sky
– Gúlder, gaýhar tastar jáne aspandaǵy aǵyndar
I’m not here to teach you a lesson (No, no)
– Men sizge sabaq berý úshin kelgen joqpyn (Joq, joq)
I’m just a caring and passionate guy
– Men jaı ǵana qamqor jáne qumar jigitpin
Talks with your friends got you changin’ your vibe
– Dostaryńyzben sóılesý sizdiń kóńil-kúıińizdi ózgertýge kómektesedi
Talks with your friends got you changin’
– Dostaryńyzben sóılesý sizdi ózgertýge májbúr etti’
Talks with your friends got you changin’ your vibe
– Dostaryńyzben sóılesý sizdiń kóńil-kúıińizdi ózgertýge kómektesedi
Talking to your friends
– Dostaryńyzben sóılesý

Ooh, another misunderstanding, of course
– O, taǵy bir túsinbeýshilik, árıne
I pushed you away ’cause that’s what I could afford
– Men seni ıterip jiberdim, óıtkeni bul meniń qolymnan keletin nárse
Ooh, we felt way too true and it hurts
– O, biz ózimizdi tym shynaıy sezindik jáne bul aýyrady
So laughing or crying will only make it worse
– Sondyqtan kúlý nemese jylaý jaǵdaıdy nasharlatady




