Tekst Pesnı
I sketch visions of my future
– Men óz bolashaǵymnyń kórinisterin salamyn
But sometimes the wrong shades slip in the picture, feel like a failure, a loser
– Biraq keıde durys emes reńkter sýrette syrǵyp ketedi, sátsizdikke, jeńiliske ushyraıdy
But oh, my God, reminds me, I’m human
– Biraq, Qudaı-aý, esime salady, men adammyn
Head high, I keep on moving living real, like Truman, I’m the true man
– Basymdy joǵary kóterip, Men Trýmen sıaqty shynaıy ómir súrip, qozǵala beremin, men naǵyz adammyn
We’re all same, no difference
– Biz bárimiz birdeımiz, aıyrmashylyǵy joq
Fail, fear, bad days make me more different, I born freak
– Sátsizdik, qorqynysh, jaman kúnder meni basqasha etedi, men birtúrli bolyp týyldym
This is my own movement
– Bul meniń jeke qozǵalysym
We don’t care ’cause we are blessed
– Bizge báribir ,óıtkeni biz baqyttymyz
I don’t play, you know, we keep it hundred
– Men oınamaımyn, bilesiz be, biz ony júzge deıin saqtaımyz
Cop, coppin’ all that shit, whenever I want it (Ooh, ooh)
– Polısıa qyzmetkeri, men qalaǵan kezde osy boqtyqtardyń bárin uryp-soǵyńyz (O-o-o-o)
It’s that, it’s that beast mode as Rengar calls it
– Mine, Rengar aıtqandaı, bul ań rejımi
Got trophies in the bag, ’cause of STAY, we lock in (Yeah, yeah)
– Sómkede oljalar bar, ÓITKENI BIZ QALAMYZ, biz qulyptalamyz (Iá, ıá)
Ride a Benz, raise my hands, salute fans
– Benzınmen júrińiz, qolyńyzdy kóterińiz, jankúıerlerge sálem aıtyńyz
Gas is running, hit the pedal, we going fast
– Gaz jumys istep tur, pedaldy basyńyz, biz jyldam júremiz
We so advanced, we the first and the last
– Biz sonshalyqty alǵa jyljydyq, biz birinshi jáne sońǵymyz
We so advanced, we the first and the last
– Biz sonshalyqty alǵa jyljydyq, biz birinshi jáne sońǵymyz
Woke up 5AM, tryna catch a plane, we don’t waste time
– TAŃǴY 5-te oıandym, men ushaqqa otyrýǵa tyrysamyn, biz ýaqytty bosqa ótkizbeımiz
Since I was a kid, young ambitions got me out of school
– Bala kezimnen jas ambısıalarym meni mektepten alyp ketti
No more following orders, now I make my own rules
– Endi buıryqtardy oryndamaımyn, endi men óz erejelerimdi jasaımyn
Still got that fire, bright and shining like a jewel (Yeah)
– Bul ot áli kúnge deıin asyl tas sıaqty jarqyrap, jarqyrap tur (Iá)
This is our crew, (Okay) we’ll show what’s new (What’s new?)
– Bul bizdiń ekıpaj, (Jaraıdy) biz neniń jańa ekenin kórsetemiz (ne jańalyq?)
We got the juice, (Woo) we got the moves (Yeah, yeah)
– Bizde shyryn bar, (Ýý) bizde qozǵalystar bar (Iá, ıá)
Let’s groove tonight, alright, got LV shoes
– Búgin keshke oıyq jasaıyq, jaraıdy, MENDE LV aıaq kıimi bar
You wouldn’t know what I’m about (Let’s go, ayy)
– Siz meniń ne istep jatqanymdy bilmes edińiz (kettik, ıá)
Working our way up, we go (Go)
– Joǵary qaraı jumys isteı otyryp, biz baramyz (Ketemiz)
Cooking up races, I know that we taking our time like Charles Leclerc (Woo)
– Jarysqa daıyndalyp jatqanda, Men Charlz Leklerk (Woo)sıaqty asyqpaıtynymyzdy bilemin.
I masticate all of my enemies
– Men barlyq jaýlarymdy mastıkasıalaımyn
Call me Pac-Man, I eat up the road (Grr)
– Meni Pak-Men dep atańyz, men jolda jeımin (Grr)
I’ll finish you like I eat the last chip in the bag
– Men seni sómkedegi sońǵy chıpti jegendeı aıaqtaımyn
Like you got nothing to show, that’s how I roll
– Sizde kórsetetin eshteńe joq sıaqty, men osylaı aınaldyramyn
I don’t play, you know, we keep it hundred
– Men oınamaımyn, bilesiz be, biz ony júzge deıin saqtaımyz
Cop, coppin’ all that shit whenever I want it
– Polıseı, men qalaǵan kezde osy boqtyqtardyń bárin mazaq et
It’s that, it’s that beast mode as Rengar calls it
– Mine, Rengar aıtqandaı, bul ań rejımi
Got trophies in the bag, ’cause of STAY, we lock in (Yeah, yeah)
– Sómkede oljalar bar, ÓITKENI BIZ QALAMYZ, biz qulyptalamyz (Iá, ıá)
Ride a Benz, raise my hands, salute fans
– Benzınmen júrińiz, qolyńyzdy kóterińiz, jankúıerlerge sálem aıtyńyz
Gas is running, hit the pedal, we going fast
– Gaz jumys istep tur, pedaldy basyńyz, biz jyldam júremiz
We so advanced, we the first and the last
– Biz sonshalyqty alǵa jyljydyq, biz birinshi jáne sońǵymyz
We so advanced, we the first and the last
– Biz sonshalyqty alǵa jyljydyq, biz birinshi jáne sońǵymyz
(Yeah) Way out punk
– (Iá) Panktan Shyǵyńyz
구태의연한 척 하품 나오기일수 no 배려 텅 (Ah)
– 구태의연한 척 하품 나오기일수 joq 배려 텅 (ah)
빈 그릇 코 박고 practice what you doin’ now, 차렷 son
– 빈 그릇 코 박고 qazir istep jatqan isińmen aınalys, son balam
꼭두각시 행세에 배 잡고 웃음도 참아, you done? (You done?)
– 꼭두각시 행세에 배 잡고 웃음도 참아, bitirdiń be? (Siz aıaqtadyńyz ba?)
Okay, okay, you said it’s fancy, I can see your 뻥 (Ah)
– Jaraıdy, jaraıdy, siz bul sándi dedińiz, men sizdi kórip turmyn 뻥 (Ah)
껌뻑 하면 떨어지는 쟤들은 펑펑 (펑펑)
– 껌뻑 하면 떨어지는 쟤들은 펑펑 (펑펑)
Look at you, 했었잖아 말을 떵떵
– Saǵan qara,.
Lotta pain but I keep my 태도 비수에 싹 토해내고 jump up (Oh)
– Lotta aýyrady, biraq men ózimdi ustaımyn 태도 비수에 싹 토해내고 sekirińiz (o)
Lay down, 내 선은 비스듬, this system full of wisdom
– Jatyńyz, 내 선은 비스듬, bul júıe danalyqqa toly
Don’t tryna follow us, long distance
– Bizdiń artymyzdan erýge tyryspańyz, alys qashyqtyq
Our eyes, 여전히 shine crimson
– Bizdiń kózimiz, 여전히 qyp-qyzyl bolyp jarqyraıdy
I don’t play, you know, we keep it hundred
– Men oınamaımyn, bilesiz be, biz ony júzge deıin saqtaımyz
Cop coppin’ all that shit whenever I want it
– Kop koppın ‘ munyń bári men qalaǵan kezde boq
It’s that, it’s that beast mode as Rengar calls it
– Mine, Rengar aıtqandaı, bul ań rejımi
Got trophies in the bag ’cause of STAY, we lock in (Yeah, yeah)
– Sómkede trofeıler BAR, ÓITKENI BIZ qalamyz, biz qulyptalamyz (Iá, ıá)
Ride a Benz, raise my hands, salute fans
– Benzınmen júrińiz, qolyńyzdy kóterińiz, jankúıerlerge sálem aıtyńyz
Gas is running, hit the pedal, we going fast
– Gaz jumys istep tur, pedaldy basyńyz, biz jyldam júremiz
We so advanced, we the first and the last
– Biz sonshalyqty alǵa jyljydyq, biz birinshi jáne sońǵymyz
We so advanced, we the first and the last
– Biz sonshalyqty alǵa jyljydyq, biz birinshi jáne sońǵymyz
Yeah, woo
– Iá, ýý
– Sálem
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
– Iá, ıá, ıá, ıá
– Sálem