T.I. – Live Your Life (feat. Rihanna) Aǵylshyn Tekst Pesnı & Qazaq (latyn) Aýdarmalar


Tekst Pesnı

Miya hee, miya ho, miya hu, miya ha-ha (Ay)
– MIA hı, MIA ho, MIA hý, MIA haha (Aı)
This a special what’s happenin’ to all my
– Bul meniń barlyǵymmen bolatyn erekshe nárse
All my soldiers over there in Iraq
– Meniń barlyq sarbazdarym Irakta
E’rybody right here
– Sizderdiń barlyǵyńyz dál osyndasyz
What you need to do is be thankful for the life you got
– Sizge qajet nárse-sizde bar ómirge rızashylyq bildirý
You know what I’m sayin’?
– Meniń ne týraly aıtyp turǵanymdy túsinesiń be?
Stop lookin’ at what you ain’t got
– Sizde joq nársege qaraýdy doǵaryńyz.
Start bein’ thankful for what you do got
– Sizde bar nársege rızashylyq bildire bastańyz.
Let’s give it to ’em baby girl, hey
– Olarǵa bereıik, balam, eı

You’re gonna be, a shinin’ star
– Siz jarqyraǵan juldyz bolasyz.
In fancy clothes, and fancy cars
– Sándi kıimde jáne sándi mashınalarda
And then you’ll see, you’re gonna go far
– Sodan keıin siz alysqa baratyndyǵyńyzdy kóresiz
‘Cause everyone knows, just who ya are-are
– Óıtkeni seniń kim ekenińdi bári biledi.

So live your life (eh-eh-eh)
– Sondyqtan óz ómirińmen ómir súr (ehhhhh)
You steady chasin’ that paper
– Siz bul gazetti únemi qýyp júrsiz be
Just live your life (oh, eh-eh-eh)
– Tek óz ómirińmen ómir súr (o, eh-eh)
Ain’t got no time for no haters
– Mende eshqandaı jek kórýshilerge ýaqyt joq
Just live your life (eh-eh-eh)
– Tek óz ómirińmen ómir súr (ehhhhh)
No tellin’ where it’ll take ya
– Bul sizdi qaıda aparatynyn eshkim bilmeıdi.
Just live your life (oh, eh-eh-eh)
– Tek óz ómirińmen ómir súr (o, eh-eh)
‘Cause I’m a paper chaser
– Sebebi men qaǵaz ańshymyn

Just livin’ my life (ayy) my life (oh)
– Tek óz ómirińmen (ıá), ómirińmen (o)ómir súr
My life (ayy) my life (oh)
– Meniń ómirim (Iá) meniń ómirim (o)
Just livin’ my life (ayy) my life (oh)
– Tek óz ómirińmen (ıá), ómirińmen (o)ómir súr
My life (ayy) my life (oh) just livin’ my life
– Meniń ómirim (Iá) meniń ómirim (o) tek óz ómirimmen ómir súrý

Hey, never mind what haters say, ignore ’em ’til they fade away
– Eı, jek kórýshilerdiń aıtqandary mańyzdy emes, olar joǵalyp ketkenshe olardy elemeńiz.
Amazing they ungrateful after all the game I gave away
– Bir qyzyǵy, olar Men bergen barlyq oıynnan keıin alǵyssyz
Safe to say I paved the way for you cats to get paid today
– Men búgin sizderge aqsha alýǵa jol ashtym dep aıtýǵa bolady
You’d still be wastin’ days away now had I never saved the day
– Eger men kúndi qutqarmasam, siz áli kúnge deıin joǵalyp keter edińiz.

Consider them my protégé, homage I think they should pay
– Olardy meniń qorǵaýshylarym dep sanańyz, meniń oıymsha, olar qurmet kórsetýi kerek
Instead of bein’ gracious, they violate in a major way
– Olar meıirimdi bolýdyń ornyna óreskel buzady
I never been a hater, still, I love ’em in a crazy way
– Men eshqashan jek kóretin emespin, biraq men olardy essiz jaqsy kóremin.
Some say they sold the yay’ you know they couldn’t get work on Labor Day
– Keıbireýler “ýrany” satty deıdi, siz olardyń eńbek kúninde jumys taba almaǵanyn bilesiz

It ain’t that black and white, it has an area the shade of gray
– Ol aq-qara emes, onyń ishinde sur reńk aımaǵy bar
I’m Westside anyway, even if I left today and stayed away
– Men búgin ketip qalsam da, Vestsaıdta júrmin
Some move away to make a way, not move away ’cause they afraid
– Keıbireýler qorqatyndyqtan emes, joldy tazartý úshin ketedi
I brought back to the hood, and all you ever did was take away
– Men sorǵyshqa qaıta oraldym, seniń qolyńnan kelgenniń bári-alyp ketý

I pray for patience but they make me wanna melt they face away
– Men shydamdylyq úshin duǵa etemin, biraq olar meni erigim keledi, olar burylady.
Like I once made ’em spray, now I could make ’em put the K’s away
– Bir kezderi men olardy shashyratyp jibergendeı, endi men olardy “K”áripterin alyp tastaı alamyn.
Been thuggin’ all my life, can’t say I don’t deserve to take a break
– Men ómir boıy bandıtızmmen aınalystym, men demalýǵa laıyq emespin dep aıta almaımyn.
You’d rather see me catch a case and watch my future fade away
– Siz meniń bızneske kirisip, bolashaǵymnyń joǵalyp bara jatqanyn kórgenimdi qalaısyz ba

You’re gonna be, a shinin’ star
– Siz jarqyraǵan juldyz bolasyz.
In fancy clothes, and fancy car-ars
– Sándi kıimde jáne sándi kólikterde
And then you’ll see, you’re gonna go far
– Sodan keıin siz alysqa baratyndyǵyńyzdy kóresiz
‘Cause everyone knows, just who ya are-are
– Óıtkeni seniń kim ekenińdi bári biledi.

So live your life (eh-eh-eh)
– Sondyqtan óz ómirińmen ómir súr (ehhhhh)
You steady chasin’ that paper
– Siz bul gazetti únemi qýyp júrsiz be
Just live your life (oh, eh-eh-eh)
– Tek óz ómirińmen ómir súr (o, eh-eh)
Ain’t got no time for no haters
– Mende eshqandaı jek kórýshilerge ýaqyt joq
Just live your life (eh-eh-eh)
– Tek óz ómirińmen ómir súr (ehhhhh)
No tellin’ where it’ll take ya
– Bul sizdi qaıda aparatynyn eshkim bilmeıdi.
Just live your life (oh, eh-eh-eh)
– Tek óz ómirińmen ómir súr (o, eh-eh)
‘Cause I’m a paper chaser
– Sebebi men qaǵaz ańshymyn

Just livin’ my life (ayy) my life (oh)
– Tek óz ómirińmen (ıá), ómirińmen (o)ómir súr
My life (ayy) my life (oh)
– Meniń ómirim (Iá) meniń ómirim (o)
Just livin’ my life (ayy) my life (oh)
– Tek óz ómirińmen (ıá), ómirińmen (o)ómir súr
My life (ayy) my life (oh) just livin’ my life
– Meniń ómirim (eı) Meniń ómirim (o) tek óz ómirimmen ómir súrý

I’m the opposite of moderate, immaculately polished with
– Men kerisinshe ortasha, minsiz jyltyratylǵan
The spirit of a hustler and the swagger of a college kid
– Kolej stýdentiniń alaıaqtyq rýhy jáne ashyqtyǵy
Allergic to the counterfeit, impartial to the politics
– Jalǵan Alergıa, saıasatqa beıtaraptyq
Articulate, but still I’ll grab a nigga by the collar quick
– Dıktofon, biraq báribir men nıggerdi shorttan tez tartyp alamyn

Whoever havin’ problems with their record sales just holler Tip
– Olardyń jazbalaryn satýda kim qıyndyq kórse de, jaı ǵana “keńester”dep aıqaılańyz.
If that don’t work and all else fails then turn around and follow Tip
– Eger bul jumys istemese jáne bári jumys istemese, onda burylyp, keńesti oryndańyz
I got love for the game, but ay I’m not in love with all of it
– Men bul oıyndy jaqsy kóremin, biraq ıá, men bárine ǵashyq emespin
Could do without the fame, and rappers nowadays are comedy
– Ataq-dańqsyz jasaýǵa bolady, al reperler bul kúnderi komedıa

The hootin’ and the hollerin’, back and forth with the arguin’
– Daý-damaımen ary-beri aıqaılaý jáne aıqaılaý.
Where you from, who you know, what you make and what kind of car you in
– Siz qaıdansyz, kimdi bilesiz, ne óndiresiz jáne qandaı kólikpen júresiz
Seems as though you lost sight of what’s important when depositin’
– Siz depozıt jasaý kezinde mańyzdy nárseni elemegen sıaqtysyz.’
Them checks into your bank account, and you up out of poverty
– Bul chekter sizdiń banktik shotyńyzǵa túsedi jáne siz kedeılikten shyǵasyz

Your values is a disarray, prioritizin’ horribly
– Sizdiń qundylyqtaryńyz beı-bereket, siz basymdyqqa ıe bolasyz
Unhappy with the riches ’cause you’re piss poor morally
– Baılyqqa rıza emessiz, óıtkeni siz moraldyq jaǵynan kedeı adamsyz
Ignorin’ all prior advice and forewarnin’
– Barlyq aldyńǵy keńester men eskertýlerdi elemeý
And we mighty full of ourselves all of a sudden, aren’t we?
– Biz kenetten ózimizge óte senimdi bolamyz, solaı emes pe?

You’re gonna be, a shinin’ star
– Siz jarqyraǵan juldyz bolasyz.
In fancy clothes, and fancy cars
– Sándi kıimde jáne sándi mashınalarda
And then you’ll see, you’re gonna go far
– Sodan keıin siz alysqa baratyndyǵyńyzdy kóresiz
‘Cause everyone knows, just who ya are-are
– Óıtkeni seniń kim ekenińdi bári biledi.

So live your life (eh-eh-eh)
– Sondyqtan óz ómirińmen ómir súr (ehhhhh)
You steady chasin’ that paper
– Siz bul gazetti únemi qýyp júrsiz be
Just live your life (oh, eh-eh-eh)
– Tek óz ómirińmen ómir súr (o, eh-eh)
Ain’t got no time for no haters
– Mende eshqandaı jek kórýshilerge ýaqyt joq
Just live your life (eh-eh-eh)
– Tek óz ómirińmen ómir súr (ehhhhh)
No tellin’ where it’ll take ya
– Bul sizdi qaıda aparatynyn eshkim bilmeıdi.
Just live your life (oh, eh-eh-eh)
– Tek óz ómirińmen ómir súr (o, eh-eh)
‘Cause I’m a paper chaser
– Sebebi men qaǵaz ańshymyn

Just livin’ my life (ayy) my life (oh)
– Tek óz ómirińmen (ıá), ómirińmen (o)ómir súr
My life (ayy) my life (oh)
– Meniń ómirim (Iá) meniń ómirim (o)
Just livin’ my life (ayy) my life (oh)
– Tek óz ómirińmen (ıá), ómirińmen (o)ómir súr
My life (ayy) my life (oh) just livin’ my life
– Meniń ómirim (Iá) meniń ómirim (o) tek óz ómirimmen ómir súrý

Got everybody watchin’ what I do, come walk in my shoes
– Barlyǵy meniń ne istep jatqanymdy baqylaıdy, Meniń ornyma turyńyz.
And see the way I’m livin’ if you really want to
– Eger siz shynymen qalasańyz, meniń qalaı ómir súretinimdi qarańyz.
Got my mind on my money
– Men óz aqsham týraly oılaımyn
And I’m not goin’ away
– Men eshqaıda ketpeımin.

So keep on gettin’ your paper, and keep on climbin’
– Sondyqtan gazetińizdi ala berińiz jáne joǵary kóterile berińiz.
Look in the mirror, and keep on shinin’ (shinin’)
– Aınaǵa qarap, jarqyraı berińiz (jarqyraı berińiz).
Until the game ends, ’til the clock stop
– Oıyn aıaqtalǵansha, saǵat toqtaǵansha
We gon’ post up on the top spot
– Biz birinshi orynǵa shyǵamyz

Livin’ the life, the life
– Men óz ómirimmen, ómirimmen ómir súremin
In the Windmill City got my whole team with me
– Jel dıirmeni qalasynda meniń búkil komandam menimen birge boldy
The life, my life
– Ómir, meniń ómirim
I do it how I wanna do
– Men muny ózim qalaǵandaı jasaımyn
I’m livin’ my life, my life
– Men óz ómirimmen, ómirimmen ómir súremin
I will never lose
– Men eshqashan utylmaımyn
I’m livin’ my life, my life
– Men óz ómirimmen, ómirimmen ómir súremin
And I’ll never stop it
– Men ony eshqashan toqtatpaımyn

Miya hee, miya ho, miya hu, miya ha-ha
– MIA hı, MIA ho, MIA hý, MIA haha
Miya hee, miya ho, miya hu, miya ha-ha
– MIA hı, MIA ho, MIA hý, MIA haha
Miya hee, miya ho, miya hu, miya ha-ha
– MIA hı, MIA ho, MIA hý, MIA haha
Miya hee, miya ho, miya hu, miya ha-ha
– MIA hı, MIA ho, MIA hý, MIA haha

So live your life
– Sondyqtan óz ómirińmen ómir súr




