Tekst Pesnı
Every suntan tells stories and the shape of the white snitches
– Árbir totyǵý oqıǵalardy baıandaıdy, al aq snıchterdiń pishini
Fat men in tropical climes
– Tropıkalyq klımattaǵy semiz adamdar
Now you tell me you’ve been fucking somebody new
– Endi siz maǵan jańa bireýmen sóıleskenińizdi aıtasyz
And that I should’ve known for a while
– Men muny biraz ýaqyttan beri bilýim kerek edi
Watching the starlings as autumn draws in
– Kúz jaqyndaǵan kezde juldyzqurttardy qaraý
As they make ghosts across London fields
– Olar London óristerinde elesterdi qalaı jasaıdy
And I would’ve moved out there to be with you
– Men senimen birge bolý úshin sol jerge kósher edim
I would’ve moved out there for real
– Men ol jerge shynymen kósher edim
Saw a choir of golden angels wearing matching rucksacks
– Men birdeı rúkzaktardaǵy altyn perishteler horyn kórdim
As they obscured the view to your train
– Olar sizdiń poıyzyńyzdyń kórinisin qalaı jasyrdy
And I’m sorry if it seems like I’m rambling here
– Eger Men munda sandyraq bolyp kórinsem, keshirim suraımyn
Just want to see the way the skin splits round his bones
– Tek onyń súıekteriniń aınalasyndaǵy teriniń jarylýyn kórgim keledi
And the gurgling head in your lap
– Al sizdiń tizeńizde gúrildegen bas
And the arms of the crowd as they pull me away
– Olar meni alyp ketkende, kópshiliktiń qoldary
And the mud and the blood in the grass
– Shóptegi kir de, qan da
When we scraped our bones together
– Biz súıekterimizdi bir birimizge qyrǵanda
We got fire (fire, fire, fire)
– Bizde ot bar (Ot, Ot, ot)
When we scraped our bones together
– Biz súıekterimizdi bir birimizge qyrǵanda
We got fire (fire, fire, fire)
– Bizde ot bar (Ot, Ot, ot)
When we scraped our bones together
– Biz súıekterimizdi bir birimizge qyrǵanda
We got fire (fire, fire, fire)
– Bizde ot bar (Ot, Ot, ot)
When we scraped our bones together
– Biz súıekterimizdi bir birimizge qyrǵanda
We got fire (fire, fire, fire)
– Bizde ot bar (Ot, Ot, ot)
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