Tears for Fears – Everybody Wants To Rule The World Aǵylshyn Tekst Pesnı & Qazaq (latyn) Aýdarmalar


Tekst Pesnı

Welcome to your life
– Sizdiń ómirińizge qosh keldińiz
There’s no turning back
– Artqa jol joq
Even while we sleep
– Biz uıyqtap jatqanda da
We will find you
– Biz seni tabamyz

Acting on your best behaviour
– Siz ózińizdi jaqsy ustaısyz
Turn your back on Mother Nature
– Tabıǵat-anaǵa arqańyzdy buryńyz
Everybody wants to rule the world
– Barlyǵy Álemdi basqarǵysy keledi

It’s my own design
– Bul meniń jeke dızaınym
It’s my own remorse
– Bul meniń ókinishim
Help me to decide
– Maǵan sheshýge kómektes
Help me make the
– Maǵan kómektesińiz

Most of freedom and of pleasure
– Erkindik pen Lázzattyń kóp bóligi
Nothing ever lasts forever
– Eshteńe máńgilikke sozylmaıdy
Everybody wants to rule the world
– Barlyǵy Álemdi basqarǵysy keledi

There’s a room where the light won’t find you
– Jaryq sizdi taba almaıtyn bólme bar
Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down
– Qabyrǵalar qulaǵan kezde qol ustasý
When they do, I’ll be right behind you
– Olar jasaǵan kezde men seniń artyńda bolamyn

So glad we’ve almost made it
– Biz jetistikke jetkenimizge óte qýanyshtymyz
So sad they had to fade it
– Ókinishke oraı, olar ony óshirýge májbúr boldy
Everybody wants to rule the world
– Barlyǵy Álemdi basqarǵysy keledi

I can’t stand this indecision
– Men bul sheshimsizdikke shydaı almaımyn
Married with a lack of vision
– Kóregendiktiń jetispeýshiligimen úılengen
Everybody wants to rule the-
– Barlyǵy basqarǵysy keledi-

Say that you’ll never, never, never, never need it
– Sizge eshqashan, eshqashan, eshqashan, eshqashan qajet emes dep aıtyńyz
One headline, why believe it?
– Bir taqyryp, nege sený kerek?
Everybody wants to rule the world
– Barlyǵy Álemdi basqarǵysy keledi

All for freedom and for pleasure
– Barlyǵy erkindik pen rahat úshin
Nothing ever lasts forever
– Eshteńe máńgilikke sozylmaıdy
Everybody wants to rule the world
– Barlyǵy Álemdi basqarǵysy keledi

Tears for Fears



