Shaggy – Boombastic Aǵylshyn Tekst Pesnı & Qazaq (latyn) Aýdarmalar


Tekst Pesnı

Mr. Boombastic.
– Býmbastık Myrza.
What you want is some boombastic romantic fantastic lover.
– Sizge qajet nárse-bul romantıkalyq fantasıkalyq áýesqoı.
– Qylshyq!

Mr. Lover lover (mmm)
– Mıster lúbovnık, lúbovnık (mmm)
Mr. Lover lover, hehe girl
– Mıster lúbovnık, hanym, Hehe, qyz
Mr. Lover lover(mmm)
– , Mıster lúbovnık, lúbovnık(mmm)
Mr. Lover lover.
– Mıster Lúbovnık, lúbovnık.
She call me Mr. Boombastic, telly-fantastic,
– Ol meni Mıster Býmbastık, televızıalyq fantas dep ataıdy,
Touch me on me back, she say I’m Mr. Ro… mantic
– Meniń artyma tıgizińiz, Ol meni Ro myrza dep Aıtady… mantık
Call me fantastic,
– Meni fantasıkalyq dep atańyz,
Touch me on me back she say I’m ro…
– Meniń artyma tıgizińiz, ol meniń Roh ekenimdi aıtady…
Smooth… just like a silk.
– Tegis… Jibek sıaqty.
Soft and cuddly, hug me up like a quilt.
– Jumsaq jáne jaǵymdy, meni kórpe sıaqty orańyz.
I’m a lyrical lover, no take me for no filth.
– Men lırıkalyq ǵashyqpyn, meni kir dep qatelespeńiz.
With my sexual physique, yah know me well built.
– Meniń seksýaldy dene bitimimmen, siz meniń jaqsy ekenimdi bilesiz.
Oh me, oh my, well well, can’t you tell?
– O, men, O, Qudaıym, sen aıta almaısyń ba?
I’m just like a turtle crawling out of my shell.
– Men óz qabyǵymnan shyǵyp bara jatqan Tasbaqa sıaqtymyn.
Gal, you captivate my body, put me under a spell.
– Qyz, sen meniń denemdi baýrap alasyń, meni sıqyrlaısyń.
With your cus cus perfume I love your sweet smell.
– Sizdiń cus CUS hosh ıisińizben men sizdiń tátti ıisińizdi jaqsy kóremin.
You are the only young girl who can ring my bell.
– Siz meniń qońyraýyma qońyraý shala alatyn jalǵyz jas qyzsyz.
And I can take rejection, so you tell me go to hell.
– Men bas tartýdy qabyldaı alamyn, sondyqtan siz maǵan tozaqqa barýdy aıtasyz.

I’m Boombastic, feel me fantastic,
– Men jarylǵyshpyn, meni keremet sezinemin,
Touch me on my back, she says I’m Mr. Ro… mantic.
– Meniń arqama tıgizińiz, Ol meni Ro myrza deıdi… mantık.
Call me fantastic,
– Meni fantasıkalyq dep atańyz,
She touch me on my back, she says I’m Mr. boom boom boom boom
– Ol meniń artyma tıip tur, Ol meni bým-bým-bým-bým myrza deıdi
Boombastic, feel me fantastic,
– Býmbastık, meni keremet sezinińiz,
Touch me on my back, she call Mr. Ro… mantic,
– Meniń arqama tıgizińiz, ol Ro myrzany ataıdy… mantıkom,
Tell me fantastic,
– Maǵan fantasıkalyq aıtyńyz,
She touch me on my back, she says I’m Mr. boom boom.
– Ol meniń artyma tıedi, Ol meni bým-bým myrza deıdi.

Gee whizz, baby please!
– Al, balaqaı, ótinemin!
Let me take you to an island of the sweet cool breeze.
– Sizdi tátti salqyn samal aralyna aparýǵa ruqsat etińiz.
You don’t feel like drive, well, baby hand me the keys.
– Siz rúlge otyrǵyńyz kelmeıdi, balam, maǵan kiltter ber.
And I’ll take you to a place, and set your mind at ease.
– Men seni bir jerge aparamyn, sonda sen tynyshtalasyń.
Don’t you tickle my foot bottom, (ha ha) baby please.
– Meniń aıaǵymdy tómennen qytyqtamańyz, (haha) balaqaı, ótinemin.
Don’t you play with my nose I’m a (ha chum) sneeze! (bless you)
– Murnymmen oınaýǵa batyly barmańyz, men (ha, dosym) túshkiremin! (ıem saǵan batasyn ber)
Well you a the bun and me a the cheese.
– Al, saǵan toqash, al maǵan irimshik.
And if me a the rice and baby love you a the peas.
– Al eger men kúrish bolsam, al sábı seni jaqsy kórse, onda burshaq.

I’m Boombastic, feel me fantastic,
– Men jarylǵyshpyn, meni keremet sezinemin,
Touch me on my back, she says I’m Mr. Ro… mantic.
– Meniń arqama tıgizińiz, Ol meni Ro myrza deıdi… mantık.
Call me fantastic,
– Meni fantasıkalyq dep atańyz,
She touch me on my back, she says I’m Mr. boom boom boom boom
– Ol meniń artyma tıip tur, Ol meni bým-bým-bým-bým myrza deıdi
Boombastic, feel me fantastic,
– Býmbastık, meni keremet sezinińiz,
Touch me on my back, she call Mr. Ro… mantic,
– Meniń arqama tıgizińiz, ol Ro myrzany ataıdy… mantıkom,
Tell me fantastic,
– Maǵan fantasıkalyq aıtyńyz,
She touch me on my back, she says I’m Mr. boom boom.
– Ol meniń artyma tıedi, Ol meni bým-bým myrza deıdi.

A me say Give me your loving… gal, your loving well good!
– Maǵan aıt, maǵan mahabbatyńdy ber… qyz, seniń mahabbatyń óte jaqsy!
I want your loving, gal give it like you should.
– Men seniń mahabbatyńdy qalaımyn, qyz, ony óziń qalaǵandaı ber.
Give me your loving… girl, your loving well good.
– Maǵan mahabbatyńdy ber… qyz, seniń mahabbatyń óte jaqsy.
I want your loving, gal you remember the woo
– Men seniń mahabbatyńdy qalaımyn, qyz, biz qalaı qaraǵanymyz esińde me
Would like to kiss and caress?
– Súıip, erkeletkińiz kele me?
Rub down every strand a hair on my chest?
– Meniń keýdemdegi shashtyń ár bóligin súrtińiz be?
I’m Boombastic, rated as the best!
– Men Býmbastıkpin, eń jaqsy dep tanyldym!
The best you should get, nothing more, nothing less.
– Siz alýyńyz kerek eń jaqsy nárse-artyq ta, kem de emes.
Give me your digits, jot down your address.
– Maǵan sandaryńyzdy berińiz, meken-jaıyńyzdy jazyńyz.
I’ll bet you confess, when you put me to the test
– Siz meni synaǵan kezde moıyndaısyz dep oılaımyn
That I’m
– Men ne

I’m Boombastic, feel me fantastic,
– Men jarylǵyshpyn, meni keremet sezinemin,
Touch me on my back, she says I’m Mr. Ro… mantic.
– Meniń arqama tıgizińiz, Ol meni Ro myrza deıdi… mantık.
Call me fantastic,
– Meni fantasıkalyq dep atańyz,
She touch me on my back, she says I’m Mr. boom boom boom boom
– Ol meniń artyma tıip tur, Ol meni bým-bým-bým-bým myrza deıdi
Boombastic, feel me fantastic,
– Býmbastık, meni keremet sezinińiz,
Touch me on my back, she call Mr. Ro… mantic,
– Meniń arqama tıgizińiz, ol Ro myrzany ataıdy… mantıkom,
Tell me fantastic,
– Maǵan fantasıkalyq aıtyńyz,
She touch me on my back, she says I’m Mr. boom boom.
– Ol meniń artyma tıedi, Ol meni bým-bým myrza deıdi.

Gal, your admiration, it a lick me from the start!
– Qyz, seniń tańdanysyń, bul meni basynan bastap tań qaldyrdy!
With your physical attraction, gal you know to feel the spark!
– Sizdiń fızıkalyq tartymdylyǵyńyzben, qyz, siz ushqyndy qalaı seziný kerektigin bilesiz!
A man of few words, naw go tell you no sweet talk.
– Kishkentaı adam, men saǵan tátti sózder aıtpaımyn.
Naw go laba laba laba and a chat pure part.
– Joq, laba laba laba-ǵa baryńyz jáne taza sóılesińiz.
I’ll get straight to the point like a arrow or a dart.
– Men Jebe nemese Dart sıaqty tikeleı núktege jetemin.
Come lay down in my jacuzzi, and get some bubble bath.
– Meniń ystyq vanaǵa baryp, kóbik vanasyn alyńyz.
Only sound you will here is the beating of my heart.
– Munda estıtin jalǵyz dybys-meniń júregimniń soǵýy.
And we will mmm mmm (kiss) and have some sweet pillow talk.
– Biz mmmmmmmmmmmm (súıisý)bolamyz jáne jeke sóılesemiz.
– Men

I’m Boombastic, feel me fantastic,
– Men jarylǵyshpyn, meni keremet sezinemin,
Touch me on my back, she says I’m Mr. Ro… mantic.
– Meniń arqama tıgizińiz, Ol meni Ro myrza deıdi… mantık.
Call me fantastic,
– Meni fantasıkalyq dep atańyz,
She touch me on my back, she says I’m Mr. boom boom boom boom
– Ol meniń artyma tıip tur, Ol meni bým-bým-bým-bým myrza deıdi
Boombastic, feel me fantastic,
– Býmbastık, meni keremet sezinińiz,
Touch me on my back, she call Mr. Ro… mantic,
– Meniń arqama tıgizińiz, ol Ro myrzany ataıdy… mantıkom,
Tell me fantastic,
– Maǵan fantasıkalyq aıtyńyz,
She touch me on my back, she says I’m Mr. boom boom.
– Ol meniń artyma tıedi, Ol meni bým-bým myrza deıdi.




