The Notorious B.I.G. – Hypnotize Aǵylshyn Tekst Pesnı & Qazaq (latyn) Aýdarmalar


Tekst Pesnı

Uh, uh (uh, come on)
– ÝF, ýh (ýh, kel)

Ha, sicker than yo’ average, Poppa twist cabbage off instinct
– Ha, ortashadan da jaman, ákem ınstınktıvti túrde qyryqqabatty aınaldyrady
Niggas don’t think shit stink
– Nıggerler sasyq dep oılamaıdy
Pink gators, my Detroit players
– Qyzǵylt alıgatorlar, Meniń Detroıt oıynshylarym
Timbs for my hooligans in Brooklyn (that’s right)
– Brýklındegi meniń buzaqylaryma arnalǵan tımbalar (durys)
Dead right, if the head right, Biggie there e’ry night
– Durys, eger basy jaqsy bolsa, onda Bıggı ár kesh saıyn sonda bolady.
Poppa been smooth since days of Underoos
– Ákem bastaýysh synyptan bastap tegis boldy
Never lose, never choose to, bruise crews who
– Eshqashan utylmańyz, eshqashan zıan keltiretin komandalardyń paıdasyna tańdaý jasamańyz
Do somethin’ to us, talk go through us (come on, do it)
– Bizben birdeńe jasańyz, sóılesińiz, bizden ótińiz (júrińiz, jasańyz)
Girls walk to us, wanna do us, screw us
– Qyzdar bizge jaqyndaıdy, bizben jynystyq qatynasqa túskisi keledi, bizdi trahnýt
Who, us? Yeah, Poppa and Puff (he, he)
– Kim, biz? Iá, papa men pýf (he, he)

Close like Starsky and Hutch, stick the clutch
– Starskı men Hach sıaqty jabylyńyz, ilinisti qysyńyz
Dare I squeeze three at yo’ cherry M-3 (take that, take that, take that, ha ha!)
– Men sizdiń shıe M-3-tiń úsheýin syǵýǵa batylym bar ma (ony alyńyz, alyńyz, alyńyz, haha!)
Bang every MC easily, busily
– Trahaıte árbir MC ońaı, iskerlik
Recently niggas frontin’, ain’t sayin’ nothin’ (nothin’)
– Jaqynda nıggerler eshteńe aıtpastan óner kórsetti (eshteńe)
So I just speak my piece, keep my peace (come on)
– Sondyqtan Men jaı ǵana óz isimdi aıtamyn, sabyrly bolamyn (júr)
Cubans with the Jesus piece, with my peeps (thank you)
– Meniń kózqarasymmen Isanyń beınesi bar kýbalyqtar (rahmet)
Packin’, askin’, “Who want it?”, You got it, nigga, flaunt it
– Men zattardy jınap, ” kimge kerek?”, Sen ony aldyń, nıgger, ony kórset
That Brooklyn bullshit, we on it
– Bul Brýklındegi boq, biz muny istep jatyrmyz

Biggie, Biggie, Biggie, can’t you see?
– Bıggı, Bıggı, Bıggı, kórmeısiń be?
Sometimes your words just hypnotize me
– Keıde sizdiń sózderińiz meni gıpnozdaıdy
And I just love your flashy ways, uh
– Men seniń ádeptiligińdi jaqsy kóremin, ýh
Guess that’s why they broke, and you’re so paid
– Meniń oıymsha, sondyqtan olar buzyldy jáne olar sizge óte jaqsy tóleıdi
Biggie, Biggie, Biggie (uh-huh), can’t you see? (Uh)
– Bıggı, Bıggı, Bıggı (ıá), kórmeısiń be? (Ýh)
Sometimes your words just hypnotize me (hypnotize)
– Keıde sizdiń sózderińiz meni gıpnozdaıdy (gıpnoz)
And I just love your flashy ways, uh (uh-huh)
– Men seniń ádeptiligińdi jaqsy kóremin, ÝF (ýhhha)
Guess that’s why they broke, and you’re so paid (ha)
– Meniń oıymsha, sondyqtan olar buzyldy jáne olar sizge óte jaqsy tóleıdi (ha)

I put hoes in NY onto DKNY (uh-huh)
– Men Nú-Iorktegi jezókshelerdi DKNY-ge qoıamyn (ıá)
Miami, D.C. prefer Versace (that’s right)
– Maıamı, Kolýmbıa okrýgi. Versachege artyqshylyq berińiz (bul durys)
All Philly hoes go with Moschino (come on)
– Fıladelfıanyń barlyq jezóksheleri Moshınomen birge keledi (kelińiz)
Every cutie with a booty bought a Coogi
– Árbir mılashka s popkoı satyp ózine Kýgı
Now who’s the real dookie? Meaning, who’s really the shit?
– Sonymen, naǵyz aqymaq kim? Maǵynada, kim shynymen boq?
Them niggas ride dicks, Frank White push the six
– Bul nıggerler dıkterge sekiredi, Frenk Ýaıt altylyqty ıteredi
Or the Lexus, LX, four and a half
– Nemese” Leksýs”, LX, tórt jarym
Bulletproof glass, tints if I want some ass
– Oq ótkizbeıtin áınek, eger Men kishkene esek alǵym kelse, reńkter
Gon’ blast, squeeze first, ask questions last
– Siz jarylyp, aldymen qysyp, sońǵy suraqtar qoıasyz
That’s how most of these so-called gangstas pass
– Bul Gangster dep atalatyndardyń kópshiligi osylaı ótedi

At last, a nigga rappin’ about blunts and broads
– Aqyry nıgger mylqaýlar men áıelder týraly rep aıtady
Tits and bras, ménage à trois, sex in expensive cars
– Sıskı jáne lıfchıkı, seks vtroem, seks qymbat mashınalarda
I’ll still leave you on the pavement
– Men seni báribir trotýarda qaldyramyn
Condo paid for, no car payment (uh-uh)
– Páter tólendi, kólik úshin aqy tóleýdiń qajeti joq (ýh)
At my arraignment, note for the plaintiff
– Maǵan aıyp taǵylǵan kezde talapkerge nazar aýdaryńyz
“Your daughter’s tied up in a Brooklyn basement”
– : “Sizdiń qyzyńyz Brýklın jertólesinde baılanǵan”.
Face it, not guilty, that’s how I stay filthy (not guilty)
– Moıyndańyz, men kináli emespin, sondyqtan men las bolyp qalamyn (kináli emes)
Richer than Richie, ’til you niggas come and get me (come on)
– Siz Nıggerler kelip, meni alyp ketkenshe Rıchıge baı bolyńyz (kelińiz)

Biggie, Biggie, Biggie, can’t you see?
– Bıggı, Bıggı, Bıggı, kórmeısiń be?
Sometimes your words just hypnotize me
– Keıde sizdiń sózderińiz meni gıpnozdaıdy
And I just love your flashy ways, uh
– Men seniń ádeptiligińdi jaqsy kóremin, ýh
Guess that’s why they broke, and you’re so paid (uh)
– Meniń oıymsha, sondyqtan olar buzyldy jáne olar sizge óte jaqsy tóleıdi (ýh)
Biggie, Biggie, Biggie (uh-huh), can’t you see? (Uh)
– Bıggı, Bıggı, Bıggı (ıá), kórmeısiń be? (Ýh)
Sometimes your words just hypnotize me (hypnotize)
– Keıde sizdiń sózderińiz meni gıpnozdaıdy (gıpnoz)
And I just love your flashy ways, uh (uh-huh)
– Men seniń ádeptiligińdi jaqsy kóremin, ÝF (ýhhha)
Guess that’s why they broke, and you’re so paid (uh)
– Meniń oıymsha, sondyqtan olar buzyldy jáne olar sizge óte jaqsy tóleıdi (ýh)

I can fill you wit’ real millionaire shit (I can fill ya)
– Men seni naǵyz mıllıonermen toltyra alamyn (Men seni toltyra alamyn)
Escargot, my car go one-sixty, swiftly (come on)
– Ulý, meniń kóligim júz alpysqa jetedi, Tez (júr)
Wreck it, buy a new one
– Ony syndyryńyz, jańasyn satyp alyńyz
Your crew run-run-run, your crew run-run
– Sizdiń komandańyz júgiredi-júgiredi-júgiredi, sizdiń komandańyz júgiredi-júgiredi
I know you sick of this, name brand nigga wit’
– Men bilemin, siz odan sharshadyńyz, qoltańbasy bar nıgga.’
Flows, girls say he’s sweet like licorice
– Aǵyp jatyr, qyzdar ony mıa sıaqty tátti deıdi
So, get with this nigga, it’s easy (uh-huh)
– Sonymen, bul nıggerdi sheshińiz, bul jaı ǵana (ıá)
Girlfriend, here’s a pen, call me ’round ten
– Qyzym, mine qalam, maǵan on shaqty qońyraý shalyńyz
Come through, have sex on rugs that’s Persian (that’s right)
– Parsy kilemderinde jynystyq qatynasqa túsińiz (bul durys).
Come up to your job, hit you while you workin’
– Men seniń jumysyńa kelemin, jumys istep jatqanda Seni uramyn.

For certain, Poppa freakin’, not speakin’
– Árıne, áke sóılemeıdi
Leave that ass leakin’, like rapper demo
– Bul esekti reperdiń demosy sıaqty dymqyl qaldyryńyz.
Tell ’em “Hoe, take they clothes off slowly” (slowly)
– Olarǵa: “Ketmen, kıimderin baıaý shesh “dep aıtyńyz (baıaý)
Hit ’em with the force like Obi (Obi)
– Olardy Obı (Obi)sıaqty kúshpen uryńyz
Dick black like Toby (Toby)
– Tobı sıaqty qara Dık (Tobı)
Watch me roam like Romey (Romey)
– Meniń Romı (Romı) sıaqty kezip júrgenimdi qarańyz.
Lucky they don’t owe me
– Baqytymyzǵa oraı, olar maǵan eshteńe qaryz emes
Where the safe? Show me, homie (say what, homie?)
– Qaýipsiz qaıda? Maǵan baýyrymdy kórset (Ne aıtasyń, baýyrym?)

Biggie, Biggie, Biggie, can’t you see?
– Bıggı, Bıggı, Bıggı, kórmeısiń be?
Sometimes your words just hypnotize me
– Keıde sizdiń sózderińiz meni gıpnozdaıdy
And I just love your flashy ways, uh
– Men seniń ádeptiligińdi jaqsy kóremin, ýh
Guess that’s why they broke, and you’re so paid (uh)
– Meniń oıymsha, sondyqtan olar buzyldy jáne olar sizge óte jaqsy tóleıdi (ýh)
Biggie, Biggie, Biggie (uh-huh), can’t you see? (Uh)
– Bıggı, Bıggı, Bıggı (ıá), kórmeısiń be? (Ýh)
Sometimes your words just hypnotize me (hypnotize)
– Keıde sizdiń sózderińiz meni gıpnozdaıdy (gıpnoz)
And I just love your flashy ways, uh (uh-huh)
– Men seniń ádeptiligińdi jaqsy kóremin, ÝF (ýhhha)
Guess that’s why they broke, and you’re so paid (uh)
– Meniń oıymsha, sondyqtan olar buzyldy jáne olar sizge óte jaqsy tóleıdi (ýh)

Biggie, Biggie, Biggie, can’t you see?
– Bıggı, Bıggı, Bıggı, kórmeısiń be?
Sometimes your words just hypnotize me
– Keıde sizdiń sózderińiz meni gıpnozdaıdy
And I just love your flashy ways, uh
– Men seniń ádeptiligińdi jaqsy kóremin, ýh
Guess that’s why they broke, and you’re so paid (uh)
– Meniń oıymsha, sondyqtan olar buzyldy jáne olar sizge óte jaqsy tóleıdi (ýh)
Biggie, Biggie, Biggie (uh-huh), can’t you see? (Uh)
– Bıggı, Bıggı, Bıggı (ıá), kórmeısiń be? (Ýh)
Sometimes your words just hypnotize me (hypnotize)
– Keıde sizdiń sózderińiz meni gıpnozdaıdy (gıpnoz)
And I just love your flashy ways, uh (uh-huh)
– Men seniń ádeptiligińdi jaqsy kóremin, ÝF (ýhhha)
Guess that’s why they broke, and you’re so paid (uh)
– Meniń oıymsha, sondyqtan olar buzyldy jáne olar sizge óte jaqsy tóleıdi (ýh)

Biggie, Biggie, Biggie, can’t you see?
– Bıggı, Bıggı, Bıggı, kórmeısiń be?
Sometimes your words just hypnotize me
– Keıde sizdiń sózderińiz meni gıpnozdaıdy
And I just love your flashy ways, uh
– Men seniń ádeptiligińdi jaqsy kóremin, ýh
Guess that’s why they broke, and you’re so paid
– Meniń oıymsha, sondyqtan olar buzyldy jáne olar sizge óte jaqsy tóleıdi

The Notorious B.I.G.



