SLICK KILLA – Ur Final Message (feat. Paimon) [Radio Edit] Aǵylshyn Tekst Pesnı & Qazaq (latyn) Aýdarmalar


Tekst Pesnı

All that noise you hear at night
– Siz túnde estıtin barlyq shý
When you’re home alone
– Úıde jalǵyz qalǵanda
All this shit, in my head
– Munyń bári meniń basymda
Yeah, you don’t wanna know
– Iá, siz bilgińiz kelmeıdi
On your knees, begging for your life
– Sizdiń ómirińizdi saqtap qalýdy ótinip, tizeńizde
Aim my 44, to your dome
– Meniń myltyǵymdy kúmbezińizge baǵyttańyz
Now you’re gone, knife
– Endi sen kettiń, pyshaq
Cut you straight, to the fucking bone
– Sizdi súıekke deıin tesedi
Head, full of pills
– Tabletkalarmen toltyrylǵan bas
Don’t know what the fuck they for
– Olar qandaı jelkek qajet ekenin bilmeımin
Kill them bitches
– Olardy óltirińiz, qanshyqtar
But you know the devil can’t fucking overdose
– Biraq siz shaıtannyń artyq dozalanbaıtynyn bilesiz
Darkness taking over all the souls
– Qarańǵylyq barlyq jandardy ıemdenedi
The look of terror on the face
– Betindegi sumdyqty bildirý
There’s nothing better
– Budan jaqsy eshteńe joq
This poison death to [?] form a deadly prayer [?]
– Bul ólimd [?] ólim duǵasyn qalyptastyrý [?]

The fire burning, nevеr know, the existential quеstion
– Janyp turǵan ot, siz eshqashan bilmeısiz, ekzıstensıaldy suraq
You’ve been searching in depths of hell
– Siz tozaqtyń tereńinen izdedińiz be
Filled with the forbidden pills
– Tyıym salynǵan tabletkalarmen toltyrylǵan
Popping with no fucking bells
– Eshqandaı qońyraýsyz shapalaqtaıdy
Bodies incased in the metal cells
– Metal jasýshalarǵa salynǵan deneler
Look into my fucking eyes
– Meniń kózime qarańyz
Come face to face with the devil
– Shaıtanmen betpe bet kezdesý
Sup, [?] fuck, suck your bitch out, no ever me too
– Sorpa, [?] blád, otsos óz sýchke, eshqashan maǵan da.
Fucking free [?]
– Qarǵys atqyr bos [?]
No life infront of me
– Meniń aldymda ómir joq
The darkness is all I fucking see
– Qarańǵylyq-men kóretin barlyq nárse
Fuck your god
– Qudaıyńnyń tozaǵyna
Hang your mother from the fucking cross
– Anańyzdy osy kreske ilip qoıyńyz
Execute his fucking life until there’s nothing left of him
– Onyń ómirinen eshteńe qalmaıynsha ólim jazasyna kesý
He fucking gone, no eyes sever a bit soon
– Ol, blád, ketip qaldy, kóp uzamaı kózder ashylmaıdy.
In this life you missed, on the dot
– Bul ómirde siz jiberip aldyńyz, dál osy sátte
Nothing except the blasting, your life is taking you
– Jarylystardan basqa eshteńe joq, sizdiń ómirińiz sizdi alyp ketedi
Walking the passage
– Men dálizge baramyn
Every second, closer to your final message
– Ár sekýnd saıyn sizdiń sońǵy habarlamańyzǵa jaqyndaı túsedi
On the sentence, to death
– Úkim boıynsha-ólim jazasyna
To all the motherfuckin’ masses
– Barlyq massalar úshin
– Qanshyq
All that noise you hear at night
– Siz túnde estıtin barlyq shý
When you’re home alone
– Úıde jalǵyz qalǵanda
All this shit, in my head
– Munyń bári meniń basymda
Yeah, you don’t wanna know
– Iá, siz bilgińiz kelmeıdi
On your knees, begging for your life
– Sizdiń ómirińizdi saqtap qalýdy ótinip, tizeńizde
Aim my 44, to your dome
– Meniń myltyǵymdy kúmbezińizge baǵyttańyz
Now you’re gone, knife
– Endi sen kettiń, pyshaq
Cut you straight, to the fucking bone
– Sizdi súıekke deıin tesedi
Head, full of pills
– Tabletkalarmen toltyrylǵan bas
Don’t know what the fuck they for
– Olar qandaı jelkek qajet ekenin bilmeımin
Kill them bitches
– Olardy óltirińiz, qanshyqtar
But you know the devil can’t fucking overdose
– Biraq siz shaıtannyń artyq dozalanbaıtynyn bilesiz
Darkness taking over all the souls
– Qarańǵylyq barlyq jandardy ıemdenedi
The look of terror on the face
– Betindegi sumdyqty bildirý
There’s nothing better
– Budan jaqsy eshteńe joq
This poison death to form a deadly past
– Bul ólimd ólimge ákeletin ótkendi qalyptastyrady




